
  • COVID39 : Chapter 1
    Apr 7 2020

    Dr. Estrum offers Randi and Shane a revelatory solution to a painful problem.



    Dr. Estrum Melissa Thomas

    Randi Halle Millien

    Shane. Mark Millien

    SFX and Music Contributors


    Q Tone [Query]

    Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.org

    Q Tone [Response]

    Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.org


    Nostalgia and Discovery

    This Fight - Cinematic Piano - Part 1 by RealNorth of looperman.com

    This Fight - Cinematic Piano Loop - Part 2 by RealNorth of looperman.com

    Created by Mark and Halle Millien

    Cover Art by Halle Millien

    Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien


    drifting: a term used to describe when one is using the Q to communicate across its platforms.

    Q: slang for the quantumnet; a technology that uses discreet qubits of transitory particles to hold almost limitless amounts of data and transmit them at near light speed using the bones of the internet as infrastructure.

    Run: a nickname Shane uses for Run.

    tabs: all social media forms have been aggregated into a single hosting network that collates and slots their information into packets or tabs that have replaced likes and upvotes. Tabs, like their predecessors, can be monetized.

    This series is intended to be a companion to people experiencing what we are all experiencing on a daily basis but provide some levity and beauty and a sense that none of us are alone via narrative. Something you could listen to after being depressed by your daily news podcast, but abounding with a hope that is hard to see right now. We hope it provides inspiration, hope and a little distraction to our collective chronicles.

    #covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #qibi

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 2
    Apr 8 2020
    Randi and Shane listen to the first letter, from Shane’s father. The coronavirus is infecting and killing black Americans at an alarmingly high rateCastRandi Halle MillienShane Mark MillienSFX and Music ContributorsSFXQ Tone [Query]Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.orgQ Tone [Response]Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.orgCheersMy bourbon by Me of MeMusicDesmond’s First LetterPG-Sunshining by PaulGuanez of looperman.comCreated by Mark and Halle MillienCover Art by Halle MillienWritten, Directed and Produced by Mark MillienSpecial thank you to Puppy Pals for keeping our eldest dead-eyed and limp enough for us to get this podcast out.GlossaryIRIS: Independent Retinal Immersive Scanner; a passive laser suite integrated into various bits of everyday tech that interprets your eye’s movements and translates them into digital action. Effective for drifting on the Q, inputing textual commands, communicating wordlessly and interacting with eleventh generation tech in an almost seamless way. It would appear like telepathy to people of today.vam: slang for videogram.Desmond’s First Letter:Shane. I’m sitting across from you feeling guilty. The TV, as I type this, has drained your soul away. You are a husk of your normal self, deadeyed and limp. I try not to take your surplus of energy for granted. I try to marvel, in every moment, the mechanics of your limbs, the buoyancy of your spirit. I’m practicing staying present. One of the many lifehacks I’ve adopted culled from emails, newsletters and instagram posts from the perpetually zen. But right now I’m so thankful for your stillness and silence that I’m giddy. These two tribes of beasts that have become our Quarantine children. I made you all peanut butter and jelly sandwiches today with that thick Trader Joe’s bread. We’re running out. Dr. Birx recommended that this week, these next two weeks in particular, that we should all stay home. We’ve been sheltering in place together with the Morgans for weeks now, but this was different. She said trips to the grocery store and pharmacy should only be taken in emergencies. We’ve been watching the rest of the world suffocate, praying for Italy and praying to not to become Italy and now it feels like it’s our turn to choke. The prime minister of Britain is in intensive care. Each day there are more people with masks when we take our walks, even here in Dallas. We politely cross the street half a block away from our neighbors who have become potential carriers, well meaning and innocent threats. Your mom is doing better with it all than I am. At least I think she is. It’s hard to tell. She’s constantly moving. She has a job and she can do that job from home. Which would make us aristocrats in the new scheme of things but I don’t have a laptop job. I bought her three bottles of wine the last time I went out to the store. I peeled off the labels so that she could just enjoy whatever was in her glass without worrying about the price. It’s hardest for Helen, with Roderick gone all the time. I tasked you kids with picking her some flowers from the backyard. Flowering weeds, really. They’re dying in a plastic cup a couple of feet away from where I’m typing this. I don’t think she’s noticed them. Even here, it’s hard for me to talk about Roderick. I don’t know what to say except that when he’s gone the sun can’t quite reach beyond the panes and we wait for him in unwanted shade. There was a report today that said black people are being infected and dying disproportionately to other groups. At the beginning of this there was an internet rumor that metastasized into colloquial pseudo wisdom that we were somehow immune. Seems like it was so long ago that we were so proud of being so stupid. Majority black counties are dying at six times the rate of majority white counties. And we are just at the beginning. Before you were born I tried to reconcile the dangers that would stalk you in your life. I thought that I had been adequately paranoid and thoughtful. I was wrong. I never considered this. I never knew to be terrified of this new thing, waiting for you to grow, so that it could strangle the life out of you or leave you without a community of elders to nurture and guide you. But I saw something amazing today Shane. There was an election today in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Another family, like ours, stood in a scattered line, under a sky that dumped rain and ice, for hours, so that they could vote. The only reason they were there, were because a group of cynical people gave them a choice. Vote or stay home, thinking that the less people turned out, the greater advantage it would give them. I don’t know how most of those people voted, just like I don’t know what tomorrow will bring into our home. But they risked their lives today and I’m hopeful that they did so in defiance of the cynics and not in support of them. I’m probably wrong, but for the sake of the world I want for you, I...
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    10 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 3
    Apr 9 2020
    Randi reads a letter from her mother and confronts Shane about something he’s been hiding.Doctor’s PhotoCastRandi Halle MillienShane Mark MillienSFX and Music ContributorsSFXQ Tone [Query]Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.orgQ Tone [Response]Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.orgMusicHelen’s First LetterSad Boy by Sizeoff of looperman.comCreated by Mark and Halle MillienCover Art by Halle MillienWritten, Directed and Produced by Mark MillienGlossary-American Political PartiesBlack Party the coalition that concerns the rights of people of color specifically.Condemnics an offshoot of the religious right who traffic in conspiracy theories concerning the what and how of COVID-19.Democrats the center-left establishment.Green Party environmentally centered and extremely powerful.Jurists an offshoot of the mainstream right that considers the rule of law to be sacrosanct with literal originalist dogma with no variation.Loyalists an offshoot of the GOP that considers the 45th president to be the greatest president in history and seek to emulate and venerate him in every way.Platonics an extreme left-wing group that demands socialism and observance of every cultural hegemony.Helen’s Letter:Dear Harrison, this will be a series of minor and major confessions which seem apt since we are all being punished. We decided that we would share these with you when you turn ten. For you, that’s just two short years away, but you’ll still be too young for all of this. You say you understand what’s happening and I believe that you do but I confess to you, that I do not understand what’s happening. Every morning I wake up knowing exactly what to expect. It’s been a series of unchanging yesterdays. How could that be? There should be something inherent in the DNA of a Monday that differentiates it from a Sunday. Something your circadian rhythm would pick up on and murmur to your subconscious. But to me it’s all a desert of time like an hourglass resting on its side. Second confession. I am not fond of the Phillips. Mara walks around like the queen of the vagabonds, tethered to so many things that are somehow still important. Desmond watches over you and the other children like he is competing for an award, or attention or maybe affection. Before we were abandoned in this place I had decided that I’d had my fill of these people so everyday is a new torment in tedium. A third confession. Part of it you know, so I’ll start there. Your father is a hero. Objectively. To his community. His city. America. Shit. The world. A cosmic savior. So powerful in his generosity that he has given his family to the people we share a wall with. Saint of saints. He is here less and less. I don’t know what to think of that. I don’t know how to feel about that. I confess that I hate him for it. I will confess that I can say things to you that I cannot face myself because the man that you will become can handle my weakness. You can forgive me for it. My sweet boy, I can ask that of you in a way that I can’t of your sister. She is too strong to forgive me for becoming this angry, petty person. So to you, my future son, I leave one last confession. I saw a post today of spouses who are doctors, who spend 18 hours out of every single day, fighting the virus. You couldn’t see any part of their skin in the post. They were covered head to toe in medical blue latex and plastic. They held one another, separated by their transparent face shields and the contagion that could be lying dormant in their breath or blood. It is the only contact they are allowed and it was clear that they cherished it. There was nothing routine about the need between them. I envy them so.#covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi
    Más Menos
    8 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 4
    Apr 11 2020
    Shane faces an unexpected reckoning.Philly MasksCastRandi Halle MillienShane Mark MillienSFX and Music ContributorsSFXQ Tone [Query]Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.orgQ Tone [Response]Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.orgMusicFrank’s LetterSelf Destruct Smooth Pitch Rise by MixxCustomSounds of looperman.comDillzedd Classic Boombap Drums 420 by DillzeddProd of looperman.comCreated by Mark and Halle MillienCover Art by Halle MillienWritten, Directed and Produced by Mark MillienGlossarydings, nudges, hits or tinkles: social media communication jargon of the future, ya dig.spiked: salty, mad, pissed.Frank’s Letter:What up Fam! Oh man, this is such a cool idea. I’m blown right now. On some ol time capsule shit. So check it. I know that you all have turned out great. Your mommas and daddys are some of the best people I’ve ever known and they take the raising of y’all so serious. So much so, in fact, that I’m sure they started off with some real down and depressing shit about what’s going on right now. It’s not their fault. They aren’t like, negative people or anything. But they also got their hands full with y’all and they want to make sure that you know the real and blah blah blah, but yo! I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with you a couple of important things about the ‘Rona. One. I miss the shit out of y’all. It’s not like I would’ve necessarily been there right now anyway. My next trip to Dallas wasn’t planned until the summer. But the fact that I CAN’T get to y’all, and that the summer trip is now highly questionable, definitely has me feeling a kind a way. I love you all so much. Not having kids myself, I get to spoil y’all, and then leave your parents to deal with you. But truth is you’ve all always been such incredible kids. I don’t believe half the stories your parents tell me about y’all fucking up shit. I can say fucking up shit to you now cuz you grown. This is Incredible. Trippy shit man. So. Two. Gas prices are down. I don’t gotta drag my black ass into work. I’m collecting a check (allegedly, I aint seen no money yet), I’ve got all my bills and mortgage deferred, I’ve been catching up on all my Hulu and Netflix and Disney + like a champ. Rick and Morty is on hiatus. But watching the old episodes in my drawers in the middle of a weekday with some brown is a fucking great way to ease the time. Taking meetings in my drawers. Not having to change out of my drawers. All things drawers related have upticked. Three. Ya boy DJ Nice been killing the gram with his sets. I can now say I’ve sweated my ass off in the club with Michele Obama! What a world! My only emergencies have been running out of liquor. But I’ve got a fresh set of masks that I ordered from this joint in Philly so I’m always prepared to make my next run cuz that home delivery situation is cool and all but sometimes you run out and what am I gonna do, wait til tomorrow, when I still got daylight? That’s a no. Four. I ain’t got no kids! Five. Well. Huh. I will say that I miss sex. I wasn’t dating anybody serious when the apocalypse landed so when they shut this shit down I was solo. But honestly it’s not just the sex. It’s the contact. Like, I haven’t hugged anyone in weeks. Y’all know how I do. I bring it in. That part is tough, I can’t lie. But this flattening the curve shit is real. It’s showing results. Dumbasses are still out here dumbassing but it feels like if we can keep our heads this will be over and we might get basketball back! I’m not gonna spend a lot of time talking about it here cuz I wanna keep this positive but if the Rona robs my boy Bron of a chip, YO! Salty doesn’t begin to cover it. Anyway. I’ll leave you with this, my beautiful kings and queens. The world has thrown our people every sort of raggedy hand it could despite our royal lineage, and at every turn we rise. If your not up on your Maya Angelou, shame on you. Do that shit. So if you are ever down or not feeling at your best, remember who you are and where you come from. Your parents are Empresses and Emperors, fuck how much money they make. And they love y’all. I’ve known them, and you, since before any of you were born, know that. Your Uncle Frank won’t never lie to you. The next time I see you it’ll be all Star Wars and Sesame Street, but I’ll know that one day you’ll read this, and it’ll be like our own inside joke. I’m a say drawers, just out the blue, and someday you’ll know, that in that moment, I was talking to you then and now, at the same time. Cuz that’s what love is. And best believe, I love you.#covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi
    Más Menos
    8 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 5
    Apr 12 2020
    Randi and Shane speak plainly about their inequities.The First EvergreensCastRandi Halle MillenShane Mark MillienSFX and Music ContributorsSFXQ Tone [Query] Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.org Q Tone [Response] Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.orgMusicMara’s LetterShooting Star - Emotional Loop by 8thdiamond of looperman.comCreated by Mark and Halle MillienCover Art by Halle MillienWritten, Directed and Produced by Mark MillienGlossaryblue hour: the elderly, infirm or predisposed are allotted certain windows of activity typically during four a.m. and 7 a.m. in most cities. This can include the obese, smokers, chronic drinkers, those who do not log a certain amount of exercise, etc. There has been evidence of people of color being given blue designations without merit by medical professionals either engaging in bias or systemic discrimination. A blue found out during sequester is at risk of being detained or involuntarily quarantined.evergreen: a person who is considered genetically immune to historical pathogens due to vaccinations or novel ones due to inoculation. Evergreens typically only need to see a physician for a hazard status once a year or so. These individuals exist in a rarefied economic and social space in global culture.green hour: the time allotted for people who have been seen by a medical professional within the last thirty days and deemed free of any viral impediment. They are given sway to roam as they wish.haztag: an informal term for the irradiated tattoo that designates your sequester or evergreen status. It lasts for thirty days. The tattoo is embedded with a doctor’s signature code as well as an accompanying code that may allow someone travel dispensations during their sequester, typically tied to one’s employer. Anyone detained without a tattoo is risking immediate quarantine and potential jail. M.I.C: Municipal Integrated Corpsman. Tasked and equipped with assessing the medical threat of a person or group of persons. They are equipped with field tests for a variety of pathogens, body armor, advanced first aid, and both lethal and non-lethal armaments. They are military medics that have been sanctioned to operate within local governments with a great degree of autonomy. Derogatively referred to as “zombies” or “mikes”. orange hour: the time of day when hazard level individuals are allowed out into society. In most cities, this is between midnight and four a.m. sequester: the color-coded system that calls for people of various health or age dynamics to cede social spaces to others. Being outdoors outside of your hours is reason enough to be stopped by the police and M.I.Cs. Sequester is broken up between blue, green and orange hours. Mara’s Letter: From the very beginning, no one has been taking this seriously enough. Macro or micro. The ineptitude of the national response is criminal. They just released that more people have died from the virus in the U.S. than in any other country in the world. More than India. More than China. And we had the benefit of warnings, guidelines, the world’s largest economy, most accomplished epidemiologists. Granted, you can’t trust the numbers coming out of China. But they are going back to work. Their athletes are competing again, broadcasting to the world that they’ve put the worst behind them while for us, that’s still coming. And yeah, they failed us. People should go to jail for this. But I’ve seen the same juvenile lack of acceptance here in our own home. I’ve made it a point to never speak ill of your father in your presence. That has had its own set of consequences. It’s hard for us to be in the same room these days. I look at him and I’m not proud of the thoughts I have, of the way I feel. The house, the cars, most of the credit cards, are all in my name. I’m the one responsible for everything. So when it came time to call everyone and tell them we can’t pay you, I had to make those calls. They won’t speak to him, even as an authorized user of the accounts. So that’s up to me too. And I still have to work. They cut my pay by 50%, and I’m working three days instead of five, but I still have to work. I try not to pester him about filing for unemployment. I see the news. The system is managed state to state but it’s down everywhere. It wasn’t designed to handle 16 million people filing claims in three weeks. Nothing was designed for this. Including our marriage. Your father is a good man. He isn’t lazy. I’ve seen him work to the point of exhaustion for other people’s dreams. Bartending mostly. He’s got a way with people. But I’ve never seen him pour that much of himself into making his own dreams come true. For him there is always a tomorrow. I look at him and I can’t comprehend how he doesn’t see that nothing is ever going to be the same. That his tomorrows have come due and he has nothing to show for them. How can I truly respect a man like that, even if I love him? In this ...
    Más Menos
    7 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 6
    Apr 13 2020

    Dr. Estrum offers something that changes everything.


    Dr. Estrum Melissa Thomas

    Randi Halle Millien

    Shane Mark Millien

    SFX and Music Contributors


    Q Tone [Query]

    Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.org

    Q Tone [Response]

    Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.org


    The Offer

    Simple Trap Piano by AnxiousBeats of looperman.com

    Created by Mark and Halle Millien

    Cover Art by Halle Millien

    Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien

    Special thanks to a therapist friend of mine for providing some mock therapy that constituted Dr. Estrum’s dialogue in this episode. He had some criticisms about episode one so I was like I got another therapy joint so why not put your feelings where your mouth at fool and he was like I aint doing shit so bet and it was kind of him to do so, so thank you, you can go back to playing rocket league with strangers online now. The quarantine looks different for each of us, I’m just saying. No judgment.

    #covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 7
    Apr 14 2020
    Randi and Shane share misgivings and Shane reveals family is in town.Young Gifted & BlackBlack EnterpriseCastRandi Halle MillienShane Mark MillienSFX and Music ContributorsSFXQ Tone [Query]Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.orgQ Tone [Response]Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.orgMusicHelen’s Second LetterEpic Strings by Rowan30000 of looperman.comCreated by Mark and Halle MillienCover Art by Halle MillienWritten, Directed and Produced by Mark MillienGlossaryJude Philips: Shane’s older brother, who would eventually wind up fostering Shane in high school.outers: slick silicate lined garments worn over normal clothes that are designed to repel liquids, oils and dirt as well as to be sterilized quickly in a residential or commercial sanitizer. Also called slickers.specs: slang for qnet spectators.Helen’s Letter:Easter came and went in barren churches and cathedrals throughout the world. We’ve never been particularly religious but the absence of performative devotion is profound. No pastel peacocks. No restaurants teeming with brunch drunk disciples. No crowds of any kind. Deserted sidewalks and vacant roads, like the world is in mourning, which it is, I suppose. We take walks everyday, all of us, except your father of course, but the rest of us typically make the pilgrimage to visit the mausoleum that our neighborhoods have become. A place where living used to happen but is artificially frozen in place. Restaurants and barbershops and nail salons and bikeshops arrayed like toys. They could all be open tomorrow, tonight, but most won’t ever see another customer. They won’t rise on the third day, just die like the rest of us. I said the sidewalks are vacant. They aren’t. I saw blocks and blocks of chalk art framed in the jagged squares of concrete slabs under our caravan’s feet, though the children who etched them had vanished. Each of them inspired hope or unity. Patience and fidelity. There were signs on powerline poles that said “I can’t hug you but I can tell you that I love you”. I felt like an archaeologist clumsily navigating a long hidden utopia. The leader of the free world did a lot of lying today but that just made the chain of days seem more infinite without notable distinction. Until I read an article, which prompted me to write this today, to you. It was about a scientist. Her name is Kizzmekia Corbett. She is leading a team that is at the forefront of a vaccine. She’s 34. As I read I thought about Nina Simone’s song, Young Gifted & Black. Which made me think of you. That song was playing in the delivery room when you slid into the world greasy with afterbirth and wailing like an angel from Revelations. You’ve never found it hard to live up to such an auspicious first impression. This woman is equal parts genius and round the way girl. She clearly felt comfortable in the skins of her ambition and identity. I hope that you continue to foster that. There was something she said that really sticks out to me. “You understand that your work will have to be mighty so that it can do your speaking.” It might as well have been an incantation. I felt savage after reading it. My feet went kicking under the table as my arms shot up like one of those airblown advertising dummies. I startled you, siting across the table from me, the peanut butter jelly smear across your chin marring your perfect skin. Instead of reassuring you I lunged at you and trapped your cheeks between my hands, driving my eyes into yours like a madwoman. I told you “Speak that SHIT” but it came out more like a growl. It was a rare moment when we were alone. No one saw the madwoman grabbing and cursing her child. I don’t know what came over me. When the others came in from the backyard we were sitting quietly across from each other like the world hadn’t just tilted. No one knew, but us. I had soaked up the hope of the day and cycled it through the metabolism of my soul into something primal, inarticulate and unmistakable, like a screaming newborn. Like my firstborn daughter. I felt the hum of a subsiding hunger in me in that moment, that had drenched me but left me damp and wilted. But I pray that I left you with its fingers around your heart. I hope that I infected you. #covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi #generationc #ninasimone #younggiftedandblack #speakyoshit #kizzmekiacorbett
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • COVID39: Chapter 8
    Apr 16 2020

    There's a knock at the door.


    Randi Halle Millien

    Shane Mark Millien

    SFX and Music Contributors


    Q Tone [Query]

    Tone 4.wav by patchen of freesound.org

    Q Tone [Response]

    Tone 3.wav by patchen of freesound.org


    Desmond’s Letter

    Playground Strings Main by ChrisNeal of looperman.com

    Created by Mark and Halle Millien

    Cover Art by Halle Millien

    Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien


    chipwhich: an ice cream sandwich, with two chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream and chocolate chips in between. This is not an artifact of the near future. It is a thing of the now, but apparently not everyone calls them chipwhichs so consider yourself clarified.

    Desmond’s Letter:

    Hope felt like it was on the horizon today. On the one hand, information coming out of New York makes it sound like things are leveling off. Governors across the country are tentatively discussing plans to ease restrictions publicly. That election I told you about from last week ousted one of the judges who decided people should have to risk their health and lives to vote. Stimulus checks started going out this week. It won’t be enough to carry us, but it’ll keep us from worrying about whether or not we’ll have enough food. I find myself thankful that I’m spending this time with you, your mom and the Morgans. I haven’t gotten used to how eerie it all feels but I’m glad I don’t have to do it alone. We saw a movie the other day called A Serious Man on Netflix. It was a great experience for a couple of reasons. One, it’s a Coen Bros. movie so it’s got all that deft and quirky dialogue supported by memorable characters. It was a very Job like story. The main character’s world is falling apart and to cope with it he seeks the advice of a rabbi. Things get progressively worse and he gets shunted from one shitty rabbi to the next trying to earn an audience with the wisest of the wise, which never happens. Mostly I think I identified with his marital life. In all the ways that it was painfully familiar, it was also joyously different, and that reminded me of how lucky I am to have your mom as a partner. The other great thing was the party feature. You login and can watch the movie with your friends and a part of the screen on your laptop is dedicated to a chat thread. I’ve seen so many inventive ways to share in one another since this all started. It’s served as a good reminder of the things we’ve taken for granted. Like teachers. Or time. But a lot of it isn’t innovation. I talk to people now so much more than I used to via Zoom or Facetime and these were all accessible to me before, but the world was so busy that we didn’t make time for it. In truth I’m busier now than I’ve ever been, and yet I find the time to connect with people because nothing is frivolous anymore. Everything has weight because everything is ending. I don’t mean that in a morose way, it’s just that the way we used to live, it’s never coming back. Not like it was. It can’t. And that’s probably for the best. I’m optimistic that we’ll take the best of this time and plant it in the future that we’re growing, but I also know we’ll bring with us some of the worst. Some of the things that we keep trying to leave behind, but are too frail to bury. I love you boys.

    #covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi #generationc #netflix #groupmoviewatch

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