Do you remember

the scene in the classic film version of Murder on the Orient Express, where Hercule Poirot gets ready for bed? Wearing snakeskin-print silk pajamas (but of course!), he dons a hairnet and a mustache snood, then meticulously applies hand cream and gloves. One can’t help but conclude that the great detective’s nightly routine is as essential for the little gray cells as it is for his magnificent mustache. As the kids say, it’s a mood.

I thought a lot about self-care as I recuperated from back-to-back illnesses that left me in bed for nearly two weeks (the reason this newsletter is so late in getting to you). It was awful, except when it wasn’t. I gave myself over to sleep, my mother in law’s kitchari, and the curiously healing effect of being read to. With all due respect to food and oblivion, mystery novels are my favorite home remedy. Agatha Christie—courtesy of David Suchet, Dan Stevens, and Joan Hickson—nursed me back to health, little gray cells and all.

Now that I’ve reentered the land of the living, here’s what else I’m excited about this month. Be well!

Kat, Audible editor

About the Editor

Kat is an Audible editor and podcast addict who likes to mix up her diet of thrillers and true crime with comedy, weird literary fiction, and the occasional nonfiction blockbuster to sound smarter at parties. Follow her on Twitter @katbhandari.

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