10 Best Dystopian Audiobooks with Unsettling Alternate Realities

10 Best Dystopian Audiobooks with Unsettling Alternate Realities

April 24, 2020
Though the dystopian genre focuses on the world’s degeneration, these fantastical, exploratory, and poignant titles often have the power to reveal something significant about the world listeners live in now. No matter the dystopia conjured in a selection—be it a full-on government surveillance state, a normalization of acts currently considered reprehensible, or an entirely unrecognizable reversion to a more primitive way of life—their creators enable us to explore human nature and safely reflect on our own reality. Here are the 10 best dystopian audiobooks to transport, unsettle, and perhaps even inspire.
Lista de productos
    • De: Margaret Atwood, Valerie Martin - essay
    • Narrado por: Claire Danes, full cast, Margaret Atwood, Tim Gerard Reynolds
    • Serie: The Handmaid's Tale, Libro 1
    • Duración: 12 h y 6 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-04-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 35,984 calificaciones
    • Margaret Atwood’s acclaimed dystopian thriller is freshly rejuvenated in this special, Audible exclusive edition. The voice of Atwood’s main character, Offred, is more expressive than ever thanks to the expert narration of Emmy Award winner Claire Danes. Adding atmosphere and tension is this edition’s sound production; with newly added ambient sound and brilliant effects, even those familiar with the story will find The Handmaid’s Tale immersive once more.
      After a revolution in the United States, a new regime defines roles for men and women in society. Women are kept subservient, functioning primarily as wives or, if deemed morally unfit, forced child-bearers (known as handmaidens). Men, on the other hand, hold all the power and knowledge. If you’ve not heard Offred’s tale yet, we recommend this edition as an entry to her fraught, harrowing search for escape.
    • De: Aldous Huxley
    • Narrado por: Michael York
    • Duración: 8 h
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 01-16-08
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 30,196 calificaciones
    • This dystopian classic examines the idea of a utopia called the World State that is built on science and efficiency, sacrificing individuality, emotions, and even natural human processes like aging. Michael York’s clinical and refined yet occasionally dramatic narrative delivery underscores author Aldous Huxley’s warning about how efficiency can desensitize and a government can leverage social channels to control its citizens. Brave New World is, at times, more philosophical treatise or spirited debate than plot-driven fiction; as Huxley uses his characters to argue morality, York keeps up a relentless pace and distinctive voices that make every exchange seem realistic. The heady nature of Brave New World makes it an excellent gateway into dystopian fiction and its themes, and York’s expert performance makes the selection more accessible than ever.
    • De: Suzanne Collins
    • Narrado por: Tatiana Maslany
    • Serie: Hunger Games, Libro 1
    • Duración: 10 h y 35 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-30-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 13,132 calificaciones
    • Suzanne Collins’s best selling title kicks off her trilogy where North America as we know it has given way to Panem, a nation with twelve districts of varying wealth and one beautiful, super-rich Capitol. The annual competition to which all districts send two teens—one boy and one girl—to "play" is the titular The Hunger Games. It’s broadcast on live TV, and isn’t a game at all, but rather a hellish fight to the death designed by the Capitol to keep the districts in line. We meet our protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, as she impulsively volunteers to participate in the lethal event in place of the original chosen competitor: her younger sister.
      Emmy Award-winner Tatiana Maslany narrates, and her solemn but still youthful voice for Katniss helps express the heaviness and depth of Collins’s work without being unbelievable. Her performance elevates the already excellent story of survival, morality, and love to an unforgettable level.
    • De: Lois Lowry
    • Narrado por: Ron Rifkin
    • Serie: Giver Quartet, Libro 1
    • Duración: 4 h y 49 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11-07-03
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 14,536 calificaciones
    • The Giver is a bonafide classic—a staple of any elementary school library whose simple, stunning message still resonates. With a voice equally capable of playing young protagonist Jonah as well as the wise and cryptic old man called "the Giver," narrator Ron Rifkin delivers an emotive performance that has a slightly rough quality, adding to the nostalgic feel of this title.
      At just under five hours, this audiobook offers a taught, poignant story of a world where residents see in black and white, adhere to a strict set of rules, and receive life assignments determined by the Elders at age 12. Jonah is 12 when listeners meet him, and when he’s chosen for a special life assignment and meets the Giver, Jonah’s perception of his world expands along with ours.
    • De: Veronica Roth
    • Narrado por: Emma Galvin
    • Serie: Divergent, Libro 1
    • Duración: 11 h y 11 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 05-03-11
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 37,886 calificaciones
    • Five factions dedicated to different virtues make up dystopian Chicago in Veronica Roth’s best selling Divergent, the first title in the series by the same name. Beatrice Prior is born a member of the Abnegation community, whose virtue is selflessness. But when she turns 16, she must undergo an aptitude test of sorts that all children take to determine whether they will transfer to one of the others—Candor (honesty), Dauntless (bravery), Amity (peacefulness), or Erudite (intelligence). Beatrice’s test instead reveals something deemed impossible that threatens the very fabric of the society around her.
      Emma Galvin’s narrative performance is first-rate; as Beatrice (who renames herself Tris) finds her footing in a new life (and a new romance with an enigmatic ally), Galvin captures the tension and fear behind her early inner monologues perfectly. As the story progresses and Tris becomes more confident, Galvin’s subtle vocal changes mirror Tris’s certainly and courage.
    • New Classic Edition
    • De: George Orwell
    • Narrado por: Simon Prebble
    • Duración: 11 h y 22 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 12-31-06
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 56,283 calificaciones
    • Simon Prebble’s narration of this dystopian must-listen is bone-chilling—perfect in its eeriness. The way he lends animation and emotion to a title so concerned with the stripping away of all markers of humanity is a smart choice that makes listening to 1984 a one-of-a-kind experience. His depiction of Winston Smith—whose life, like everyone’s, is utterly controlled by a party who calls itself Big Brother—as a lonely, desperately human man struggling for meaning is touching and lasting. Winston’s job is to rewrite history to make the party line appear consistent, and he finds himself in grave danger when he begins to question the omniscience of the party. Big Brother knows his thoughts, analyzes his facial expressions, and constructs his reality, all while expecting him to rejoice in those facts. As Winston attempts to hide his true feelings, he realizes just what it truly means when they say that Big Brother is always watching.
    • De: Octavia E. Butler
    • Narrado por: Lynne Thigpen
    • Serie: Earthseed, Libro 1
    • Duración: 12 h
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-16-09
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 10,995 calificaciones
    • Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower is an exceptional story of an imagined near-future where groups of downtrodden citizens travel an America whose ineffectual government has given way to harrowing conditions and vigilante justice. Narrator Lynne Thigpen lends ponderance and poise to the young Lauren Olamina, a teen who is lucky enough to live in an armed, walled neighborhood near a major city, and who has been blessed with clarity and resolve in these dark times. As Lauren solidifies her new philosophy and vision for the world she hopes to build, Thigpen’s poetic, meandering style echoes Lauren’s reflections. Parable of the Sower is powerful in its simplicity and in its emotional precision; listeners will quickly understand how it won the coveted Nebula Award, and how Octavia E. Butler became one of the most acclaimed dystopian science fiction authors of all time.
    • De: Kazuo Ishiguro
    • Narrado por: Rosalyn Landor
    • Duración: 9 h y 40 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-11-05
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 10,088 calificaciones
    • This subtly haunting selection is indicative of the mysterious, slow-burning style of Nobel Prize winning Kazuo Ishiguro. No spoilers here, but it’s safe to say that the reason for Never Let Me Go's dystopian categorization remains a mystery for much of its playing time. Told in the first person perspective, all listeners know at the start is that protagonist Kathy is a "carer" who was once a student at a boarding school named Hailsham. Narrator Rosalyn Landor’s ponderous, careful tone mimics not only Kathy’s own timidity and reflection, but also the way Ishiguro reveals plot details step by careful step. Listeners are dropped into Kathy’s life, where she recounts stories of places and activities she expects us to be familiar with, but aren’t at the beginning of the story; as listeners follow her often spiraling reminiscences of love, friendship, and innocence lost, we catch glimpses of a melancholy we can’t quite explain, and of things not being quite right.
    • De: Anthony Burgess
    • Narrado por: Tom Hollander
    • Duración: 7 h y 44 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-08-07
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,631 calificaciones
    • Nadsat, the invented slang of A Clockwork Orange that is so central to knowing its main character and exploring this selection’s message, is even more impactful and transcendent in audiobook form. As narrator Tom Hollander delivers the brutal, sharp words, he changes his vocal tone and volume to bring the shockingly violent and nightmarish Alex to life. Hollander’s cockney accent is believable and entertaining, adding surprising comedy to the lighter moments of the story. As a whole, A Clockwork Orange is a shocking title that explores the nature of good and evil, free will, and the possibility (or impossibility) of redemption in a society where criminals take over after the sun goes down. It’s lyrical, philosophical, frightening, and thought-provoking—a perfectly engrossing listen to digest on long car rides or flights.
    • De: Ray Bradbury
    • Narrado por: Tim Robbins
    • Duración: 5 h y 1 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-21-14
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 32,125 calificaciones
    • Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a world where the government rules via the television, books are contraband, and the job of our fireman protagonist, Guy, is to burn them all, along with the houses of people who own them. Guy begins to question his life when his wife—who he never suspected was unhappy—attempts suicide, and his neighbor disappears after revealing details about the past contradictory to his current reality. He soon finds himself on the run from the government he so dedicatedly served. This version of Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed title is performed by actor Tim Robbins, best known for his portrayal of Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption, and the compelling, full timbre of his voice perfectly suits Bradbury’s direct and concise prose. The combination of Robbins and Bradbury makes for a captivating, thrilling listening experience.

Inclusion in Audible’s “best audiobooks” series is based on a number of factors, including presence on Audible best seller lists,
listener ratings and reviews, Goodreads ratings, and input from the Audible Editors. All audiobooks featured here have a minimum
of 500 reviews averaging at least 4.5 stars, with some exceptions made for outstanding stories and performances.

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