But Still, She Thrives - Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Grey Rock Method, Healthy Boundaries, Childhood Abuse, Trauma Healing  Por  arte de portada

But Still, She Thrives - Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Grey Rock Method, Healthy Boundaries, Childhood Abuse, Trauma Healing

De: Christy Jade - Narcissistic Abuse Coach Grey Rock Coach Gaslighting Expert No Contact Mentor
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  • Find Peace and Freedom after Narcissistic Abuse Are you feeling lost after breaking free from a toxic relationship? Are you afraid you will get sucked back in, whether it is with the same narcissist or a new one? Are you ready to finally live in peace? In this podcast, you will find healing methods and coping solutions to set you free from narcissistic abuse and its effects. My mission is to equip you to become strong and free through confidence building, proven healing methods and finding peace. If you’re ready to say yes to thriving after abuse and stop chasing everything that hasn’t worked for a plan that will- you’re in the right place! Hey, I’m Christy. A mom, wife and a ruthless narcissist avoider! For years of my life, I went to therapists that didn’t understand narcissism, read generic abuse recovery books and tried things that didn’t help me truly disconnect and break the cycle of narcissistic abuse. I wasted money on tools that didn’t give me lasting results. I finally realized that if I was going to truly disconnect and heal, I had to understand narcissists’ minds and the effects on their victims. After years of education and endless conversations with victims of narcissistic abuse, I created a perfect plan to not just disconnect fully from the current narcissists in my life, but to avoid getting sucked in by future ones, while creating healthy boundaries and healing from the effects of abuse. A life of thriving, not just surviving. And I am ready to share it all with you! If you are a professional woman ready to finally find a clear cut plan to stop the cycle and heal from narcissistic abuse -effective solutions that have results that are undeniable: like a peaceful night’s sleep, decreased overwhelm, and unshakable confidence, then this podcast is for you! Grab that mocha latte, it’s time to dive in. Wanna work together, queen? Let’s chat! https://christyjade.com/work-with-me/ FREE 4 MINUTE MEDITATION to start your day with joy and calm: https://christyjade.ck.page/insider Let’s hang out! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fiercechristyjade/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2420729361374989 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristyJade TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercechristyjade Email me! fiercemamac@gmail.com
    Copyright 2023 All rights reserved.
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  • 5 Ways to Heal After Narcissistic Abuse
    Jun 18 2024
    Whether you are connected or disconnected from your narcissist, they can still have major effects on you! Here are 5 quick yet effective tips to heal and calm your mind and body. My 4 MINUTE meditation: https://christyjade.ck.page/insider Join my free facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christyjade WORK WITH ME: https://www.christyjade.com/transformational-coaching Have trouble setting boundaries in your life? And if you just wanna peek around and find out more about me and my work..check out my website! It's FUN AND SPARKLY ;) https://www.christyjade.com/ Want to drop me a line or have a question? Email me anytime! fiercemamac@gmail.com Let's connect on social media! https://www.instagram.com/fiercechristyjade/ https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercemamachristy I am Christy Jade, adoring wife, adoptive mama and narcissistic abuse survivor. I now help other women who have gone through abuse (or are going through it) find confidence, power and peace. TRANSCRIPT: Speaker 1: (00:00) Whether you are still connected or disconnected from a narcissist, they can still have power over you. They can trigger you, whether it's in the conversations with them or thinking back on your situation. A lot of triggers can come up. They get in those nooks and crannies and they bring out our insecurities. They make us feel cuckoo bananas, as my grandma used to say. I use other words. So we are going to talk about five quick ways and ways that I definitely used and still use when I am feeling triggered. It still happens in my journey too. You're not alone. Speaker 1: (00:39) Hey Queens, welcome to, but still she thrives. Do you wanna stop getting caught up in that wicked web of a creepy crawling narcissist? You find yourself up late at night replaying the abuse you put up with and wondering how you can heal now. Do you wake up hoping for healthy relationships and peace only to feel totally exhausted and mind effed? Girl, I see you. I'm Christy I too had to disconnect from toxic people in my life and I wished I could undo the damage. I felt ashamed, lonely, and kind of lost. But I'm a stubborn Italian and I refuse to give up. I found ways to recalibrate my mind and body more quickly than I thought and can now share them with you. In this podcast, you will find coping tools, healing methods, and confidence boosters so you can trust yourself and find peace and freedom. So, shields up ladies, let's go protect our peace. Are you feeling lost after post narcissistic abuse? I'm your girl. I got you. This is my specialty. Go check out ways to work with me at www.christyjade.com. Click on work with me and find all fun ways you can work with me, whether it's one-on-one coaching or a pre-recorded boundaries course. Speaker 1: (01:59) When we feel triggered and emotional, we want a quick fix. Can I get an amen? So I have found these five things to be the best. They're not the only methods or techniques to use, but these are five that I use and I love. So number one is yin yoga. I discovered this a few years ago and now I teach yin yoga cuz I love it that much. And I do classes, I do one-on-one sessions. But in the moment, even when you are having this kind of visceral reaction to a narcissist or to memories of a narcissist or things that are brought up because of a narcissist, it is so helpful to even just hold a yin yoga position for a few minutes. Yin yoga is so good at releasing the negative, really just, ugh, that awful energy you carry when you're getting triggered. And yin yoga, for me, I, I love all yogas, but yin yoga is my jam. Speaker 1: (02:57) It gets into the deep, deep parts physically and mentally that for me, other yogas did not reach. So I am a big advocate. It is, you don't need to be flexible, you don't need to be advanced in yoga. It is so simple, but so freeing. So with my coaching clients now, I do provide sequences, like customized sequences for them. It's all related to releasing trauma, releasing those negative energies, stagnant crap that's sitting in our bodies. And you can go online, you can find different things. If you sign up with me for coaching, I will create a sequence for you. I also, I'll put in the show notes. I have a YouTube class up. Um, I just made it public so I could share it with you guys. If you want an example, there's like a 45 minute letting go of, of negative energy sequence that I do on there. Speaker 1: (03:50) So you can check that out on my YouTube channel. But in the meantime, you can always go look up, um, yin yoga poses or yoga poses even that are related to releasing negative energy, having to do a trauma, any of that. But if you want something more specific, you can email me at fierce mama m a m a c gmail.com if you want to, you know, get something more customized. Number two, meditation and breath work. So I put these together because with trauma they are an amazing pair. Meditation does not have to be some crazy long exercise, right? It can be beautiful...
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    14 m
  • Finding Healthy Friends as an Adult
    Jun 11 2024
    This episode is for ANYONE, narcissistic abuse or not, has been hurt or insecure in friendships and is struggling to find true friendship later in life. Want the BEST and quickest pick me up?! Join my free facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christyjade WORK WITH ME: All my current offers! 1:1 coaching/energy work: weekly calls: She Thrives Transformational Coaching - Monthly 1:1 coaching/energy 3 month program for major transformation Queens of Peace Coaching Program MINUS Voxer Self Paced Boundaries Course: Empowered Boundaries Course My #notmyshit Journal for daily empowerment: https://amzn.to/3XzbVYd FREE FUN: 4 Minute Empowerment Meditation: Quick Morning Meditation 30 Day Toxic Relationships Declutter: DECLUTTER TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS GUIDE Abuse Recovery Affirmations: Affirmations And if you just wanna peek around and find out more about me and my work..check out my website! It's FUN AND SPARKLY ;) https://www.christyjade.com/ Want to drop me a line or have a question? Email me anytime! fiercemamac@gmail.com Let's connect on social media! https://www.instagram.com/fiercechristyjade/ https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercemamachristy I am Christy Jade, adoring wife, adoptive mama and narcissistic abuse survivor. I now help other women who have gone through abuse (or are going through it) find confidence, power and peace. TRANSCRIPT Speaker 1: (00:00) What's up? Welcome to, but still she thrives. It's Christy. We're gonna have like a kickback. Let's just be real. Let's be transparent and let's talk about something that more than just people who have dealt with narcissistic abuse can relate to today. And that topic is how it can be hard to make or maintain friendships as we get older. And yes, having abuse in your childhood or even in your relationships can have an impact. We'll talk about that and then we'll just talk about how certain situations with friends can really have an impact on future friendships. Speaker 1: (00:41) Hey, Queens, welcome to, but still she thrives. Do you wanna stop getting caught up in that wicked web of a creepy crawling narcissist? You find yourself up late at night replaying the abuse you put up with and wondering how you can heal now. Do you wake up hoping for healthy relationships and peace only to feel totally exhausted and mind effed? Girl, I see you. I'm Christy. I too had to disconnect from toxic people in my life. And I wished I could undo the damage. I felt ashamed, lonely, and kind of lost. But I'm a stubborn Italian and I refused to give up. I found ways to recalibrate my mind and body more quickly than I thought and can now share them with you. In this podcast, you will find coping tools, healing methods, and confidence boosters so you can trust yourself and find peace and freedom. So, shields up, ladies, let's go protect our peace. Are you feeling lost after post narcissistic abuse? I'm your girl. I got you. This is my specialty. Go check out ways to work with me at www.christyjade.com. Click on work with me and find all fun ways you can work with me, whether it's one-on-one coaching or at pre-recorded boundaries course. Speaker 1: (02:02) Honestly, this episode, I just wanted to be very forthcoming. I wanted to open up a little, you can get to know me a little better and just how certain things have affected me in my life, in friendships, um, not just relationships or not just related to narcissism. I thought I'd just have a very open conversation about this. And I mean conversation. I want you guys to email me or write in the Facebook group. Um, those things are on how to contact me are always in the show notes, aka the description of this podcast on wherever you're listening it. So let's start off. First of all, for those people who have gone through narcissistic abuse, this can have a huge impact on our relationships and our friendships. Um, that's something we don't always talk about. For me, dealing with narcissism really created some big insecurities in me. Speaker 1: (02:58) I had some confidence in some areas, but when it came to relationships or even friendships, I was trying to make up for a loss, right? Like I almost created a family with my friendships. So very dependent on friends, like they were like my family. I felt very close and connected to my friendships that I formed. I was very good at keeping up with them and keeping close to them. That's something I'm really still good at, um, especially in my inner circle of people. That is something people have even noticed and noted about me my whole life. And I think part of that is, yes, I'm an extrovert and whatever that, that plays into it, but I think it's also when you feel like there's a disconnect and you're not treated well by some members of your family that you're around, it's, it feels safer and more comfortable to create your own space, right? Speaker 1: (03:57) Like I would not be home as much as maybe the typical person. I would stay ...
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    21 m
  • Ep 70 How to Deal with a Naracissist's Smear Campaign Against You
    Jun 4 2024
    Want the BEST and quickest pick me up?! My 4 MINUTE meditation: https://christyjade.ck.page/insider Join my free facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christyjade All my current offers: Journey to Peace 1:1 Coaching Call and Blueprint https://shethrives.thrivecart.com/journey-to-peace-coaching-blueprint/ 1:1 coaching/energy work: weekly calls: https://shethrives.thrivecart.com/transformational-coaching-monthly/ 1:1 coaching/energy 3 month program for major transformation https://shethrives.thrivecart.com/queens-of-peace-coaching-program2/ Self Paced Boundaries Course: https://shethrives.thrivecart.com/empowered-boundaries/ And if you just wanna peek around and find out more about me and my work..check out my website! It's FUN AND SPARKLY ;) https://www.christyjade.com/ Want to drop me a line or have a question? Email me anytime! fiercemamac@gmail.com Let's connect on social media! https://www.instagram.com/fiercechristyjade/ https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercemamachristy I am Christy Jade, adoring wife, adoptive mama and narcissistic abuse survivor. I now help other women who have gone through abuse (or are going through it) find confidence, power and peace. TRANSCRIPT Speaker 1: (00:03) Hey, Queens, welcome to, but still she thrives. Do you wanna stop getting caught up in that wicked web of a creepy crawling narcissist? You find yourself up late at night replaying the abuse you put up with and wondering how you can heal now, do you wake up hoping for healthy relationships and peace only to feel totally exhausted and mind effed? Girl, I see you. I'm Christie. I too had to disconnect from toxic people in my life, and I wished I could undo the damage. I felt ashamed, lonely, and kind of lost. But I'm a stubborn Italian and I refused to give up. I found ways to recalibrate my mind and body more quickly than I thought and can now share them with you. In this podcast, you will find coping tools, healing methods, and confidence boosters so you can trust yourself and find peace and freedom. So, shields up ladies, let's go protect our peace. Speaker 1: (01:00) Hello and welcome. I know it's been a hot minute since I have done a new recording, but here I am and I wanna try out, uh, let me know if the audio's okay. I always have my email address. I'll check the audio, but if you guys feel like the audio is good enough or you want me to go back into my smaller room with my headphones, but I thought I would try this, this way, it might end up sounding that great. But I'm just gonna do a quick, a quick little podcast bonus episode. Um, I've been reentering some older stuff and trying to figure out how to pivot this podcast. I feel like I am growing. I'm doing all of this somatic healing. Um, I just got, well, I'm almost, almost have my new certification in somatic healing and that's really expanding what I'm doing and I would love to incorporate a lot of healing and empowerment, not just around narcissistic abuse. Speaker 1: (01:53) So I would love to hear your feedback in an, um, email to me that will be in the show notes. Fierce Mama c is my email. Like I said, it's in the show notes. You can just, just grab it there and let me know if you would like to hear a more broad range of healing and empowerment. Not totally all narcissistic abuse related. Um, really focusing on just recovery and bettering your life and healing in general, um, and sprinkling in some episodes like this of narcissistic specific stuff. So yesterday, this is why I decided to, uh, talk about this today. Yesterday I was, um, thinking about a time in my past where I felt like I was terrified of a smear campaign, right, of a smear campaign that was going on. And if you don't know what a smear campaign this is, this can be anybody, I guess can technically do it, but it's often related to narcissists that they will do this as a form to try to control or gain control or get you even back. Speaker 1: (03:05) So what they do is they will try to smear your name. They will make up lies. They will, um, share information maybe that you did share with them that they promise to not tell people. But you know, once you have gone against them or left them odds are they, it's, it's very common that a narcissist will then start what's called a smear campaign. They're smearing your name and they're campaigning, right? They are getting as many people as they can on their side of things, believing their narrative and going against you, right? The flying monkeys, they're called, um, Sam Nan coined that phrase. It's the flying monkeys. And it's terrifying because you got all of these people now believing these untruths usually about you. Um, and they're on like under the demise of the narcissist, which if you know a narcissist, you know how it is to be under the thumb of them. Speaker 1: (04:03) And now these other people, you're finally out of it or getting out of it. And then you've got these other people that are now being controlled ...
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    17 m

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Great Info!

Loved.it! I will be listening to your other episodes. Ready to see where it leads me.

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Great podcast!

I’m dealing with a narcissist sister, she has done awful unforgivable things to my parents and they pretend nothing happened (she definitely doesn’t apologize, cause she denies she did anything even though there’s proof) Our parents want us to all get along…and my frustration with the situation is driving me crazy. I especially appreciated your episodes on guilt trips by others and grey rock method. Side note: You don’t have to introduce yourself as an “adoptive mother”, you’re a “mother”, plain and simple 😊 Look forward to hearing more about narcissists in the family.

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