
  • The Full Assurance of Sonship
    Jun 15 2024

    Romans 8:16

    How could you prove the identity of your earthly father? You could produce your birth certificate with his name on it, and a DNA test could reveal you both have the same genetic code within you. When you trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, the Bible objectively declares that God is now your heavenly father and the Holy Spirit dwells within you to manifest his divine life. Do you live with the full assurance that you are a child of God? Hear more on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    33 m
  • The Responsive Heart
    Jun 8 2024

    Romans 8:16

    If one person claims to have witnessed a crime, it's possible you would question his reliability, but if three people gave the same eyewitness account, you would accept their unified testimony as trustworthy. The Word of God, The Holy Spirit, and the blood of Jesus Christ all testify in unison to the hearts of believers bearing witness that we are the children of God. Does your heart respond to the Good News of salvation? Listen to Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible to hear more.

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    32 m
  • Witness of the Spirit
    Jun 1 2024

    Romans 8:16

    When a witness gives testimony in court, the opposing counsel can cross-examine him to test whether or not he is a reliable witness. It is possible to mistake the voice of the devil or the voice of self for the voice of God. We must cross-examine every spiritual experience by the Word of God to make sure it conforms to divine truth. Does the Holy Spirit breathe clear and irrefutable witness to your spirit that you are a child of God? Tune in to Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible to hear about the witness of the Spirit.

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    34 m
  • Father and Son
    May 25 2024

    Romans 8:15

    If a child wakes up from a nightmare and cries out, "Daddy, Daddy!", a loving father will immediately come and comfort that child. Many times, the children of God face situations that make us cry, "Abba Father!". We have a heavenly Father who loves us and is always ready to hear us and respond to our needs and distress. Do you experience the inexpressible joy and comfort of knowing God as your Father? Dr. Barnhouse tells of our heavenly Father on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    34 m
  • The Spirit of Adoption
    May 18 2024

    Romans 8:15

    Many abused children become emotionally scarred and filled with fear, but if a child is taken from an abusive situation and adopted into a Christian home, the fear will subside and the child will grow more secure in the love of those new parents. Perhaps you have been hurt by following the lies and empty promises of this fallen world, but you can rest securely in the knowledge that God has set His love on you and adopted you as His child. Hear these words of assurance on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    34 m
  • Centered in Christ
    May 11 2024

    Romans 8:15

    A bicycle wheel will not function properly if its spokes do not meet in the center of the wheel. We must always remember to keep the Lord at the center of our lives. Our spiritual walk will become wobbly and imbalanced if we begin to follow our way and relegate God to the periphery of our lives. How can you learn to center your life in Jesus Christ and enjoy the richness of intimate fellowship with Him?

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    32 m
  • God's Sufficiency
    May 4 2024

    Romans 8:14

    When severe drought strikes a part of our country, the President has to declare a state of emergency and send aid to help the people survive. When the Israelites wandered the barren desert wilderness for 40 years, they had to learn to rely on God's power and provision for their survival. The Lord went to great lengths to teach His people that He is sufficient to meet all of their needs and believers today must learn this lesson as well. Learn more about God's sufficiency on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    32 m
  • God's Leading
    Apr 27 2024

    Romans 8:14

    When the Israelites journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land, God went with them to lead them on their way. He went before them by night in a pillar of fire and by day in a pillar of cloud. Many times, we wish that God would lead us by similar, visible, tangible manifestations of His presence so that we can be sure we are following the right path. Do you know how God leads His people today? Are you following His leading in your life? Dr. Barnhouse answers these questions on today's episode of Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    31 m