
  • Episode 64 - How To Supercharge Your Energy With Simon Ong
    Mar 30 2022

    Shaa is joined by award-winning coach, motivational speaker, and author of the incredible new book, 'Energize', to talk about his incredible business journey, and how he learned to put the pursuits of his heart and mind above the sometimes superficial achievements we find in the workplace


    • Far too often, success comes down to the label we acquire in our careers. But these superficial labels tend to come at the cost of our health, happiness and relationships.
    • If you're in a profession that is leaving you unfulfilled, and you wish to jump ship, don't do so without a plan. Build a bridge from one path to the other.
    • The world has changed in radical ways. People are being placed at the centre of decisions and culture in business, meaning that the value of individuals is finally being recognised.
    • When we experience an event, setback, failure or win, the way we interpret it will be very different from the way that others do. This means that we are always in control of choosing our own perspective, which changes our reality.


    'Success, for me, was determined by my job title'

    'It kickstarted the longest journey we as humans make - from our heads to our hearts'

    'I felt like Superman without the super powers'

    'You need somewhere, as an entrepreneur, to go and have conversations with other people'


    Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

    To sign up for Made For More go to shaa.com/m4mexperience


    Everything that Simon does is built to energise people to see their world differently and to awaken their imagination of what is truly possible so that they can live a better story. As an award-winning coach and motivational speaker, he has been interviewed on Sky News, BBC and Forbes, and has spoken at some of the planet's most successful organisations such as Virgin, Salesforce and Microsoft. His debut book, Energize, will be published by Penguin in April 2022 and is now available for pre-order.


    Hi, I’m Shaa.

    I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

    I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

    I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


    Website - https://www.shaa.com/

    Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Episode 63 - Come And Join The Made For More Experience
    Mar 10 2022

    Have you ever felt like you were heading in the wrong direction? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself  "Where am I?" or “How did I get here?”

    If so then you are not alone! 

    If you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed … or maybe even underwhelmed … I’d love you to come and join me next week in  The Made For More experience.

    It’s a place for you to normalise your ambitions, share your challenges and take action!


    • Experiencing the Made For More programme is the best way to see if this is the Mastermind for you!     

    • Made For More is about implementation, not just learning. It’s about collaboration over competition.

    • Its a place to be supported and challenges.


    'Come and join me in the Made For More experience!'

    'Share your ambitions, share your challenges share your goals'

    'The more we share our challenges, the more we're all going to grow'


    Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

    To sign up for Made For More go to shaa.com/m4mexperience


    Hi, I’m Shaa.

    I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

    I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

    I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


    Website - https://www.shaa.com/

    Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Episode 62 - Made For More Enrolment Is Open!
    Mar 3 2022

    Shaa is delighted to announce that the enrolment for the Made For More hybrid programme is now open for enrolment, meaning that you can now sign up to take advantage of the incredible insights and advantages offered by this empowering mastermind, designed to help you achieve accelerated growth through shared group experiences and personalised  attention.


    • Made For More is a hybrid programme - part true mastermind and part group coaching programme. Not only do you gain value from those leading the mastermind, but also from the other attendees in the group.
    • Made For Mind involves two sessions a week, and lasts 90 days. Hotseat sessions run on Mondays, and involve the group coming together as a collective. You can bring any challenges or questions you may have and gain personal feedback from Shaa.
    • Small group coaching takes place on Thursdays, which allow you to gain personalised attention while also retaining the camaraderie found through the encouragement from other attendees.


    'Made For More is about implementation'

    'A mastermind is otherwise known as a hive mind. It is about the collective experiences of the group, and how those shared experiences can benefit everyone'

    'You are going to spend 90 days doing the work. You are going to spend 90 days perfecting your offers. You are going to spend 90 days getting really clear on your funnels'


    Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

    Enrol now at www.shaa.com/madeformore


    Hi, I’m Shaa.

    I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

    I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

    I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


    Website - https://www.shaa.com/

    Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Episode 61 - Are You Made For More?
    Feb 24 2022

    Join Shaa and a few of the women from the ‘Made for More ‘cohort as they explore the role of the ‘Made for More’ Community including why it is so special and how it aids them in always pushing for more in business and in life.


    They talk about how having a place you can come together and be honest without fear of judgement, can be invaluable in pushing your dreams, goals and life forward. An uplifting and inspirational episode full of support, encouragement and collaboration.




    • Having people who get you, who understand your struggles and normalise your ambition is imperative to achieve success and retain your mental wellbeing and self-belief. You can share ideas, brainstorm and just talk with understanding and support.
    • Our path isn’t unique to us, but it might not be shared with our closest family and friends. So, finding a peer support group can really help you connect with others, to have great conversations, work with you and importantly, celebrate with you too.
    • Belief is essential to working towards your goals. If you don’t believe you can do it, then you won’t. This is why it can be a struggle to talk to people who are held back by their own limiting beliefs and fears. You need to be around likeminded individuals who will uplift you not hold you back and this is where the right community can come into play.
    • Women aren’t less ambitious, we just tend to have more limiting beliefs due to the way society treats us. Women aren’t less passionate or ambitious, they have just been taught fear and often worry about asking questions.
    • Women are always trying to be the best in every area of their lives. We can unfortunately feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Asking people for help is a sign of strength and it also signifies to others that it is ok to ask when you need support.
    • Made for More isn’t about learning but implementation. Doing the work that needs to be done for everyone to get and see results.
    • It’s important to compete with yourself and collaborate with others. Your only competition should be with yourself, we are all on our own journeys and if we can help each other by collaborating, communicating and supporting one another then we can all help each other win too.



     “It’s not always easy to normalise your ambition”

    “When you have a high, people don’t get it. So, you then start questioning yourself. That self-belief can be really challenging to overcome, especially when they are working alone”

    “When you have a win, it’s a win for everybody…it’s a celebratory win for everybody and if one person can win, they we all can win”

    “It’s completely revolutionised everything in my business, because of all the support I have had in the group”

    “This is your lane and you’re going to slay it your way”



    Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   



    Hi, I’m Shaa.

    I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

    I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

    I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


    Website - https://www.shaa.com/

    Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Episode 60 - Why Women Need More Money
    Feb 17 2022


    This week, Shaa shares how women over the age of forty are now the fastest growing business demographic, but also the group that is granted the least amount of funding, and why that needs to change.


    • Women over 40 are now the fastest growing group of business owners out there. This has come from a greater need to create financial security and freedom for themselves and their families.
    • This is the time in life when women have hugely valuable experience, a wide network … and yet, limited funding. 
    • Women need a safe space to normalise their ambitions. We need to surround ourselves with like minded women who champion each other.


    'We're going to level up our conversations and normalise our ambitions'

    'We can't change anything by ourselves - we have to do this collectively'


     Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   


    Hi, I’m Shaa.

    I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

    I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

    I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


    Website - https://www.shaa.com/

    Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

      Más Menos
      20 m
    • Episode 59 - How To Make Your Life Easier
      Feb 10 2022

      This week, Shaa shares how to make your life easier - from the home to your business. Including the Wheel Of Life technique, plus three core practices you can employ immediately, that will ease the burdens in all areas. 


      • Many of us feel as though we have had our wings clipped by lockdown over the last couple of years. When we start to feel like prisoners, our life feels overwhelming.


      • Analyse who you are spending time with. This is a fundamental contributor in making life and business easier. Communities of like-minded people will inspire and provide accountability.


      • We can refine the tasks ahead by separating them into three columns: Do, Ditch or Delegate. Prioritising the jobs in front of us, and deciding what's truly important, can serve to free up valuable time.


      • When we feel energised and empowered, it's far easier to face our challenges head on. Surround yourself with the right people, the right tasks, and the right energy and we will be far more productive.


      'If you're anything like me then the last few years have made you feel like a prisoner in your own home'

      'It's not about learning something new. It's about implementing what we already know'

      'If it's been on your to-do list for more than two weeks, just ditch it!'



      Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

      For your Wheel Of Life go to shaa.com/wheeloflife


      Hi, I’m Shaa.

      I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

      I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

      I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


      Website - https://www.shaa.com/

      Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

      Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

      Más Menos
      18 m
    • Episode 58 - The Truth About Coaching - with Laura Berman Fortgang (One Of The Original Founders Of The ICF)
      Jan 27 2022

      Laura Berman Fortgang is an author, speaker, and career coach. She has appeared on TED, Fortune, Fast Company, The New York Times, CNN, and Oprah Winfrey, and was one of the original founders of the International Coach Federation.

      Laura joins Shaa to talk about her incredible coaching career across the past 27 years, the ingredients needed to be a life-changing coach, and the true meaning of reinvention and evolution.


      • Life is like a magnet. Every single piece of rust and decay in your life is preventing the good stuff from being attracted to you
      • Taking control of our destiny is all about choosing ourselves instead of waiting for others to choose us. We have the power to rise up, so why wait for someone else to give us the green light?
      • The world today is constantly evolving, and can sometimes appear daunting, but with the advancing technology has come more opportunity for reinvention.
      • When we evolve and change, we are growing closer to the version of ourselves that has always been there. Evolving is about peeling away layers to reveal what has always been there.


      'What is the rust on my magnet that I need to get rid of in order to attract the good stuff in life?'

      'I was an actor who became a coach and it changed my life'

      'I don't want to wait for someone to choose me. I want to choose myself'

      'Reinvention is about getting closer to who you really are as you evolve'


      Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

      Laura Berman Fortgang - https://laurabermanfortgang.com


      Hi, I’m Shaa.

      I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

      I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

      I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


      Website - https://www.shaa.com/

      Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

      Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

      Más Menos
      32 m
    • Episode 57 - How To Build A Small But Mighty List
      Jan 20 2022

      In episode 57, Shaa give you some simple tips to start building a Small But Mighty Email List - and why social media might be our go to way of reaching people, but if you’re not building your email list; you’re leaving your business vulnerable and leaving money on the table.


      • Social media matters, but we need to remember that we don’t own these platforms, and that at any time we could have our access revoked. So it’s wise to diversify our platforms and means of audience building.
      • When people sign up for an email list, you have the opportunity of building a relationship with them. You see far higher levels of conversions to sales from an email list than any form of social media. 
      • Building a mighty list doesn’t mean you need 50,000 people; far from it. Create engaging content, be you and be consistent!


      'Social media is rented ground. You do not own it'

      'I don't want to be tied to social media all the time, but I do want to grow my audience'

      'The only asset you have when growing your audience is your email list'


      Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table   

      To join Shaa's workshop on how to build a small but mighty list on Sunday, January 23rd at 20:00 GMT, register now at shaa.com/listworkshop


      Hi, I’m Shaa.

      I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels!

      I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”.

      I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t.


      Website - https://www.shaa.com/

      Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/shaawasmund/

      Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shaawasmund/

      Más Menos
      17 m