• Severe Warnings of Danger (Romans 16:17-20)
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we delve into the final chapter of Romans. Paul, after offering personal greetings to nearly thirty individuals, pauses to deliver a stern warning to the church in Rome. His urgent message addresses two critical dangers for believers—false teachers and a depraved culture. Discover Paul's insights on identifying and avoiding false teachings that lead believers astray and learn how to stay innocent and wise in a world full of temptations. Join us as we uncover the importance of vigilance in our walk with Christ and heed Paul's warnings for a steadfast faith.

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    14 mins
  • The Roll Call of Heaven (Romans 16:1-16)
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we delve into the final chapter of Romans, where Paul bares his heart in gratitude by naming thirty-five people who have impacted his life and ministry. This personal roll call serves as a powerful reminder that every believer's name and service matter to God. Paul greets seventeen men, nine women, two married couples, five converted slaves, and several large groups and households, highlighting the importance of each individual's contribution to the body of Christ.

    Join us as we explore the significance of these names and the stories behind them, such as Phoebe, Prisca and Aquila, and Rufus. Discover how Paul's acknowledgments reflect God's heart, where no act of service goes unnoticed and every believer's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. This episode encourages us to live for Christ with a servant-minded attitude, knowing that our names and deeds are eternally remembered by our Heavenly Father.

    Reflect on the profound truth that God knows you personally and cares about every detail of your life. Be inspired by the stories of faithful believers and the assurance that one day, when the roll is called up yonder, your name will be there, greeted by the Lord Himself.

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    14 mins
  • Urgent Prayer Requests from Paul (Romans 15:30-33)
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we delve into Romans 15:30-33, where the Apostle Paul makes an urgent plea for prayer from the believers in Rome. Paul, aware of his own weaknesses and the dangers he faces, appeals to the church with a heartfelt request for support in prayer. He reveals three specific prayer requests: for safety, for his service to be accepted, and for personal joy and refreshment.

    Paul’s transparency and dependence on prayer offer a powerful example of humility and reliance on God. Despite his remarkable accomplishments and steadfast dedication to his mission, Paul acknowledges his need for the prayers of fellow believers to sustain and strengthen him. His plea is not just for occasional prayer but for believers to agonize in prayer alongside him, sharing in his spiritual struggle.

    Join us as we explore how Paul’s prayer requests were answered and learn the importance of striving together in prayer for one another. Discover how God’s peace and faithfulness provided Paul with the strength to continue his mission, even amidst trials and discouragement. This episode encourages us to remain faithful in prayer and to support one another in our spiritual journeys.

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    14 mins
  • When Expectations Don’t Take Place (Romans 15:20-29)
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we explore Romans 15:20-29, where the Apostle Paul shares his personal expectations and ministry goals. However, life doesn’t always go as planned. Through the example of Paul and the remarkable story of Dr. Charles McCoy, we learn how to trust God’s unexpected plans even when our own expectations are not met.

    Paul's ambition was to preach the gospel where Christ was not yet known, hoping to visit Rome and eventually reach Spain. Despite his godly desires and long-term plans, Paul’s journey took unexpected turns. His arrival in Rome as a prisoner rather than a missionary pioneer serves as a powerful reminder that God's plans often differ from ours, but they are always purposeful and filled with hope.

    Through the lives of Dr. Charles McCoy and the Apostle Paul, this episode encourages us to hold our expectations loosely and trust in God's perfect plan for our lives. Even when our dreams and goals do not materialize as we envision, God's sovereign hand is at work, guiding us to fulfill His greater purposes.

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    14 mins
  • Refusing a Place on the Pedestal (Romans 15:17-19)
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we delve into Romans 15:17-19 where the Apostle Paul provides a powerful lesson on humility and the dangers of pride. Paul illustrates how to avoid the trap of self-centered pride by emphasizing three key practices: elevating Christ, refusing personal accolades, and highlighting the work of the Holy Spirit. Through vivid examples and personal anecdotes, Stephen Davey explores how we, too, can follow Paul's example in our own lives and ministries.

    Paul begins by expressing his pride not in his own achievements, but in what Christ has accomplished through him. He emphasizes that any reason for boasting is found "in Christ Jesus." Next, Paul refuses to take credit for the spiritual fruits borne in his ministry, instead directing all glory to Christ. His humility serves as a model for us to avoid seeking personal recognition and to focus on God's work through us.

    Finally, Paul underscores the importance of attributing the success of his ministry to the power of the Holy Spirit. The miraculous signs and wonders performed through him were not for his glory but to validate the gospel and demonstrate God's power. As believers today, we are reminded to rely on the Holy Spirit and elevate Christ, keeping ourselves off the pedestal and pointing others to Him. Join us in learning how to embody this humility and bring glory to God in all we do.

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    14 mins
  • Wearing Different Hats of Helpfulness (Romans 15:14-16)
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode, we dive back into Romans 15 where the Apostle Paul delivers heartfelt compliments to the believers in Rome, despite never having met them. Paul’s message is more than just praise; it's a demonstration of the roles we should embrace within the body of Christ. Join Stephen Davey as he explores how Paul exemplifies wearing different "hats" of helpfulness in his ministry—roles that we, too, can adopt to strengthen and support one another in our faith journeys.

    Paul dons the hat of an encourager, recognizing the goodness, knowledge, and instructive abilities of the Roman believers. This is followed by his role as a professor, reminding them of important truths they may already know but need to revisit. He then becomes a preacher, emphasizing the grace given to him to minister to the Gentiles, and finally, Paul takes on the hat of a minister, serving with self-sacrificial love and dedication, much like the medical pioneer Dr. Evan Kane, who demonstrated his commitment by performing surgery on himself to prove a point and save lives.

    Through these various roles, Paul models the essence of a servant-leader, showing us that making a difference in the world involves more than just knowledge or position; it requires a heart willing to serve and sacrifice for others. Tune in to discover how you can apply these principles in your own life, wearing different hats of helpfulness for the glory of God and the benefit of those around you.

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    14 mins
  • Never Hopeless and Never Helpless (Romans 15:4-13)
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, Stephen explores Romans 15:4-13, revealing how believers can find hope and strength through unity and faith. Drawing from historical examples and biblical teachings, Stephen emphasizes the importance of embracing the Scriptures, the fellowship of believers, and our Savior. These practices not only guide us in times of uncertainty but also foster a community where hearts are never homeless, and futures are filled with hope. Join us as we delve into the practical steps to live a life marked by joy, peace, and hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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    14 mins
  • God’s Advertising Agency (Romans 15:1-3, 8)
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode, Stephen delves into Romans 15:1-3, 8, exploring how believers are called to be representatives of Christ, embodying His supportiveness, selflessness, sacrifice, and servanthood. Using real-life examples and biblical references, Stephen illustrates the profound impact of living out these qualities, making us effective ambassadors of God's kingdom. Join us as we discover practical ways to imitate Jesus and promote the true brand of Christianity in our daily lives.

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    14 mins