
  • Don’t Quit Your Day Job with Aliza Knox
    Sep 12 2022

    Business Leader and Bestselling Author Aliza Knox joins Wendy Appel and Mary Beth Sawicki of Trilogy Effect in this episode of the Being Human Is Good for Business podcast to discuss her new book Don’t Quit Your Day Job: The 6 Mindshifts You Need to Rise And Thrive At Work. 

    Aliza built and led Asia-Pacific (APAC) businesses for three of the world's top technology firms—Google, Twitter and Cloudflare. Named 2020 APAC IT Woman of The Year, she spent decades as a global finance and consulting executive and is now a non-executive board director, a senior advisor for BCG, and a regular columnist for Forbes. 

    In her new book, Aliza shares her experience in leading global businesses and stories about many of the people she’s mentored around the world, from recent college graduates to mid-career and senior business leaders. 

    “Often, people think there’s a tradeoff between their work and their life, and to be happy, they’re going to have to leave their job,” explains Aliza. “But that’s not always the case. There's a lot you can do to make your whole self happy and keep your career on track. Often it just takes a mindshift to gain a new perspective on your work and where it fits into your life.” 

    In this podcast you’ll learn: 
    • How to find synergies between your life and your work.
    • How perseverance plus enthusiasm can equal stamina, a career superpower.
    • The importance of social capital and connection in a thriving career.
    • How to develop a positive relationship with your career.
    • Why you should embrace change by being flexible and persistent as you build your career.
    • Steps for keeping visible and connected at work, even when working from home.


    Links to information and resources discussed in this show: 
    • Don’t Quit Your Day Job: The 6 Mindshifts You Need to Rise and Thrive At Work
    • Questioning the Quiet Quit by Aliza Knox
    • Wendy Appel, Author and Leadership Expert
    • Mary Beth Sawicki, Leadership Development Expert
    • Trilogy Effect, surfacing the untapped potential in people and organizations
    • Inside Out Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide for Leaders


    We invite you to subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Amazon, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and Spotify (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. We’d really appreciate if you could rate us or leave a review because it helps others find our show. 

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  • Become A Better Leader by Being a Better Listener
    Aug 23 2022
    This episode of the Being Human is Good For Business podcast is an encore show for September 2021... In this episode of the Being Human is Good For Business Podcast, Trilogy Effect partners Heather Marasse, Wendy Appel and Mary Beth Sawicki discuss listening skills as a ‘superpower’ and explain how learning to listen generously can transform a good leader into a truly great one. “Like everyone who is lucky enough to have their sense of hearing, most leaders have been listening all their lives,” explains Managing Partner Heather Marasse. “But that doesn't mean they’re actually listening well. It takes a certain openness and curiosity as well as the patience to let things unfold naturally.” Listening is automatic for most people, and what an individual actually takes in is based on the filters they use to process and understand the world around them.   Partner Wendy Appel explains, “When a colleague is talking, you might think, ‘I already know what you're going to say. Can you just get to the point? Hurry up so I can talk’, for example. This is listening in order to speak. But great leaders listen actively beyond their filters and encourage their team to share their ideas and opinions. This is how they fuel innovation and create new possibilities.” The profound impact of this superpower is often realized quickly as leaders put their generous listening skills to work. “One recent coaching client told us that she was convinced she didn’t have the right people on her team,” says Partner Mary Beth Sawicki. “She had some very clear ideas about these individuals and what they could and, more importantly, couldn’t do. Practicing generous listening allowed her to more clearly see the people she’s at work with, and to understand them better. Now she leads a high functioning team that’s delivering wonderful results. She loves them.” The good news is that, like any skill, you can learn how to be a generous listener and you can constantly improve through practice.  Listen to this podcast to find out how. You will also learn: Practical leadership tips you can put to work right awayHow to make meetings better and more valuable for everyoneHow to develop your listening skills to become your best as a leader.Links to helpful resources and information about some of the tools and concepts mentioned on the show:Listening: The Most Important Leadership SkillTrilogy Effect’s free leadership guidebook to be as your best self as a leaderOur free newsletter, full of leadership advice and practical tips.Alignment: What It Is and Why It MattersWhat is Generous Listening?Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | InstagramWe invite you to subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Amazon, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio and Spotify (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Please rate us and leave a review!Apple Podcasts |Google Podcasts | I Heart Radio | Spotify | Amazon
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  • Workplace Jazz with Gerald Leonard
    Jul 19 2022

    Author Gerald Leonard joins Heather Marasse and Mary Beth Sawicki of Trilogy Effect in this episode of the Being Human Is Good for Business podcast to discuss his new book Workplace Jazz: How To IMPROVISE – 9 steps to Creating High-Performing Agile Project Teams. 

    A conservatory-trained professional bassist, Gerald offers a unique approach to accomplishing more in the workplace. He is the CEO of Principles of Execution, a Certified Minority Business Enterprise and consulting practice with over 20 years’ experience working governments and multinational corporations. 

    His book draws on his experience as a professional jazz bassist to teach us the role that improvisation plays in building agile teams. It includes a step-by-step process which forms the basis of a team development system to build corporate cultures that are healthier and more productive. 

    “Agility is more important in today’s pandemic times than ever before,” Gerald explains. “You want to create an environment where teams can come together and connect quickly. In the jazz world, you can get a group of musicians who are from different countries and speak different languages to play a show together. They may not be able to communicate verbally all that well, but they become best friends and they figure it out because the music pulls them together. Workplace Jazz builds on this idea.” 

    Listen here: 


    In this podcast you’ll learn that: 
    • Why it takes a jazz mindset to be a successful leader in these times.
    • Why culture forms the “bass” of an organization’s success along with Gerald’s seven fundamental elements of culture.
    • Why people want to be part of something bigger than themselves and the role this desire plays in building effective teams. 
    • What leaders can learn from going to the symphony. 


    Links to information and resources discussed in this show: 
    • Workplace Jazz: how to IMPROVISE – 9 steps to Creating High-Performing Agile Project Teams.
    • Culture is the Bass: 7 Steps to Creating High Performing Teams
    • Heather Marasse, leadership development expert
    • Mary Beth Sawicki, leadership development expert
    • Trilogy Effect, surfacing the untapped potential in people and organizations

    We invite you to subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Amazon, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and Spotify (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. We’d really appreciate if rate us or leave a review because it helps others find our show. 

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  • Curiosity is Essential for Leadership
    Jun 27 2022

    What do Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common?  Not only have they lead some of the world’s biggest and best-known companies, but they also all present themselves as people who are intellectually curious, insightful, and even visionary.   

    Trilogy Effect’s work is grounded in the Enneagram, a framework through which people can become aware of their own automatic patterns of seeing and reacting to the world.  In this episode of the Being Human is Good For Business Podcast, we discuss leaders who use their heads in leading successfully by relying on the head center of intelligence, Enneagram Types 5, 6, and 7. 

    These head-centered Types are analytical and like to have a good solid plan for every eventuality, but often, deep down, they don’t trust. 

    “With the accelerated pace of change in business today, we are seeing a lot of head-centered leadership,” says Trilogy Effect founding partner Wendy Appel, author of InsideOut Enneagram: The Game-Changing Guide for Leaders. “These leaders are excellent researchers and can expertly synthesise a lot of facts and information to support decisions and formulate plans. Often, it’s difficult for them to trust others or what may come, so to alleviate their fears they rely on hard data.”

    The Enneagram helps leaders become more self-aware supports them in unleashing the full potential of their teams. It comprises nine distinct personality Types which are bundled into groups of three, based on core motivations, specific strengths and liabilities. See episodes 31 and 30 to learn about heart and instinctive centered leadership. 

    In this episode Wendy is joined by Trilogy Effect Partners Heather Marasse and Mary Beth Sawicki to  explore:

    • Enneagram Type 5, the Detached Observer, who wants to be the expert and competent.
    • Enneagram Type 6, the Loyal Sceptic, who wants security and predictability.
    • Enneagram Type 7, the Enthusiast, who wants freedom, options and to feel satisfied. 

    Listen for: 

    • Tips to build self confidence for your decision-making skills.
    • Clues into how to lead head-centered team members.
    • Insight on how to develop trust among your team’s members.
    • How to use the Enneagram to Become A Better Leader
    • InsideOut Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide For Leaders
    • Free eBook:  Be Your Best As a Leader by Using the Enneagram
    • Win a Free Enneagram Type Discovery Session

    Please subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Please rate us and leave a review!

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    27 m
  • How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
    Jun 13 2022

    Have you ever put your success down to a lucky break? Or it’s just because you know people in high places? Or even, somebody somewhere made a mistake that’s landed you with a new opportunity? 

    If so, you may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome. It’s that niggling feeling of inadequacy or self doubt you get when you feel you might be out of your depth, despite other people having confidence in you. 

    It’s a common problem. The International Journal of Behavioral Science says that 70% of people experience it at some point in their lives.

    In a recent live show on LinkedIn, the leadership experts at Trilogy Effect sat down to discuss what’s driving this trend and provide some practical tips and advice for people with Imposter Syndrome. 

    Mary Beth Sawicki explains, “It is common, and honestly, I'd be surprised if the number wasn't higher than 70 per cent. Given today's fast-paced environment and the ever-changing landscape that we're all navigating, it's hard not to feel self doubt or uncertainty about what you’ve been tasked with. Yet, when we do a 360-review exercise, for example, most of our clients see that their peers tend to see them as more competent, more effective than they see themselves.”

    Heather Marasse says, “Feeling like an imposter isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. It can be a clue that you’re growing as a business leader. As soon as we move beyond our comfort zone, there is a part of us, our ego, that wants to pull us back and have us continue running old patterns, because that has been our success formula throughout our forming years. Getting beyond this can feel awkward but it’s important to step beyond our usual patterns to continue to develop our leadership skills.” 

    Wendy Appel advises, “If you are feeling like an imposter because you’ve taken on something new, just remember that this is your growing edge and it’s normal and natural. Think about these feelings as an opportunity to grow. You are embarking on something new, and nobody starts out being perfect at something. You’ll grow into your new role.” 

    In this audio recording of the Live show, you’ll learn about:

    • What Imposter Syndrome is and how to recognize it in you. 
    • How to manage your feelings to make the most of feeling like an imposter.
    • How knowing your Enneagram type will help you navigate your way through it. 
    • Free Leadership Guidebook: Be Your Best as a Leader By Using the Enneagram
    • How to use the Enneagram to Become A Better Leader
    • Is your career at a tipping point?
    • Win a free Enneagram Type Discovery Session


    Please subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Please rate us and leave a review!

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  • Leading with all your heart
    May 31 2022

    In this episode of the Being Human is Good For Business Podcast, we learn about leaders who rely on their hearts to guide them. 

    This group includes Enneagram Types 2, 3 and 4, all of whom tend to have attention seeking motivations, according to Trilogy Effect Partner Mary Beth Sawicki.

    She explains, “Known as heart-centered or feeling-centered, these leaders want to be seen the way they want to be seen. In a business context these are the leaders who form strong personal connections and prioritize relationships. Their attention is often focused on human systems over business systems. They see the world through a lens that focuses on the personal.” 

    The Trilogy Effect team uses the Enneagram framework to help leaders grow through self-awareness and to surface untapped potential in their teams. The Enneagram comprises nine distinct personality Types in groups of three, based on core motivations, specific strengths and liabilities. See our last episode to learn about instinctive center leaders. 

    On today’s show, Mary Beth is joined by Trilogy Effect Partners Heather Marasse and Wendy Appel.  Together, these leadership development experts explore:

    • Enneagram Type 2s tend to lead by helping and supporting others.
    • Enneagram Type 3s tend to lead by being the very best performers and achievers.
    • Enneagram Type 4s tend to be authentic and compassionate as leaders.

    Listen for: 

    • To understand your emotions to become the best leader you can be.
    • Strategies for leading heart-centered team members.
    • Insights on why trust is the gateway to potential. 
    • Why some leaders follow their gut instincts to succeed
    • Free Leadership Guidebook: Be Your Best as a Leader By Using the Enneagram
    • How to use the Enneagram to Become A Better Leader
    • InsideOut Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide For Leaders

    Please subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Please rate us and leave a review!

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    24 m
  • Why some leaders follow their gut instincts to succeed
    May 19 2022

    This episode was originally published almost two year ago and holds many lessons for those among us who tend to make decisions based on our gut feelings.  

    In this episode of the Being Human is Good for Business Podcast, we discuss Enneagram Types within the instinctive center, also known as the belly or gut center. These the leaders have a strong to their “gut feelings”.  While it can be advantageous, it comes with distinct challenges when leaders act too impulsively and without self-awareness.


    Trilogy Effect uses the Enneagram framework to help leaders grow through self-awareness and to surface untapped potential in their teams. The Enneagram is comprised of nine distinct personality Types which fall into triads based on specific strengths and liabilities.

    This show features the leadership experts at Trilogy Effect explaining Enneagram Types 8,  9, and 1, all of whom value autonomy about just about anything.  They are also known as the “don’t mess with me Types”!

    Join leadership development experts Heather Marasse, Wendy Appel and Mary Beth Sawicki as they explain how:

    • Enneagram Type 8 leaders are great at carving a path forward
    • Enneagram Type 9 leaders are both grounded and grounding
    • Enneagram Type 1 leaders are authentic, caring and noble

    Listen for:

    • Tips leaders can use to harness their own gut feelings
    • Strategies to develop leadership skills
    • Insights on why being human is good for business
    • Episode 2: Do you lead with your head, heart or gut?
    • Want to be a great leader? Know your Kryptonite!
    • InsideOut Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide for Leaders
    • Free eBook: Be your best as a leader using the Enneagram.

    Please subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Please rate us and leave a review!

    Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | I Heart Radio | Spotify
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    25 m
  • Leading Supply Chain Management
    May 3 2022

    This episode of the Being Human is Good For Business podcast features three supply chain management leaders in an informative discussion about the challenges they are facing in today’s changing times. 

    The panel (our first ever!) includes leadership development expert Heather Marasse, Managing Partner of Trilogy Effect. Joining Heather is:

    • Steve Weinstein, Head of Supply Chain & Operations at Zarbee’s, the number one pediatrician-recommended cough syrup and sleep support brand for kids 10 and under. 
    • Angus Scott, Senior Vice President at Coravin, a wine technology company that is changing the way the world drinks wine, with products available in 60 countries, and
    • Jon Ragan, the Chief Operations Officer at the ThreeSixty Group, the company behind such inspiring brands as FAO Schwarz, Sharper Image, Discovery and more.
    In this podcast you’ll learn that: 
    • Now, more than ever, the supply chain is as strong as the relationships you’ve got with your vendors and suppliers. You need to be able to understand and trust each other if you’re going to be able to bring your products to market reliably, so relationship-building skills have come to the fore during this pandemic. 
    • There’s been a shift in the balance of power for people managing the supply chain. Leaders here are gaining increased visibility and involvement in making important decisions. 
    • For supply chain leaders, being vulnerable, learning to say no, and having healthy discussions to solve internal conflicts has been the key to keeping businesses afloat during the pandemic. 
    Links to information and resources discussed in this show: 
    • How are you managing? 
    • How the pandemic is changing how we lead
    • What is a leadership coach? 
    • Coaching with the Leadership Circle Profile

    We invite you to subscribe to the Being Human Is Good for Business Podcast on iTunes, Amazon, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and Spotify (links below) or wherever you get your podcasts. We’d really appreciate if rate us or leave a review because it helps others find our show. 

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    31 m