Celebrity Women with Must-Listen Audiobook Memoirs

Celebrity Women with Must-Listen Audiobook Memoirs

January 14, 2020
Female writers are my jam! Sure, they comprise a broad group (pun intended), but I'm especially partial to celebrity memoirs and essay collections—so much so that they have become my foolproof listening-slump busters. I will always, always go with the audiobook if it’s narrated by the celebrity. Rather than sitting down with a book, it feels like I’m hanging out with a girlfriend who has endless insights and stories. So, I'm here to share with you celebrity memoir audiobooks by awesome women, narrated by said awesome women. These are human stories that take us on a tour of someone else’s life path, narrated in the most authentic voice possible. Good luck not wanting to make best-friend bracelets for these famous female authors.
Lista de productos
    • A Memoir
    • De: Taraji P. Henson
    • Narrado por: Taraji P. Henson
    • Duración: 7 h y 27 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-11-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 9,316 calificaciones
    • Henson will have you laughing, crying, and then laughing hysterically again, because as gifted as she is as an actress, she’s an equally gifted storyteller. From her difficult upbringing to the challenges of raising a child as a single mother, Henson never waivers in her drive or humor, making you feel like you’re listening to that friend who always tells you how it is while cracking you up and keeping you inspired.
    • Surviving Hollywood and Scientology
    • De: Leah Remini
    • Narrado por: Leah Remini
    • Duración: 7 h y 12 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11-03-15
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 21,693 calificaciones
    • Remini is a hilarious, in-your-face actress who broke ties with the Church of Scientology and wrote a tell-all about her experience. From becoming a member at a young age to the teachings of Scientology and her eventual painful decision to leave, Remini tells her story with a quick tongue and sharp wit. There are also plenty of Hollywood insider stories, from auditioning for Friends to attending Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's wedding. Loud, funny women like Leah Remini will always have a special place in my heart.
    • My Family Divided
    • De: Diane Guerrero, Michelle Burford
    • Narrado por: Diane Guerrero
    • Duración: 9 h y 10 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 05-03-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,285 calificaciones
    • If I had the power to gift every single person with an audiobook, I would do it with Guerrero’s memoir. She shares her experience of being born in the United States to undocumented parents and the day she came home from school to find they had been taken for deportation. She fell through the cracks of the system and struggled to finish high school and pursue her dream of acting—but she made it. You might have seen her on the shows Jane the Virgin and Orange Is the New Black. Listening to her story as she lays herself bare detailing her struggles (including with mental illness) is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and how important it is to tell and hear stories like this.
    • My Life as a (Transgender) Teen
    • De: Jazz Jennings
    • Narrado por: Jazz Jennings
    • Duración: 4 h
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-07-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 345 calificaciones
    • Jennings, star of the I Am Jazz reality series on TLC, has an infectious zest for life that you won't be able to resist as you listen to her narrate her life growing up as a transgender child and now teenager. Even with all the support from her family and her community, her book is a reminder of how difficult and cruel the world can be to transgender people. I wish to be a small percentage of how cool and inspirational she is—seriously, her personality shines through every word.
    • De: Mary-Louise Parker
    • Narrado por: Mary-Louise Parker
    • Duración: 5 h y 44 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11-10-15
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 624 calificaciones
    • For a truly unique take—in the best possible way—on the memoir/essay genre, Parker has written stream-of-consciousness letters to men who are important to her, ranging from former boyfriends to the honchos at NASA. Her way of speaking directly to those she’s addressing reveals so much about herself and the human condition that her writing and voice burrowed into my skin. She certainly made me feel every emotion while I listened, and she left me thinking for days. And if you were a fan of her acting on Weeds, you may imagine her biting a coffee straw after every essay—at least, I did.
    • And Other Things I Still Have to Explain
    • De: Phoebe Robinson, Jessica Williams - foreword
    • Narrado por: Phoebe Robinson, John Hodgman
    • Duración: 7 h y 41 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-04-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,208 calificaciones
    • Robinson’s range of topics is amazing. She has really important conversations that center around race and gender, but also swings wildly into fun pop culture conversations, all done with silly, biting, and sarcastic humor. The foreword is written by Jessica Williams, making this audiobook fantastic all the way through. Plus, a comedian narrating her own essays is obviously going to be gold! And lucky us, Robinson has a second audiobook that is equally ah-mazing: Everything's Trash, But It's Okay.
    • True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame
    • De: Mara Wilson
    • Narrado por: Mara Wilson
    • Duración: 7 h y 22 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 09-13-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 732 calificaciones
    • Quiet and self-effacing doesn’t usually feel like the typical celebrity personality, but after starring in the movie Matilda as a child, I’m not sure Wilson will ever not be viewed as a star by her fans. In her memoir, she takes you into her childhood, her acting career, and her decision to step away from it all. She says the scary and often-unsaid bits out loud, and I love her so much for that. She’s incredibly smart and insightful, and I find her voice to be so soothing—I look forward to anything she may write.
    • A Memoir
    • De: Abby Wambach
    • Narrado por: Abby Wambach
    • Duración: 5 h y 18 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 09-13-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,522 calificaciones
    • You don’t have to be a fan of soccer, or sports, to enjoy Wambach’s memoir, but you’ll still most likely find yourself cheering for her through life’s ups and downs—personal and professional. She takes you into the pressures we put on ourselves, our sometimes self-destructive natures, and our desire to find love, self-understanding, and a sense of belonging. Get ready to feel a whole array of feelings alongside Wambach.
    • A Memoir
    • De: Padma Lakshmi
    • Narrado por: Padma Lakshmi
    • Duración: 12 h y 37 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 03-08-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,129 calificaciones
    • This memoir tracks Lakshmi's journey from immigrant child to celebrity, model, host, and onetime wife of Salman Rushdie, but it’s also about her passion for food and life in general, and the people who helped shape her. And Lakshmi speaks really openly and frankly about things that don’t get discussed, like endometriosis. It definitely fits in nicely with the recent additions of memoirs for foodies.

Jamie Canavés is a Book Riot contributing editor and Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator. She writes the Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter, never says no to chocolate or ‘80s nostalgia, and spends way too much time asking her goat-dog What’s in your mouth?!

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