• Endings and New Beginnings on the Path of Enlightenment
    May 4 2016
    Surfing the cosmic waves of transformation on the path of enlightenment always brings endings followed by new beginnings. As one door closes, a new one opens up. This is the way evolution and ascension to a new level of consciousness takes place. br Join St. Germain in the last episode of this season. He will talk once more about the natural cycles of transformation during times of accelerated spiritual growth as we all experience now on Earth. He will guide you to ways that will ease the transition from one state of consciousness to the next on the path of enlightenment. An infusion of a unique unified ray of the Christ Love merged with the Cosmic Violet Flame will be offered to support you in the days ahead. br The channeled music during this radio show was created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br The inspired artwork was created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    53 mins
  • The Point of No Return on the Path of Enlightenment
    Apr 27 2016
    Once we make choices that were sealed into our auric field by the Hierarchy of Light during auspicious days like the Wesak Festival, tremendous transformational forces are unleashed. As we gain momentum in redirecting our life on our path of enlightenment we come to a point of no return. It happens ever so silently, but we know when it is upon us. This can be a very frightening moment. What if we made the wrong choice? What if the direction we are moving towards is creating more limitations and responsibilities we can’t handle? In this episode St. Germain will support you in this process further. You will receive an energy infusion to give you the strength and courage to welcome the new life that is awaiting you with open arms. Always have trust and faith that something greater than you guides, directs and supports you at all times. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    54 mins
  • Opening to Divine Illumination leads to Transformation
    Apr 20 2016
    The Wesak Festival is celebrated as a time of spiritual renewal. Buddha descends once a year into the Wesak valley on Earth as an intermediary between the Hierarchy of Light and humanity. He then releases a wave of new energies of love and light to all present in the Wesak valley to assist in the empowerment and enlightenment process of humanity. br In this episode St. Germain will take you to the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas to be among Ascended Masters, Disciples and Initiates of the Light for this celebration. During the ceremony new commitments of service to earth and humanity will be sealed within every participant's aura. A unique spiritual alignment is then created assisting you to live and express your divine purpose more fully in your day to day life and to become even more of a living vessel of the healing powers of divine love and truth on earth. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan
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    54 mins
  • The Willingness to Let Go brings Transformation
    Apr 13 2016
    Often we recognize deep within our hearts aspects of ourselves we would like to let go off. And yet the process seems much more challenging as these parts have given us structure and purpose for a long time. Yet if we don’t release the old, how can we make room for the new. In this episode St. Germain will bring you to the understanding that this process starts with your willingness to simply make the choice to let go of what no longer serves you. This choice unleashes powerful transformational forces that will assist you in moving out of restricting conditions into a more liberated experience of your true divine Self. St. Germain will also take you on an inner journey to offer an energy attunement of the highest vibration of love and light. This will give you the strength and courage to let go of the past and to embark on a new journey on your path of enlightenment. Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com.
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    54 mins
  • Emptiness, a necessity on the Path of Transformation
    Apr 6 2016
    The lunar cycle always plays a significant role for humanity. It starts with the phase of the new moon and becomes most influential half way through at the time of the full moon. The lack of light offered by the new moon teaches us the necessity to completely empty ourselves from all previous attachments at the beginning of each new cycle in our lives. This emptiness then is being replaced by new experiences. Evolution and expansion to a new consciousness can take place. br In this episode St. Germain will talk about the importance of emptiness, awareness and choice. He will take you into a place of great potentiality as you experience the power of nothingness within the great void of “The Great Spirit of All That Is”. This is a place where tremendous transformation and awakening can get triggered. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    57 mins
  • Catching your Breath on the Path of Transformation
    Mar 30 2016
    We have experienced many shifts during the month of March and crossed significant thresholds to new levels of consciousness. Such intense times of inner work can leave the Initiate empty and exhausted. Impatience and the need to see quick results can also interfere with the natural process of spiritual unfoldment and tire us even more. br In this episode St. Germain will talk about the importance of catching your breath after such inner work has been completed and how to recognize when it is necessary to do so. In addition he will offer an infusion of a calming energy frequency that will assist you in the integration of all the new downloads you received. This will allow you to slow down and rest for a bit before new steps on your path of enlightenment have to be taken. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    54 mins
  • Releasing the Cross of Matter on the Path of Transformation
    Mar 23 2016
    The crucifixion and then resurrection of Jesus after his physical death plays a significant role in understanding the power of the Christ consciousness, the power of love as well as the power of transformation in each of our lives. br Love transforms all. Love is limitless. Love is at the core of our essence. Let St. Germain guide you during this episode to experience a deep infusion of this Christ love into your heart. As its unique vibration touches you deep within, it will help uplift you and give you the strength and courage to release your own personal cross of matter you have been carrying for so long. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    56 mins
  • Out of the Darkness into the Light is Transformation
    Mar 16 2016
    With the upcoming spring equinox, join St. Germain in this new episode to celebrate a time of new beginnings and the promise of tremendous spiritual growth. He will guide you to experience ascension out of the darkness into the sacred moment of total balance and unity between the light and darkness within and outside of yourself. The journey will then continue by taking you a step further into the true radiant light of your divine essence. This will bring you into a greater place of balance and peace and awaken within you the seed for much divine potential to come into manifestation. br Channeled music during this radio show created by Mike Snyder / www.mikesnydercc.com. br Inspired artwork created by Eva Sullivan / www.stardolphin.com.
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    54 mins