
  • Episode 18 -Why Personal Development is Important in Achieving Your Dreams Ft. Nick Verge
    Jan 26 2022

    We had the immense pleasure of speaking with Nick Verge on today’s podcast. Nick is an incredible copywriter, he has helped brands explode their conversion rate with his skills by building landing pages for e-commerce brands.

    Some of the main topics that we've discussed in this podcast are why personal development is important in achieving your dreams and why the fear of failure can keep you stuck? Why having confidence is important in achieving your dreams and how to defeat the fear of failure?

    A lot of people seem to be stuck in jobs that they do not like, living the life that they do not want to live. Why is that? Do people lack purpose in life or are they too afraid to take a risk? It seems that we are all living in our comfort zone because at least it's safe. But would the reward be worth taking the risk of leaving it and start working towards your dreams? 


    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!

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    2 hrs and 4 mins
  • Episode 17 - Freedom of Speech - Is Censorship Bad?
    Jan 23 2022

    There is a lot of talk about freedom of speech lately.

    What are you allowed to say, who are you allowed to say it to, can you get in trouble for it if you use hate speech for example? Would censorship be bad in that case and unconstitutional or would it be acceptable?

    But who gets to decide what is it acceptable to say and what isn't? If answers were straight forward we wouldn't be having this discussion, but it seems that it is much more nuanced than we think.

    We need to remember that under the 1st Amendment not all free speech is equal. It is created to protect you from the government and allows you to critique it, but it doesn't protect you from being banned on Twitter for example, in Trump's case, or your employer firing you because of something that you've said.

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
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    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!

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    2 hrs and 34 mins
  • Episode 16 - Being Empathetic and Living in Harmony Ft. Cameron Barke
    Jan 16 2022

    We had the immense pleasure of speaking with Cameron Barke in this episode.

    We touched on the notion of being empathetic and living in harmony with each other. On how we can work together.

    When we say that people are not working and living in harmony, what does that mean? Are we looking at it on a macro or micro level? We believe that one of the main reasons why people are not harmonious is because it is extremely difficult to find the right balance between order and chaos in our lives and the world in general.

    We touch on subjects like cancel culture, divide among the people and in government, communication problems and so on. We ask ourselves can stress be good for us? Are our universities brainwashing us instead of teaching us how to think? Has there always been biased news, information, and propaganda? Would Elon Musk be a better president and Donald Trump? How can we take care of and be in harmony with ourselves so that we can be harmonious with other people? And is that even possible? 

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpastir/


    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!


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    2 hrs and 32 mins
  • Episode 15 - Entrepreneurial Financial Education in Schools Ft. Allan Marston
    Jan 10 2022

    Like it or not our financial success has a huge impact on every area of our lives.

    One of the top 3 reasons marriages fail is fights over money. Debt creates massive stress in families and stress hurts your health. Your freedom, enjoyment ability to educate yourself, ability to travel, ability to contribute to your community, all of these things are deeply affected by your financial success.

    And yet financial education is almost completely absent in the school system. People don't learn about mortgages, they don't learn how to balance budgets, they don't understand credit or lending let alone entrepreneurship, how companies, write-offs, taxes, etc. work.

    Why not? What is the gap in bringing financial education to the mainstream? How do you do it when governments are run by people who mostly don't themselves have a good understanding of entrepreneurship, business, taxes, or finances?

    When teachers tend not to be well educated in terms of finance how do you bring good financial education to schools? Are schools, governments, and educators collaborating with big companies and institutions to essentially prevent this education from coming to the masses? Would homeschooling help? Should it be handled through private schools? What about after-school classes? Could you build some sort of app or gamification to help with education? Could you utilize games to teach students? Could you have entrepreneurial classes?

    Our guest today Allan Marston is a long-time passionate entrepreneur from Canada who has built many MLM & network marketing companies as well as tech start-ups including one he's working on at the moment. He's passionate about bringing financial education and empowerment to people all over the world and we had a great time discussing the subject with him and sharing ideas about how we could move this forward. If you're interested check him out on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast.

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!


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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • Episode 14 - Reinventing The Education System Ft. Lindsay Goff
    Jan 5 2022

    Our children are the future of our society so it makes sense to invest in our students and our schools to create the best possible environment, to cultivate those students in the best possible way.

    This weeks' guest Lindsay Goff is joining us to discuss how she is working to revolutionize the education system.

    The equation is simple. Our students are the future of our society therefore as our education of the students goes so goes the future of our society.

    This being said education is complex and challenging. There are various forms of personalized learning, there are alternative forms of learning, online vs traditional education, Montessori schools, unstructured learning, etc., etc., etc.

    Amid all of this, there are budgetary limitations, there are questions about curriculum, there are considerations regarding teachers and how we motivate and improve the quality of teachers.

    Enter our guest for the week Lindsay Goff a passionate school teacher who is building her school and system in an attempt to grow the learning systems and make it more effective for students, teachers, and parents alike.

    Lindsay discusses the realities of being a teacher vs the theory, where some of the real breakdowns exist and the ideas she has about how to make it better both at an individual level and at a systemic level.

    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast.

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpastir/


    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!

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    1 hr and 56 mins
  • Episode 13 - Facing The Crisis of Consciousness Ft. Lavanya Hiremath
    Dec 23 2021

    We discuss many issues on the Solutions Podcast but deep beneath many of our supposedly deepest challenges is a deeper very personal struggle that affects all of society.

    This is what today's guest, Lavanya Hiremath calls "A Crisis of Consciousness".

    Today we dive deep into how we as individuals are wounded, how those wounds shape us, how we carry them within throughout our lives and they affect all our relationships.

    We discuss how healing our world might need to start with healing ourselves. But to even have this discussion we need to start by examining "What is consciousness?" "What are the beliefs, patterns, and perspectives we're carrying with us?" "Where did these wounds, these voids come from?"

    We discuss our childhoods, the effects society and our parents have had on us. How we're shaped in school and among our friends and peers.

    We dive into tools for improving self-awareness and consciousness including books from authors like Byron Katie, Louise Hay, The Holistic Psychologist, Dr. Nicole Lepera. Instagram: @the.holistic.psychologist

    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast.


    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!


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    2 hrs
  • Episode 12 - Is The Next Hitler Here? What Can We Do To Resist Tyranny?
    Dec 7 2021

    We live in insane times!

    Governments are seizing power more than ever, which wouldn't be so bad if it all seemed sensible but some of the things they are doing are bizarre, contradictory, non-sensical. People see this but the question is what to do?

    In the last year or so it has become abundantly clear how Hitler rose to power. People might ask "how could people have sat by and done nothing while the Nazis rose?" In the last year, it has become obvious that this could happen and it's a danger to society, a threat to democracy if the populace will remain passive in the face of illogical and authoritarian government action.

    But the question is "what can we do today?"

    No one wants to go to prison. No one wants their efforts to be fruitless. And in the absence of seemingly effective options, there's a tendency to do nothing. But as the expression goes "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing".

    So, today we ask this question of what can be done. How can we take immediate action day by day to make the world a better place and perhaps just as importantly remain vigilant to threats against democracy, freedom, peace, justice, etc?

    There's the famous quote "The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance".

    Join us today and share your thoughts on how do we safeguard democracy? What are some daily actions we can take personally, with our families, with our friends, to preserve what we love and to avoid being overtaken by dictators? No one wants a repeat of the past but to avoid it we need sensible solutions to ensure we're safe.

    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast.

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!

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    1 hr and 53 mins
  • Episode 11 - Misinformation and The Failings of Capitalism Ft. Bryan Rider
    Dec 1 2021

    Some would argue the market system is one of the greatest discoveries of humanity propelling us to great heights primarily by efficiently allocating resources and fostering innovation.

    At the same time, there's growing concern that capitalism is failing us that perhaps it doesn't scale. At the same time, our public communication channels are suffering from a similar breakdown as misinformation grows in the world.

    Today we engage with our first guest Bryan Rider in episode 11 of The Solutions Podcast.

    In this episode, we have a lively discussion about what's going wrong? The failings of capitalism, the failings of modern communication methods, and the breakdown of sense-making.

    We discuss whether these things have always been concerns or whether they are new concerns. What's behind these issues? How has social media contributed? How have economic incentives or skewed incentives in general created issues? Has capitalism failed us? Is there a better way to build a system than capitalism? Communism? Socialism? Social democracy? Something else? What's wrong with free-market economies? What role should regulations play? Is the problem crony capitalism? What about the rise of fake news? How have broadcast mediums changed? What about the concerning incentives not only for misinformation and sensationalization but disinformation?

    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast.

    Authors: Michael Rosmer & Jim Pastirmatzis

    You can find us at:


    • Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on Instagram - https://instagram.com/michaelrosmer
    • Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbr...


    • Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jimpst/
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    All of this and more on The Solutions Podcast!

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    3 hrs and 3 mins