• Marriage & the Beattitudes :: [Ep. 219]
    Jun 3 2024

    Marriage & the Beattitudes :: [Ep. 219]

    We live in a culture that applauds and pushes pursuit of self all in attempt to find satisfaction. And yet, why are so many still dissatisfied? Could it be because so many (Christians included) are pursuing the wrong things for satisfaction? Because of this misguided pursuit, we are personally affected, as well as, our marriages and spouses!

    This week, on the VowsToKeep Marriage Podcast, we are exploring this satisfaction problem and pointing us to the wisdom of Christ’s teachings and reminding us what truly brings satisfaction.

    Don’t miss it!

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    25 mins
  • Parenting & Discipline 101 :: [Ep. 218]
    May 27 2024

    Parenting & Discipline 101 :: [Ep. 218]

    Parenting is hard; disciplining our children is even harder - especially when our kids have the special ability to drive us to frustration and anger! Many a frustrated parent live pressed between the fury of their uncontrollable emotions in the heat of the moment and the recurring consequences of an undisciplined child! This creates a special kind of friction in the home AND marriage too!

    This week, come listen to learn how to fight against this and find out how you can be two parents on mission for your God and the children he gave you.

    Don’t miss it!

    For more encouragement, check out our corresponding Blog post!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • Biblical Parenting & How to Sow Seeds of Faith (part 2) :: [Ep. 217]
    May 20 2024

    Biblical Parenting & How to Sow Seeds of Faith (part 2) :: [Ep. 217]

    Raising children and keeping them alive is hard enough! Add in the pressure of leading and guiding them spiritually and the hardness moves to a whole new level. This week, we are providing parents gospel encouragement and practical advice about this area of parenting. Come learn and listen to this part two episode on how to Sow Seeds of Faith so your kids don't walk away from the church and their faith!

    Tune in now!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • Biblical Parenting & How To Sow Seeds of Faith (part 1) :: [Ep. 216]
    May 13 2024

    Biblical Parenting & How To Sow Seeds of Faith (part 1) :: [Ep. 216]

    If you are married, you are a God designed team, especially when it comes to parenting and training up your children and sowing seeds of lasting faith. This week, we are beginning a two-part series about biblical parenting and how to practically sow seeds of faith in your kids.

    Find out how the faith you live today influences the faith your kids will have, well into the future. In this series, we’ll talk about:

    • What the statics say, about why kids choose to walk away from the church and faith
    • What God’s word says is the need for church
    • What your responsibility is now - as a parent with kids someday leaving your home
    • Why and how we leave the future of our kids in the hands of God

    Tune in now and be encouraged!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • How to Lead Your Family Through the Topic of Abortion :: [Ep. 215]
    May 6 2024

    How to Lead Your Family Through the Topic of Abortion :: [Ep. 215]

    Any married couple knows marriage can be hard. Throw in parenting into the mix – things get even harder. Especially if those parents care about rightly spiritually leading their families. Culturally, this is becoming harder and harder to do and wading through the tough, hot topics, can feel hard and defeating when culture is yelling so loudly at our kids. So that is why, this week, we are diving into the hot topic of Abortion and how to lead your family through this very important conversation. We will be interviewing a very special guest - our daughter, Autumn Sellars! Autumn spent her summer of 2023 working a job at the Creation Museum speaking about this very topic to those visiting the museum. Additionally, she will be graduating this spring from Cedarville University with a Bachelors in Biology and a Minor in Bible and Chemistry so she will be sharing with us her expertise and advice on how to navigate this topic.

    Don’t miss it!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • How to Get Your Husband to Engage With You (part 2) :: [Ep. 214]
    Apr 29 2024

    How to Get Your Husband to Engage With You (part 2) :: [Ep. 214]

    What's happening in your marriage? Like at the very heart of it? Sometimes we can get clues to how we are really doing by looking at our communication.

    When it comes to David and I's relationship, you can bet any day of the week that I want him to engage with me. If he's not, there's something else going on. But sometimes, I might not realize that it might be ME that's halting our conversations. How can that be, when I feel like I'm chasing him down just to talk?!

    This episode, we are getting candid and taking an honest look at ourselves and how we might be (possibly unknowingly) disrupting the flow of communication we long for with our husbands. Come listen and learn and be encouraged - if we are humbly willing to change where change is needed, there is HOPE!

    Don't miss it!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • How to Get Your Husband to Engage With You (part 1) :: [Ep. 213]
    Apr 22 2024

    How to Get Your Husband to Engage With You (part 1) :: [Ep. 213]

    Surprisingly, there are probably things within your heart and therefore your marriage that you might not even realize are the very obstacle to getting to the good things you want in your marriage...

    This week's episode is a teaching on what might be halting your conversations with your husband and the antidotes from God's Word.

    During this episode, God may point out some things that you are doing that push your husband away. Things that make it hard for him to interact with you and shy away from engagement. Come with a willingness to let God have your heart. If we can do that, there can be big changes within our marriages.

    Come listen now and be encouraged!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins
  • How to Love Your Wife Even Better :: [Ep. 212]
    Apr 15 2024

    How To Love Your Wife Even Better :: [Ep. 212]

    This episode is for you guys! It's a detailed study that we think you are going to get a lot from. Not because we are anything awesome, but because Jesus is.

    He's where we get our Hope from. Our Hope for marriage. And today, we're turning to the Gospels of Mark and Luke and Matthew - looking closely at HOW Jesus spoke to His disciples (those closest to Him) and how He spoke with the crowds (those who were a little more skeptical).

    Jesus calls us His bride, so why not take our cue guys at how Jesus spoke to His church? He spoke realistically, compassionately, truthfully, thoughtfully, frequently and many more ways that we can use in our own marriages.

    Let's get started!

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    For more marriage encouragement, visit: www.VowsToKeep.com | V2K Blog | Marriage Counseling | Insta | FB

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    25 mins