• 274.Celebrating Moms with Deborah Johnson
    May 7 2024

    In this podcast about celebrating moms, I re-read a letter I wrote to my dear mother in 2019, some years ago before she graduated to her heavenly home some months later. As I read it again, it re-affirms the value of writing down our thoughts and sentiments to those we truly care about, whether a mother, father or even a dear friend or acquaintance. We truly can’t buy back the years!

    For an article focused on celebrating moms, I could cover the history of Mother’s Day with Anna Jarvis in 1908 with it becoming an official U.S. holiday in 1914, but that information is readily available. So, I decided to focus on the practical aspects and emotion of the day and what it has meant to me as a mom, and now a mother-in-law and grandmother. I also wanted to encourage giving gifts of time or gifts of sentiments to those who have played a mother figure in our lives as they will far outlast most physical gifts.

    I encourage you to write your own missive to someone you care about. I’ve provided my letter as a free download and you are welcome to glean any ideas you may feel appropriate. After reading the letter I’ve included some ideas for special gifts that will hopefully spark your imagination. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/celebrating-moms

    Sign up for our weekly articles & downloads at: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

    CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Introduction 1:33 - Letter to Mom 10:49 - Easy Mother's Day Gifts 14:45 - Unique Gift Ideas for Mother's Day 15:52 - Sign Up for Newsletter 16:29 - Closing Remarks

    #MidlifeCareer #GratitudeAndAppreciation #MothersDayHistory #PracticalEmotionDay #TreasureYourMom

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    17 mins
  • 273.Zone of Genius with Kimberly Spencer
    May 3 2024

    What would it be like to be the queen of your own life? When thinking of a queen, we may think of someone high on a throne, above all her subjects. But a true queen (kings too!) understands her people, is with her people, and knows how to build an empire most effectively. Kimberly Spencer (https://crownyourself.com) is the founder of “Crown Yourself” and has faced a number of major obstacles in her life that have shaped her and empowered her to help others build their empire, whether in business or in life.

    Kimberly shares some of those challenges in this delightful interview and how she learned that ownership is essential and confidence is cultivated through cheering on your challenges. She now encourages others to reach their own “Zone of Genius,” trusting oneself to get beyond personal fear and complacency. Listen carefully for the powerful “Drama Triangle” with its principle of extreme ownership. Contact Kimberly at https://crownyourself.com Make sure you get our weekly articles, music and free downloads here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

    CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Introduction 1:38 - Crown Yourself Explained 5:10 - Overcoming Past Challenges 6:07 - Zone of Genius Program Explained 11:38 - Changing Belief Systems 16:19 - Identifying Your Zone of Genius 21:37 - Understanding Plagiarized Programming 26:10 - Making Decisions 30:11 - Overcoming Fear of Failure 34:40 - Leadership and Decisiveness 38:50 - Understanding the Drama Triangle 41:28 - Key Takeaways 43:28 - Contacting Kimberly 46:15 - OUTRO

    #EmpoweringWomenInBusiness #LeadershipDevelopment #CreativeEntrepreneurship #LifeCoaching #InnovativeThinking

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    47 mins
  • 272.Benefits of Stretching and Strength Training with Greg and Deb
    Apr 30 2024

    As our bodies gradually grow older, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize activities that promote flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being. In this podcast Greg & I together will explore the benefits of stretching and strength training for enhancing the quality of life. Greg gives us special insight on the subject as a former professional athlete. As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can affect our flexibility, mobility, and overall physical function. It's essential to understand the role of stretching and strength training in supporting our bodies as we grow older.

    Some of the benefits of stretching include flexibility and range of motion, improved balance and coordination, the management of chronic pain and conditions, stress reduction and even enhanced focus and concentration. We encourage you to also listen and read some of our previous articles, including “The Importance of Exercise” where we speak of the importance of adding weight-bearing exercises as well as cardio to our routines. Realize that those types of exercises are very important but they shorten the muscles, so the addition stretching will lengthen those muscles after working out for the support of musculoskeletal health.

    Article, podcasts and additional links: https://goalsforyourlife.com/importance-of-exercise/ Sign up for our weekly articles at: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

    More about Deborah at: https://DeborahJohnsonSpeaker and for music at: https://DJWorksMusic.com

    CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 1:33 - DJWorksMedia Introduction 6:06 - Explaining Range of Motion 8:17 - Benefits of Stretching 13:43 - Importance of Daily Stretching 15:58 - Specific Stretching Exercises 22:24 - Stretching Frequency Recommendations 26:14 - Conclusion 26:57 - Final Thanks

    #FlexibilityForSeniors #StrengthTraining #StretchingForMobility #Flexibility #StretchingForInjuryPrevention

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    27 mins
  • 271.Conquering Your Fear of Technology with Deborah Johnson
    Apr 23 2024

    Master tech before it masters you with our essential mid-career tips! In this episode, we dive into the transformative world of technology and how you can harness its power to enhance your career, rather than fear its progress. Join us as we explore historical tech evolutions and draw parallels to today's rapid advancements, providing you with a sturdy blueprint to thrive in a tech-driven landscape.

    For many, the term "technology" evokes a sense of ominous fear, particularly as advancements seem to occur at warp speed. This fear is especially relevant for individuals at mid-career who may be considering a change. The fear of being replaced by technology, particularly by artificial intelligence (AI), is a valid concern. However, it's essential to consider historical context and parallels in our nation's history.

    Join us as we delve deeper into the parallels between historical technological advancements and the challenges we face today. Through insightful details and real-life examples, we'll uncover strategies for overcoming the fear of technology and embracing opportunities for personal and professional growth in today's tech-driven world. I’ve also included in the article that accompanies this podcast links to an additional podcast interview with Mark Herschberg who is not only tech-savvy with a number of patents and inventions but has created an app called "Brain Bump" that you’ll want to check out. Full article with a FREE Download here: https:goalsforyourlife.com/fear-of-technology

    Make sure you get our weekly articles here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

    CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 1:35 - Overcoming Tech Fear 3:46 - Tip 1: Embrace Facts 6:08 - Tip 2: Time Investment 8:20 - Tip 3: Tech Education 10:37 - Tip 4: Small Steps 12:58 - Tip 5: Stay Updated 15:23 - Recap of Tips 15:49 - Closing Thanks 16:50 - Outro

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    17 mins
  • 270.Tech-Savvy Growth with a Career App with Mark Herschberg
    Apr 19 2024

    What do you get when you cross a personality who can fit in with the characters on the show “Big Bang Theory,” along with successfully competing in ballroom dancing and had created an app called “Brain Bump?” You get a fascinating interview with Mark Hershberg who has bucket-load of experience in creating success and he shares common-sense wisdom for soon-to-be and current entrepreneurs. Mark has not only written an award-winning book but shares tech tidbits that are important for most anyone to hear in today’s society. Plus he has a number of patents, his most recent for his FREE app “Brain Bump” So hang on for a fun and insightful conversation where I’m sure you’ll walk away with something you can apply!

    BrainBump App (FREE to download on iPhone App Store & Android Play Store) https://brainbumpapp.com/ Reach Mark at: https://www.cognoscomedia.com/ The Career Toolkit book: https://www.thecareertoolkitbook.com/

    Make sure you get all our weekly articles as well as updates on new podcast episodes! https://GoalsForYourLife.com/newsletter To contact Deborah about speaking live or virtually: https://DeborahJohnsonSpeaker.com

    #AiResearch #SuccessTips #TechConsulting #CommunicationSkills #StartupFunding #Creativity #JobOpportunities #CareerSuccess

    CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Introduction to Mark's Journey 1:33 - Mark’s Innovative Background 5:14 - The Career Toolkit Book Insights 9:18 - Brain Bump App Innovation 17:45 - A Day in Mark's Life 20:15 - Balancing Work and Life 20:40 - Passion for Ballroom Dancing 26:30 - Advice for Aspiring Innovators 26:50 - Future Projects and Goals 32:19 - Emphasizing Lifelong Learning 37:00 - What's Next for Mark's Career 39:53 - Importance of Quality Content 42:46 - Connecting with Mark 44:30 - Closing Thoughts and Farewell

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    46 mins
  • 269.Private Patient Advocacy with Dr. Gerda Maissel
    Apr 16 2024

    Many of us have aging parents or loved ones that need medical care that would benefit from engaging private patient advocacy. Doctors are busier than ever with little time to spend with each patient. This can be frustrating for both patients and for family members who have questions and concerns that are left unanswered. Is there a solution to this with a health care system that is facing a shortage of primary care doctors? On average, most primary care physicians will spend between 15 and 18 minutes with each patient, if they’re lucky, and that can include diagnosis. This is often after waiting up to an hour or even longer for the appointment as doctors are overbooked and running late. What do we do?

    This podcast and article is based on a conversation with Dr. Gerda Maissel, an MD with an impressive resumé, turned to work in private patient advocacy to help maneuver care for those we care about and also enlighten us on what to look for in care that may even impact our personal care in the future. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/private-patient-advocacy

    Get our weekly articles & free downloads here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter/

    For more about Deborah: https://DeborahJohnsonSpeaker.com and music: https://DJWorksMusic.com Remember, you're not alone on this journey.

    CHAPTERS: 0:02 - Intro 1:50 - Dr. Gerda Maissel Background 8:18 - Role of a Medical Sherpa 12:30 - Medical Sherpa Explained 13:51 - Core Values 19:20 - Entrepreneurial Journey Insights 26:50 - Effective Networking Strategies 31:50 - Building Relationships Through Networking 37:18 - Time Management Advice for Busy Women 40:40 - Costco Shopping Tips 43:18 - Conclusion 44:18 - Contacting Dr. Gerda Maissel 48:30 - Appreciation Note

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    49 mins
  • 268.Spring Cleaning for the Brain with Deborah Johnson
    Apr 9 2024

    In today's episode, we delve into the transformative philosophy of essentialism. By prioritizing the "vital few" over the "trivial many," we explore how to streamline thoughts and actions toward our core values and objectives. Imagine a spring cleaning for the brain, where we ruthlessly evaluate commitments, beliefs, and habits, discarding what doesn't align with our essential priorities. Join us as we discover how embracing this mindset frees us from mental clutter, directing our energy toward fulfilling pursuits. This episode, brought to you by DJ Works Media, serves as a beacon for those in mid-career or at life's halftime, offering resources, online courses, books, and music designed to inspire and guide. 🌿

    Full article & podcast here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/spring-cleaning

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's clutter? Today, we share personal insights and universally applicable messages. From the story of Sean's misplaced focus to Michael's steadfast adherence to values in the face of enticing opportunities, we illustrate the power of essential practices. We also examine the importance of investing in rest and renewal, with stories that resonate with anyone seeking clarity and purpose. For those inspired to deepen their understanding, explore further with our articles, sheet music and online courses. These resources, alongside our podcasts, are designed to support your journey to a decluttered mind and a focused life.

    🎶 **CTAs:** - Dive deeper with full articles and resources: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter - Explore "Music & Lyrics by ©Deborah Johnson": https://DJWorksMusic.com for sheet music & MP3 accompaniment. - For inspirational insights and principles for life, visit: https://DeborahJohnsonSpeaker.com

    CHAPTERS: 1:10 - DJWorksMedia.com Introduction 1:50 - Brain Spring Cleaning Tips 3:34 - Ruthlessly Prioritize: Principle 1 5:59 - Embrace Constraints: Principle 2 8:01 - Staying Present with Values: Principle 3 10:17 - Eliminate Non-Essentials: Principle 4 12:27 - Invest in Rest: Principle 5 14:36 - Applying Life Principles for Improvement 15:35 - Goals for Your Life Newsletter Signup 15:59 - Outro

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    16 mins
  • 267.Fit for Life: The Adventure of Fitness with Kelly Howard
    Apr 5 2024

    "Fit for life" is about embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness, particularly crucial during mid-career or halftime transitions. This is a time where cultivating consistent and effective habits is key; however, by infusing an element of "adventure," this journey becomes not just manageable, but fun!

    This podcast isn't just about fitness; it's a journey into how mid-life can be a time of transformation, adventure, and rediscovery. Kelly Howard, a beacon of health and vitality and Fitness Consistency Expert, shares her remarkable story of overcoming physical and personal challenges to embrace a life full of energy and purpose. Kelly's insights demonstrate that it's never too late to redefine your path, proving that with the right mindset and habits, the best years are yet to come.

    In this interview, we explore how this balanced approach is not only attainable but profoundly impactful, so listen closely to glean valuable insights about consistency, a North Star and the cascading effect of good choices. Enjoy a conversation where you just may add some adventure to your life! Make sure you get Kelly's free book and downloads at FitIsFreedom.com! (https://fitisfreedom.com/)

    Make sure you get our weekly articles, music and other updates here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

    TIMING: 0:00 - Introduction 1:30 - Kelly Howard Background 4:50 - Adventure Inspiration in Business 9:50 - Long-Term Fitness Strategies 14:51 - Achieving Long-Term Goals Techniques 19:53 - Importance of Finding Your Why 23:00 - Overcoming Life Challenges 25:25 - Dealing with Injuries 30:34 - Implementing Layered Accountability 37:15 - Starting Your Fitness Journey 41:26 - Finding Kelly Howard 42:15 - Exclusive Free Gift Offer 44:10 - Conclusion 45:28 - Connecting with Middle-Aged Women

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    45 mins