
  • Doctor Gunn's De-Motivational Seminar Part 5: 'I Doubt Therefore I am - Shanra Low -The Parking Lot oF Failure - The Syntax Of Synaptic Synergy
    Oct 10 2022

    Part 5: 'I Doubt Therefore I am - Shanra Low -The Parking Lot oF Failure - The Syntax Of Synaptic Synergy

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Doctor Gunn's De-Motivational Seminar Part 4: The art and Science of Personal Degradation and Depravity - Free Radicals - The Ball of Pervading Influence
    Oct 10 2022

    The art and Science of Personal Degradation and Depravity - Free Radicals - The Ball of Pervading Influence

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Doctor Gunn's De-Motivational Seminar Part 3: The Doctors New Hit Single : "I See U In The ICU"
    Oct 10 2022

    The Doctors New Hit Single : "I See U In The ICU"

    Más Menos
    3 m
  • Doctor Gunn's De-Motivational Seminar Part 2
    Oct 10 2022

    Part 2: Secret Layers of Personal Downgrading - Reality Territories - The 5 Laws Overtire Supreme Essential Rational - New Behvooral Choices

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Doctor Gunn's De-Motivational Seminar Part 1
    Oct 10 2022

    You¹ve heard the rest of the motivational speakers and they¹ve done Jack. It¹s time to introduce yourself to the Leader of the Beleaguered Masses; King of the Heartbroken; Shepherd of the Apathetic; Lord of Failure; and our Heathenistic Leader. Harness your innate failure and succumb to your un-spirational life by listening to Doctor Gypsee Gunn¹s De-Motivational Seminar.

    Part 1: The Theory of Acquired Succession- The Cycle of Depravity -Retrogression - Kingdom of Submission

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Brick Mallery Private Detective: Down Alive Episode 3 Part 2
    Nov 29 2021

    Brick Mallery is a Private Investigator with a twist - while he does take on normal PI type work, most of his cases tend to be, well, slightly odd...

    Mallery is the best private detective in his price range, and he has the award to prove it! He is an irreverent PI from the school of hard knocks and he is not afraid of breaking a few rules to get the job done. Like any good detective, he has a friend on the force who helps him out of scrapes and is generally there to lend a hand when needed. But be forewarned, everyone in Mallery's world seems to be addicted to puns, innuendo, one liners, and flippant remarks.

    In The Twisted Lost Episodes of Brick Mallery we are given unique access to Mallery's world. A world in which it was once legal to hunt vegetarians. A world in which Mallery is likely to encounter just about anything from cannibal vampire zombies, to a whip wielding woman with her own chambers of horror, or even a mind control expert, or, dare I say it - even his ex-wife! Mallery faces his villains with a smile, as would any comic book hero. And, with ease, he always manages to escape the clutches of such arch rivals as The Admiral and The Council. But one should not find this surprising, after all Mallery is indestructible, or at least he thinks he is.

    These are all full-cast productions, complete with a musical score and sound effects. The sound quality is excellent. These stories are pure slapstick, á la private eye style, and they will keep you riveted to your cassette player. Warren Coughlin is superb as Brick Mallery. Give him a fedora and trench coat and he would be right at home in any 1940's detective drama. Paulette Sinclair plays the role of Mallery's smart mouthed secretary. Joel McLeod plays the role of Vic Steed, Mallery's former partner so well that you can almost 'hear' the alcohol on Steed's breath. And let us not forget David J. MacNeil, who plays Brian Dryer, the cop who is always there to lend Mallery a hand and play straight man to his constant one liners. In addition to these 'regulars' the Mallery episodes contain a full support cast, and episodic characters, such as the gentleman who had his eye shot out when he wasn't looking.

    Mallery is a wonderfully rich character and his adventures are out-of-this-world. Granted, they may be a bit weak on plotting, but who cares when you having such a great time! While The Twisted Lost Episodes of Brick Mallery - Private Investigator are pure fun, they are not for everyone. They do contain some strong language, violence, and sexual innuendo that may be offense, or unsuitable, for some listeners.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Brick Mallery, Private Detective Episode 3 Part 1 : Down Alive
    Nov 22 2021

    This  is the Third Episode in the Brick Mallery, Private Investigator Audio  Drama series. The Case of " Down Alive " is a horror-filled nightmare.  Brick Mallery and his former partner, Vic Steed, find themselves trapped  like rats in a basement dungeon labrynth,  where fear is dispersed through pain and shrunken heads come back from  the dead. Brick finds himself tied to a rack and beaten senselessly...  facing the possibility of being put " DOWN ALIVE."

    Winner of the Publishers Weekly "Listen Up" Award for Best Audio Mystery series.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Brick Mallery Private Detective : Episode 2 Part 2 - The Bride Of Mallery
    Nov 15 2021

    "Episode Two in the Brick Mallery audio drama series, The Bride of Mallery, is a title of a monstrous undertaking which has consumed and broken many souls during its completion. Brick Mallery's crafty ex-wife hires an evil mind-control expert to wreak havoc on her former husband and hatches a plan to take over the city. 

    Más Menos
    18 m