When I was 13,

my most prized possession was a black t-shirt with Question Authority written on the front. It fit my personality, being the contrarian little brat that I was. In fact, I’d be wearing that shirt to this very day if I hadn’t accidentally burnt a hole in it. Illegal fireworks may have been involved.

These days, my contrarian nature is less about childish rebellion and much more about championing the underdog. But my negative nature still reigns: I’m drawn to conflict despite being terrified of it, I’m compelled to criticize the things I love most, and I actively avoid pursuing paths that align with my natural abilities.

But it’s not apathy that drives me. In fact, every nope in my life springs from a secret place of hope. Hope that the world can be a better place. That our leaders can better serve us. That I can be a better person.

Whether your default is hope or nope, we can all agree that apathy is the enemy. And this month’s recommended listens have got your back in the battle against indifference.

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