
  • Breakaway Success Series | Greg Chaplin’s Infinite Banking Breakthrough
    Jun 18 2024

    This is the first drop in a new series: Breakaway Success Stories. These are episodes where Jim talks with CreateTailwind clients who have experienced extraordinary success by using infinite banking.

    In this series, we will explore how a person uses their infinite banking system, what lessons were learned along the way, what mistakes to avoid, what worked well, and take us through their own journey so you have real world examples of what a powerful system this can be for you.

    In this conversation, Jim interviews Greg Chaplain, a successful real estate agent and member of CreateTailwind. Greg shares his journey into infinite banking and how it has helped him overcome financial challenges and accumulate wealth.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Diversified Investment Strategies: Greg explains how he utilized IBC for tax savings, cash-flowing rental properties, and real estate syndications, highlighting the flexibility and benefits of IBC in different investment avenues.

    • Overcoming Paradigm Shifts: Greg discusses the initial hesitations and misconceptions about IBC and emphasizes the importance of having a supportive network, such as Create Tailwind, to guide and educate.

    • Real-world Applications: Through specific examples, Greg demonstrates how IBC has enabled him to effectively manage and grow his wealth, providing a blueprint for listeners interested in leveraging IBC for financial freedom.

    Connect with Greg:

    Website: www.realestatehometeam.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/realestatehometeam

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/realestatehometeam

    Visit our website and Youtube channel!

    https://createtailwind.com https://community.createtailwind.com https://youtube.com/@createtailwind182
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Reprogram Your Brain for Success | Evan Marks
    Jun 11 2024

    In this conversation, Jim and Evan Marks discover their common backgrounds and experiences in investing. They explore the importance of coaching and how it can help individuals overcome negative emotions that stand in the way of success. They emphasize the need to acknowledge and address these emotions to make positive behavior changes. They also discuss the role of affirmations and small behavior changes in reprogramming the brain and creating new experiences.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Mindset and Neuroplasticity: Learn how adopting an opportunistic mindset and leveraging neuroplasticity can reshape your brain and propel you toward success, even in the face of adversity.

    • The Role of Gratitude: Discover the tangible benefits of practicing gratitude, as Marks shares his own skepticism-turned belief in the transformative power of gratitude exercises.

    • Addressing and Overcoming Trauma: Understand the importance of recognizing and addressing past trauma to unlock potential and achieve a fulfilling life, both personally and professionally.

    Evan's journey from Wall Street to coaching high performers underscores the profound impact of resilience, mindset, and gratitude on both personal and financial success.

    Remember, achieving financial freedom isn't just about numbers—it's about cultivating the right mindset and making conscious choices every day.

    Visit our website and Youtube channel!

    https://createtailwind.com https://community.createtailwind.com https://youtube.com/@createtailwind182
    Más Menos
    46 m
  • From 9-to-5 Employees to Full-Time Real Estate Investors: The Power of Small Wins and Commitment
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode, Jenn and Joe Delle Fave share their journey from working 9-to-5 jobs to becoming full-time real estate investors. They started with one rental property at a time and eventually discovered creative financing as a way to scale their business without relying on traditional bank loans. They explain how they bought properties with little to no money down and negotiated terms with sellers, allowing them to cash flow and receive backend payments.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Creative Financing Mastery: Jenn and Joe discuss their transition from conventional real estate transactions to using creative financing methods, enabling them to acquire properties without traditional bank loans.

    • Financial Independence Strategy: The Delle Fave’s explain how they escaped the constraints of their 9-to-5 jobs through strategic real estate investments, emphasizing the importance of cash flow, zero-interest mortgages, and minimizing out-of-pocket expenses.

    • Coaching and Empowerment: Highlighting their success, Jenn and Joe now coach others in real estate investing, offering practical advice and insights on achieving similar financial freedom.

    Listen to Jenn and Joe Delle Fave's inspiring story to understand how you can apply creative financing strategies to transform your financial future.

    Visit our website and Youtube channel!

    https://createtailwind.com https://community.createtailwind.com https://youtube.com/@createtailwind182
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • How to Move Past Limiting Beliefs and Trauma | Brian Bogert
    May 28 2024

    In this conversation, Jim Oliver interviews Brian Bogert, a coach and speaker known as the 'one-second psychologist' and 'heart surgeon without a blade.' Brian shares his personal story of overcoming adversity and finding his true purpose. He discusses the importance of moving beyond past traumas and limiting beliefs to create a vision for the future.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Waste to Wealth Methodology: Brian Bogert introduces the Waste to Wealth methodology, comprising five pillars aimed at uncovering and eliminating hidden obstacles within individuals and organizations.

    • Transformational Coaching: Brian discusses his unique approach to coaching, emphasizing the importance of raising consciousness and recognizing unconscious patterns that dictate one's life.

    • The Power of Choice: Brian received an invaluable lesson from his father about the power of choice. He learned that we all have at least two options in every situation. This insight highlights the importance of taking ownership and making deliberate decisions to create positive change.

    Through Bogert's profound insights and Oliver's insightful questions, this episode provided listeners with actionable strategies to navigate life's challenges, cultivate resilience, and pursue their path to success.

    Visit our website and Youtube channel!

    https://createtailwind.com https://youtube.com/@createtailwind182 https://community.createtailwind.com
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Success Patterns in Estate Planning and Wealth Protection | Chris Johnsen
    May 21 2024

    In this conversation, Jim interviews Chris Johnsen, a business lawyer and entrepreneur. They discuss topics such as trusts, estate planning, patterns of success, and the importance of mindset. Chris shares his journey from being a partner at a big law firm to starting his own businesses.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Patterns of Success: Johnsen emphasizes the significance of cultivating patterns of success from a young age. He reflects on his upbringing, highlighting the importance of frugality, financial education, and the ability to defer gratification to secure future success.

    • Entrepreneurial Journey: Transitioning from a successful career in a prestigious law firm, Johnsen discusses the pivotal moment that led him to start his own businesses. By leveraging virtual platforms and embracing a nationwide approach, he offers legal services tailored to entrepreneurs and businesses across various sectors.

    • Estate Planning and Asset Protection: With a focus on the intersection of financial strategies and legal expertise, Johnsen gets into the importance of estate planning and asset protection. He discusses proactive legal measures in safeguarding wealth and navigating complex financial landscapes.

    Chris's law firm exemplifies the modern approach to legal services, emphasizing talent over location. For those seeking legal counsel and financial wisdom, check them out!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Conscious Coaching for Personal Growth and Real Estate Success with Julie Holly
    May 14 2024

    In this episode, Julie Hawley, founder of The Conscious Investor, shares her journey from being a teacher to becoming a successful real estate investor and coach. She emphasizes the importance of health, mindset, and wealth in achieving true wealth and fulfillment.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Diversify Investments: Julie advocates for diversifying investment portfolios beyond single-family homes into apartment complexes and assisted living communities, offering greater financial stability and growth potential.

    • Prioritize Holistic Wellness: Julie underscores the significance of nurturing health, mindset, and wealth in tandem, recognizing their interconnectedness for achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Embrace Faith and Purpose: Julie's journey highlights the power of faith and purpose in driving personal growth and success. By decoupling outcomes and aligning vertically, individuals can navigate challenges with resilience and conviction.

    To wrap up, Julie Holly shares her journey from education to real estate entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of diversifying investments and prioritizing holistic wellness. Her insights into faith, purpose, and the interconnectedness of health, mindset, and wealth offer valuable lessons for listeners seeking financial freedom and personal growth.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • An Overlooked Opportunity for Small Real Estate Investors | Tiffany Mittal
    May 7 2024

    In this episode, Jim sits with Tiffany Mittal, multifamily owner operator, and founder of Utility Ranger, discussing her journey in the real estate industry and the importance of PropTech. She shares her experience of stumbling into creating a solution for real estate investors with smaller portfolios who want to get a handle on their expenses.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • PropTech Explained: Tiffany discusses PropTech as property technology, simplifying complex real estate solutions into user-friendly platforms.

    • Navigating Real Estate Transitions: Delving into her relocation from San Diego to Florida, Tiffany discusses the challenges and opportunities in transitioning multifamily portfolios, particularly in response to changing regulations.

    • Innovating Small-Scale Ownership: Embracing a mission to empower small-scale real estate owners, Tiffany outlines Utility Ranger's approach to democratizing access to value-adding utility management, echoing principles of empowerment and level playing fields.

    We invite you to take the insights Jim and Tiffany shared and apply them to your own journey in real estate entrepreneurship.

    With a focus on treating your ventures like true businesses, leveraging utility billing for increased profitability, and ensuring that all investors, regardless of size, have access to the tools they need to succeed, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the market.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Expert's Guide to Investing in Online Business | Matt Raad
    Apr 30 2024

    In this episode, Matt Rod shares his unusual journey to financial independence through buying and selling online businesses. Matt was the first in his family to skip the 9-to-5 job and go directly into business for himself. Matt talks to us about the advantages of online businesses and how he and his wife leveraged their strategies to attain financial freedom.

    3 Key Takeaways:

    • Cash Flow First: Filter out all the noise about what to focus on in business and focus on cash flow. This alone will lead you to success.

    • Online Businesses Offer Unique Advantages: Learn to leverage the internet for higher profit margins, geographical flexibility, and the ability to reach niche markets without the constraints of traditional brick-and-mortar operations.

    • Believe in Yourself: Matt and his wife knew from an early age that they didn’t want to work in a regular job, but it took vision, grit and determination. It’s more important to believe in yourself than to get the “right” opportunity.

    Más Menos
    27 m