Despite the fact that some of us haven’t set foot in a classroom in decades, it’s hard to ignore all the back-to-school energy in the air. These days, we we may be significantly older and wiser, but we can still turn over a new leaf for fall. At least when it comes to our diets…

Picky eaters, you’re on notice.

After a summer full of daily trips to the ice cream truck (and zero to the farmer’s market), Editor Courtney had already vowed to restart healthier habits in her family—and then a new report gave her the perfect opening. Just published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the study found that a 17-year-old boy had gone blind, after subsisting for seven years on a diet of just five things: fries, potato chips, white bread, ham, and sausage. The upshot? Well, as Michael Pollan might say (and does, via narrator Scott Brick, in In Defense of Food's iconic opening line): Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.

Fortunately, self-improvement doesn’t have to be quite so terrifying.

Our social feeds are blowing up with photos of kids heading back to school, which has some of us sleepless with worry while others just want in on the fun. Partly as a distraction from back-to-school fretting, and partly to get our learnin’ on, several of us editors committed to self-improvement via The Great Courses, and it was a ton of fun to discover what each of us got out of our chosen areas of study. Check out all the audio learning fun.

Anonymous no more.

We were stunned when Chanel Miller revealed her identity on Wednesday as the woman who was sexually assaulted by Stanford swimmer Brock Turner in 2015. Turner was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison, of which he served three before being released. If Chanel Miller’s riveting victim impact statement is any indication, her forthcoming memoir Know My Name promises to be a powerful account of reclaiming one’s identity after incomprehensible trauma. At the time of Brock Turner’s sentencing in 2016, Miller’s victim impact statement was delivered anonymously in the courtroom. But she isn’t anonymous anymore. Her name is Chanel Miller, and everyone’s about to know it.

Continuing her #GOAT🐐 status…

Serena Williams celebrated her 100th US Open singles win this week, as she progressed to the semi-finals. The only thing we’ve successfully done 100 times in our lives is eaten 100 cookies. And listened to 100 books, of course. We’ll be cheering Serena on this weekend as she goes for a record-breaking 24th major title.

Speaking of GOATs—we’re #3! Just don’t ask us what for 😇

Our Garden State headquarters is a point of pride here at Audible—New Jersey is renowned for its abundant farmland, rich American history, Sopranos and Sinatra lore, and its many, many psychopaths. Wait, what?! According to a recent study, NJ ranks third in the country for highest number of psychopaths, giving new meaning to the term “psychopathic state.” Should we start secretly consulting Hare’s famous psychopathy checklist, à la Jon Ronson? *eyes colleagues suspiciously* Maybe if we ever move to Connecticut (they’re #1!).

Extra credit:

  • Earthsea is in development as a TV series. It’s not the first TV adaptation of Ursula Le Guin’s beloved fantasy series, but you won’t hear us complaining. Bring it!.
  • Michigan State University received a record fine for failing to protect students from sexual abuse in the Larry Nasser scandal. The heartbreaking case—and the institutional failures that enabled it—is the subject of the Audible Original Twisted
  • This week we’re mourning the loss of Dorothea Benton Frank, the writer of more than 20 perfect summery beach listens who brought to life her beloved home in the South Carolina “Lowcountry” barrier islands. Rest well in eternal summer, Dorothea ❤️
  • The Booker Prize shortlist was announced, complete with a few heavy hitters, fresh-faced debuts, and intriguing omissions—get the scoop over at The Guardian.
Till Next Week!
—the audible editors

PS—Are you following us on Facebook? Join us next Thursday at 2pm ET for a live event with Marcus Samuelsson and find out what’s cooking with the chef and Our Harlem creator!