
  • Built to Last: House Rules
    Jun 23 2024
    Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub's sermon "House Rules" in the "Built to Last" series focuses on God's guidelines for His house, emphasizing the need to follow these rules to experience lasting favor and legacy. The sermon starts with a prayer for guidance in living according to God's word and stresses the importance of separating from ungodly influences and surrounding oneself with believers. Specific rules for God's house are discussed, including being distinct, serving generously, honoring God's law, and prioritizing marriage and family. The key message is to obey God's house rules diligently to receive His blessing, leave a lasting legacy, and live in alignment with His truth. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Built to Last: Necessary Pauses
    Jun 16 2024
    Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub's sermon "Necessary Pauses" emphasizes the importance of taking breaks to refocus on God's work, using examples from Nehemiah's dedication of Jerusalem's wall and Jesus' prioritization of relationship with God. Key points include confession and repentance, joyful celebration and generosity, and consecration to live differently for God. The sermon urges the congregation to pause amidst busyness, seek purity before God, give generously, and separate from worldly influences, drawing from biblical passages and stories to highlight these themes. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Built to Last: Difference Makers
    Jun 9 2024
    Dr. Jeff delivered a sermon titled "Difference Makers" in the series "Built to Last," emphasizing the importance of impacting future generations and being a light for God. He encouraged believers to use their gifts to build up the body of Christ and serve willingly and joyfully. The sermon highlighted biblical examples of difference makers and the value of those who serve behind the scenes. Dr. Jeff concluded by honoring the faithfulness of previous generations and calling the congregation to reflect on their spiritual foundation. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Stand Alone Messages: Make It Personal
    Jun 2 2024
    Pastor Jon Gaus delivers a sermon titled "Make it Personal," focusing on discovering Jesus in the Old Testament and applying biblical truths to daily life. By comparing the complexity of the Old Testament to "Where's Waldo?", he explains how knowing what Jesus looks like helps us find Him throughout Scripture. Examples like Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22 and Nehemiah's role as a precursor to the Messiah highlight Jesus' presence in the Old Testament. The sermon concludes by urging believers to daily walk in the Spirit, avoid comparisons, and commit to God's way of escape to fully embrace their new identity in Christ. Speaker: Jon Gaus
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Built to Last: God-Centeredness
    May 19 2024
    The sermon began with reading scripture from the book of Genesis, specifically focusing on God's creation of Adam and Eve. The preacher delved into the profound meaning of being created in the image of God, emphasizing that mankind was uniquely designed to reflect God's character. He emphasized that all humans have intrinsic worth, dignity, and the capacity for good because they bear God's image.The preacher then spoke about how sin distorts God’s image in us. He walked us through the implications of the Fall, the event where Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation in the Garden of Eden. He reminded us that this initial sin tarnished the image of God in us, leading to an inclination towards resentment, jealousy, anger, and lies. However, he ended on a note of hope, saying that through acknowledgement of sins, genuine repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ, we could once again mirror the image of God and restore our original design. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Built to Last: Faithful Proclamation
    May 12 2024
    Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub's sermon "Built to Last" underscores the significance of faithful proclamation in creating a biblical community. He explores the impact of Nehemiah 8:1-18, where unity arises from hearing and obeying God's word. Schwarzentraub stresses the role of consistent study and practice of the Scriptures, supporting male leadership in teaching, and the necessity of a worshipful response to God's message. Ultimately, he urges the congregation to find true joy, strength, and obedience in faithfully proclaiming God's word. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Built to Last: Continued Building
    May 5 2024
    Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub's sermon "Continued Building" emphasizes perseverance in faith, using Nehemiah's story to highlight the importance of following God's vision despite opposition. The sermon underscores the necessity of godly leadership, faithfulness to God's plan, and recognizing the significance of each individual's contribution to God's work. Ultimately, the sermon urges the congregation to glorify God, await heavenly unity, and continue building their faith in accordance with God's vision. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Built to Last: Choosing Hope
    Apr 28 2024
    The sermon "Choosing Hope" focuses on maintaining hope by staying faithful to God's mission, identity, word, and integrity despite challenges. Using the story of Nehemiah as an example, the sermon emphasizes the importance of standing firm in faith and commitment to God's calling. It encourages believers to trust in God's ability to bring hope and victory even in the face of opposition and discouragement. Ultimately, the sermon reminds listeners that with God's help, they can overcome obstacles and fulfill God's purpose in their lives. Speaker: Jeff Schwarzentraub
    Más Menos
    53 m