My brain

is already on vacation as I write this. Tomorrow I take off for a week on the West Coast with my big sis, and I keep daydreaming about how I’ll soon be laying out by the pool with Know My Name by Chanel Miller. I really can’t overstate how amazing Chanel’s memoir is. Not only is it a first-person account of the incredibly important topic of surviving sexual assault by an Asian American woman; it’s also just extremely well written. Her metaphors drip off the mic like honey. There’s a moment in her memoir when Chanel talks about the powerful instincts she has to protect her younger sister, and it made me all the more excited to see my own sister tomorrow. My sis is a lawyer who represents clients like Chanel who have endured gender-based violence, and she’s my hero. As we drive out to Joshua Tree she’ll update me on her cases, and then I’ll recommend audiobooks to her on the drive back. It’s one of our little traditions—you know, a sister thing.

Until next time!

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