• I'd Rather Drink Wine and Flirt Than Win
    Apr 27 2024

    Today I'm diving deep into a topic that's been on my mind: the toxic trend I've observed in self-development and life design communities. Namely the relentless pursuit of hyper-productivity.

    You know what I'm talking about - the endless tips and tricks on how to optimize every little aspect of our lives, turning what should be fulfilling activities into robotic, mechanical routines all while forgetting the big picture. But here's the kicker - does it actually make us happy?

    Sure, maybe it works for some personality types, us free-spirited ENFPs and INFPs, it's a whole different story. And you know what? That's something I'm truly grateful for.

    To learn more about the peculiarities of our type and how to use them to your benefit, check out my latest book 'ENFP Calling,' In it, I share valuable insights on crafting the most fulfilling life as an ENFP: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you are very welcome to do so at: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/askdan/

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Keto Tips, Myths, and Inspiration for ENFPs and INFPs
    Apr 10 2024

    Building on our previous podcast discussion about keto, today I want to debunk some common myths surrounding this diet. Drawing from both personal experience and scientific research, I'll offer practical tips and advice to support you on your journey towards creating the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible.

    Hopefully this episode will serve you as a source of inspiration:)

    For more insights into well-being and techniques for its achieving as an ENFP, I highly recommend checking out my latest book, "ENFP Calling". In it I share valuable knowledge not only on health but also on creating a life where our amazing type can thrive. https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you are very welcome to do so at: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/askdan/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The Benefits of Ketos for ENFPs and INFPs
    Apr 10 2024

    “In a healthy body, a healthy mind” - we’ve all heard this saying, and I have to say, it is undoubtedly accurate. If you're working towards improving your life, your mental health, and overall well-being, you really have to pay attention to treating your body properly, and a healthy diet is an important element of it.

    So in today’s episode I would like to share some benefits of the Ketogenic diet that I have been maintaining for quite a long time now.

    Based on my personal experience and scientific studies, I will explore the positive impact that diet has on the organism, focus and brain work.

    If you are someone who is eager to discover more about cultivating healthy routines to live your best life, I invite you to explore my latest book, "ENFP Calling." Within its pages, you'll find invaluable insights and tips on health, diet, and much more. https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you are very welcome to do so at: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/askdan/

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • AI, Zombie Robots & Why ENFP Will Thrive In This Utopian Future
    Apr 10 2024

    What does the future hold for us?

    Well, if you're in the mood to ponder some big questions and engage in a bit of philosophy, then you're more than welcome to join me today!

    Here's a little spoiler: if you're an ENFP or INFP type, consider yourself fortunate! You're wired to be empathetic, caring, and authentic—in a world increasingly dominated by standardization, automation, and conformity, this is a significant advantage ;)

    As you might have noticed, entrepreneurship and business are something that I love and spend a lot of time exploring with my clients. So, if you are an ENFP entrepreneur or on the cusp of becoming one and you feel like you need some advice and support, you can learn more about the possibility of hiring me for one-on-one coaching: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/private-enfp-coaching-dan-johnston/

    To fully embrace your awesome personality, delve into my pride and joy, the “ENFP Calling” book. It's designed to help you learn more about yourself and become aware of your unique strengths: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook

    Additionally, for an opportunity to connect with ENFPs from around the globe, I encourage you to explore the 12-part training program “ENFP Unleashed” and become one of the community members. It's created to empower individuals with our unique personalities and help you build the most awesome life possible: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/enfpunleashed

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you are very welcome to do so at: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/askdan/

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Andrew Huberman, ENFPs and Authenticity, ADHD Tips, Producing an Audiobook
    Apr 2 2024

    I share some thoughts on Andrew Huberman and why being authentic and honest is a much better way to live. I also share about my experience learning to narrate a book and produce the audiobook for The ENFP Calling. Yes, it's coming!

    If you want to attend the ENFP Unleashed Coaching and Community Call I mentioned, here is the link to the "Try Me Out" Offer ($17): https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/wanttotrymeout/

    Here's the latest review of The ENFP Calling:

    A Must-Read for ENFPs!

    "As an ENFP myself, I couldn't recommend this book enough! It's incredibly inspiring and transformative. It truly reignites your confidence in your abilities, inspires you to live the life of your dreams, and dares you to build it. I cannot emphasize enough how much I recommend this book to all fellow ENFPs out there. It's a game-changer!


    And here is my (temporary!) fort I've built for recording the audiobook:

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • There Isn't Enough Cold Water to Make Me Hot
    Mar 14 2024

    Perhaps many of you have experienced that moment of inner dialogue where you find yourself trying to compromise, opting for the 'safe' and 'rational' approach. You may feel it's not exactly what you want, but it seems sustainable and the right thing to do!

    But is it really?

    In today's episode, I would like to challenge this belief, explaining why there's no such thing as a 'safe compromise' and why sometimes it's better to go all-in

    If you find yourself locked in this 'safe compromise' and are seeking ways to break free, I encourage you to learn more about my program, 'ENFP Unleashed,' and join our great community of ENFPs from all over the world! https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/enfpunleashed/

    By the way, if you'd like to share similar observations or simply ask me a question for the next episode, you're very welcome to do so. Follow this link to record your message for me: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/ask-dan/

    Also, if you're enjoying this podcast, you might find my latest book, 'The ENFP Calling,' interesting. In it, I explore how approach life so you enjoy the journey the most as an ENFP: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    Stay tuned for the next episodes soon!

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Dating Advice For ENFPs
    Mar 13 2024

    “You are not a wife/ husband material” - this phrase was uttered during our latest group coaching session with ENFP Unleashed members. Pretty uncomfortable comment, isn’t it?

    However it inspired me to record this episode about relationship and dating, which is undoubtedly awesome.

    Believe it or not, there were times when I myself was single. So, let me share some good advice with you, my fellow ENFPs on this matter.

    If you're currently in 'dating mode,' I highly recommend reading my pride and joy, 'The ENFP Calling' book, where I dive deeper into the topic and share a lot of valuable advice. https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    By the way, I encourage you check out the ENFP Unleashed program to participate in our group coaching sessions:https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/enfpunleashed/

    Additionally, there's a possibility to see me in action as a coach on the TryMeOut program: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/TryMeOut/

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel
    Mar 13 2024

    We've all been there, in that state of paralyzing fear before taking an important step towards change.

    If you find yourself in that state now, first things first, it's OKAY to feel that way. Secondly, it's definitely worth listening to this episode. I promise, it will take at least a bit of the anxiety that eats you up, because hey, you're not alone in that.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you are very welcome to do so: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/ask-dan/

    Stay tuned!


    You might have heard about my latest book, "The ENFP Calling" - a piece I'm really proud of, and with a clear conscience, I can recommend it to you as a tool for making your life even more awesome. Check it out here: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/TheEnfpCallingBook/

    Más Menos
    27 m