• Wrestling Rasputins
    Jun 18 2024

    In this episode, we explore the incredible story of a first-century encounter that reveals the power of the Holy Spirit and the boldness required to stand against spiritual opposition. Starting with the dramatic history of Rasputin, a demonically empowered holy man whose influence led to the downfall of the Russian monarchy, we draw parallels to a biblical account from the book of Acts. We delve into the mission of Paul and Barnabas, who confronted Elymas, a magician with evil intentions, and how God intervened in a miraculous way to protect His mission and spread the gospel.

    We will examine the leadership of the church at Antioch, a diverse and united community that became a model of missionary zeal and doctrinal courage. As we study Acts 13, we see how the Holy Spirit called and sent out Barnabas and Saul, leading to the dramatic confrontation with Elymas and the subsequent conversion of Sergius Paulus, a Roman proconsul.

    This episode challenges us to open our eyes to the global harvest fields, strengthen our grip on biblical truth, and develop courageous hearts that expose the father of lies while worshipping the Father of truth. Join us as we uncover the timeless lessons from this powerful narrative and learn how to apply them to our lives and ministries today.

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    29 mins
  • Glory to God . . . Alone!
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode, we journey back to the first century to explore the rise and fall of the most powerful and infamous family of that era—the Herods. Known for their ruthlessness and political maneuvering, the Herods were at the height of their power during the birth of Christianity. From Herod the Great, who reigned during the birth of Jesus, to his descendants who continued his legacy of tyranny and opposition to God's plan, we delve into their historical impact and ultimate downfall.

    We'll examine the intriguing history of Herod the Great, his sons, and grandsons, who played significant roles in the New Testament narrative, including the execution of James and the imprisonment of Peter. As we delve into Acts 12, we'll see how God's sovereignty triumphs over political power and human evil. Herod Agrippa I, the persecutor of the church, meets a dramatic and divine end, illustrating the timeless truth that God's purposes cannot be thwarted by human schemes.

    Join us as we uncover the lessons from this historical account, reflecting on the unstoppable spread of God's Word and the ultimate futility of opposing His divine will. This episode is a powerful reminder that no matter how mighty the earthly rulers may seem, the King of Heaven reigns supreme.

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    29 mins
  • The Answer Came Knocking
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode, join me as I share a compelling story that underscores God's mysterious ways. Tracy Daniels, the 16-year-old daughter of a pastor, recounts an unexpected and providential event that awakened her family one winter night. The incident reminds us of the sovereignty of God, whether the outcomes are smooth or stormy.

    As we delve into Acts 12, we witness scenes of both panic and providence, chaos and contentment. The chapter opens with the martyrdom of James, a pioneering apostle, and the subsequent arrest of Peter by King Herod. While Peter faces what seems like an inevitable execution, the church fervently prays for his deliverance. What unfolds next is a miraculous escape orchestrated by God, filled with surprising details and divine interventions.

    Through this narrative, we explore lessons on contentment in impossible circumstances, the power of fervent prayer, and the assurance of God's control over every situation. We see how God's plans are unstoppable, His will irreversible, and His ways often beyond our understanding.

    Tune in to discover how the early church navigated these tumultuous times with faith and reliance on God's providence, and learn how these timeless truths apply to our lives today.

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    29 mins
  • The Antioch Example
    Jun 13 2024

    Join me on a journey to the golden city of the Roman Empire—Antioch. Known as the queen city of the east, Antioch's main street, paved with marble and lined with marble columns, was a sight to behold. Despite its beauty, Antioch rivaled Corinth in its sinfulness with chariot racing, gambling, and rampant immorality. This city never slept and seemed an unlikely place for an evangelistic crusade.

    Yet, as we explore Acts 11, we discover an incredible example of God's grace and the power of the gospel. The church in Antioch, born amidst this sin city, becomes a beacon of light and an example of godly living. In this episode, we will uncover the transformative story of how ordinary men from Cyprus and Cyrene, burdened for the lost, brought the message of Jesus to the Greeks in Antioch. Despite their unconventional methods, the results were undeniable—Antioch was never the same.

    We will also delve into the role of Barnabas, the encourager, who was sent from Jerusalem to verify this revival. Upon witnessing the grace of God, he rejoiced and sought out Saul (Paul) to help shepherd this growing church. Together, they taught and discipled new believers, with the disciples first being called Christians in Antioch.

    This episode will challenge you to consider how you are living up to the name of Christian and inspire you to embrace new opportunities for ministry, just as the church in Antioch did. Let's learn from their example and strive to walk worthy of our name, making a lasting impact for the glory of God.

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    29 mins
  • The Church that Changed
    Jun 12 2024

    Perhaps you can identify with having recently changed your geography, your career, or your family dynamics. Whether it's moving from the coast to dryer land, transitioning from an office career to a stay-at-home life with a newborn, or experiencing an empty nest as children leave for college, change is a constant in our lives.

    No change is easy. We naturally resist the rough waters and hardships that come with it. One of the most difficult changes is regarding lifelong traditions and past heritage, especially when it involves our relationship with Christ and how we worship.

    In Acts 10, we see a significant change in the early church as Peter's lifelong beliefs are challenged. Peter, staying in the home of Simon the tanner, receives a vision from God that contradicts the Old Testament dietary laws and paves the way for the inclusion of Gentiles into the church. This vision required Peter to set aside his traditions and embrace something new.

    Upon returning to Jerusalem, Peter faces criticism from the Jewish believers for associating with Gentiles. However, he calmly explains his vision and the work of the Holy Spirit among the Gentiles. This moment in church history marks the dramatic inclusion of Gentiles into the body of Christ, breaking down long-standing barriers.

    As we navigate changes in our own lives, we can learn from Peter's example. He was willing to change something ancient for something new, embrace someone different, and defend something new. This willingness to change allowed the early church to grow and include all believers, regardless of their background.

    As believers today, we must be open to change, especially when it comes to following God's leading. We need to distinguish between godly disciplines and legalism, and learn to embrace biblical commands while letting go of personal preferences that are not scripturally mandated.

    In the drama of the Christian life, change is inevitable. The key is to embrace it with a heart open to God's direction, trusting that He is guiding us through each scene of our lives.

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    29 mins
  • The Drama of Change
    Jun 11 2024

    On stage, the hope of everyone is that everything goes as planned. In life, you are never really sure what God has planned for you until it happens. On stage, you stay in character – whether it is happy, congenial, or sad. In life, you are required to change your character – and you never really master any one expression. On stage, you hope you never need the help of the prompter sitting off stage, who whispers what you are supposed to say or do. In the Christian life, the prompter does not hide in the shadows and whisper, but rather, He, the Holy Spirit, directs prominently. In fact, in life, every actor is to depend on the prompter – to look for Him; to wait for His cue. A play is predictable for those involved; you are supposed to stick to the script. In life, everything is unpredictable; the scripts are written only after you have lived through the scene. And then, suddenly the scene changes; you have never seen one quite like it before, so you look for the prompter or better yet, you keep your eye on the Director.

    The subtitle to the play of life could be called The Drama of Change. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 5:17: if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed [continually passing] away; behold, new things have [constantly] come. In other words, the Christian’s middle name is Change.

    Nowhere is such a dramatic change about to occur than in Acts, chapter 10. We arrive at this chapter in our study, and we are about to discover a great drama unfolding before our very eyes. It is the drama of change that will eventually build a bridge between the Jewish and the Gentile nations. It was dramatic to see news clippings of the Berlin wall toppling down – a wall that had stood for thirty years. In Acts, chapter 10, we will see the crumbling of a wall between two people groups that had lasted for thousands of years. Chapter 10 must be observed as an entire unit, so we will actually read the entire chapter today. The drama that unfolds in this chapter can be divided into four scenes. I will interrupt periodically to provide some insight or commentary. Join us as we witness the transformative power of the Gospel and the unfolding of God's grand design for His church.

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    29 mins
  • The Making of a Pearl
    Jun 10 2024

    In this heartfelt episode, we delve into the later years of Nehemiah's life and explore the enduring trials he faced even at the age of 70. Reflecting on the humorous yet profound realities of aging, we find ourselves drawn to Nehemiah's steadfast faith and unyielding commitment to God's work. Despite his desire for a simpler life, Nehemiah confronts ongoing challenges with remarkable resolve, teaching us invaluable lessons about perseverance and faithfulness.

    We explore Nehemiah's decisive actions against compromise, selfishness, materialism, and disobedience among the people of Jerusalem. Each scenario underscores the importance of maintaining spiritual integrity and the necessity of immediate and unwavering responses to sin. Nehemiah's story reminds us that our greatest tests of faith and character often lie ahead, and that past victories do not guarantee future ones.

    As we navigate our own lives, faced with trials and tribulations, Nehemiah's example inspires us to fashion pearls out of our struggles. His life serves as a testament to the hard work of the Christian journey, urging us to stay vigilant, to remain gatekeepers of our faith, and to trust in God's enduring grace. Join us as we uncover the timeless wisdom embedded in Nehemiah's final chapter and find encouragement to continue our spiritual race with unwavering determination.

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    29 mins
  • A Declaration of Dependence
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, Stephen delves into Nehemiah 10-12, where the people of Israel demonstrate their renewed commitment to God following their revival. Drawing parallels to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Stephen explains how true revival is marked by a declaration of dependence on God. He highlights four key evidences of true revival: rededicating one's feet to follow God's precepts, rededicating family life to biblical purity, trusting in God's providence, and dedicating finances to God's priorities. Join us as we explore the transformative power of revival and the joy that comes from a restored relationship with God.

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    29 mins