• 09. Cultivating Faith Habits and 5 Practical Tips to Nurture Your Spiritual Growth Journey
    May 28 2024

    Hello friend!

    In this equipping episode, we delve into the transformative power of cultivating faith habits and their profound impact on our spiritual growth journey.

    From prayer and scripture reading to gratitude and community engagement, discover 5 practical strategies for cultivating a vibrant and thriving faith life. Join us as we explore how intentional faith habits can deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your spiritual foundation, and equip you to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    Tune in and embark on a journey of spiritual transformation as we uncover the keys to cultivating faith habits that truly enrich your life. I pray this episode blesses you!

    In Him-


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    32 mins
  • 08. A Glimpse Into What a Coaching Session Looks Like
    May 24 2024

    Hey friend!

    If you've been wondering what a coaching session with me looks like, you are in luck today! I am taking you through a short episode sharing some of the key points we will cover in a coaching session.

    This may be new territory for you- you maybe have never thought of hiring a coach or consultant. And whether that be for your business or just life in general, often times when we are in the thick of it, we can't see out from the inside. We get stuck and continue to spin in circles and lose that perspective needed to be successful.

    But I’d ask you to really consider where you are going? What do you want for your business or life? What is possible when you are taking the right steps, asking the right questions, applying the right strategy, and partnering with God?

    I hope this episode gives you a better understanding of what a coaching session with me would be like and gives you some clarity for your next steps.



    To set up a FREE Discovery call or to work with me, email me at:


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    17 mins
  • 07. Once You Take Action in Your God Given Calling, You Need to Stay In Motion in Order to Be Successful and 3 Tips to Not Let an Outside Force Stop You
    May 21 2024

    Hey hey friends!

    I'm so excited to talk to you in today's episode about motion. Seems odd to be talking about motion, correct? But, motion is important when it comes to taking action. And taking action is important in living out our Kingdom Calling!

    It's important to understand how motion works- so I talked about Newton's 1st Law of Motion which states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. Basically, when we give God our yes, and decide to take action, we need to remain in motion to continue to move forward in our God given calling!

    I also share scripture truths that talk about idleness- it is important to God that we continue to move forward in our obedience.

    I shared how outside forces will come against you. But it's important to see them for what they are and be prepared for them and continue to push through even though. We aren't meant to get stuck or become paralyzed in our action. We won't see success when we allow outside forces out of our control to derail us.

    And lastly, I give you 3 tips practical tips on how you can continue to push through if you are finding outside forces causing you to get stuck and stop your motion.

    I pray this episode blesses you!

    In Him-


    To set up a FREE Discovery call or to work with me, email me at:


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    27 mins
  • 06. What To Do First In Taking Action For Your Kingdom Calling
    May 14 2024

    Hey friend!

    In today's episode, I'm talking about what you can do to take action in your Kingdom Calling. You have gifts and talents given to you by God to use here on earth to bless others with and glorify Him and you are ready to use them and take action. You're excited and ready to start that thing that God is calling you to, but you are unsure of where and how to start.

    Sure, we can trust God to lead us and guide us, and to fight for us. But we do have to take action! I talk about your Red Sea moment versus your Jordan River Crossing moment.

    If you are ready to step into all God has for you and to take action, then you'll love this episode where I lay out exactly what to do to take action and use a road map as an example! This was fun to reference, and I pray it blesses you and erases any confusion about where and how to start.

    In Him-


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    30 mins
  • 05. When Sharing Your Gifts With Others Doesn't Come Easy and Three Simple Steps to Take To Overcome This
    May 10 2024

    Hello sweet friend!

    I am so fired up to talk to you about today's episode. If you have good gifts that the Lord has given you to use here on earth to bless others with and glorify Him, and you struggle to share those gifts with others, then this episode is for you!

    You are certainly not alone in struggling to let the world know what you are doing and how the Lord is working through you. We struggle so much with fear of what others may think of us, if we're being too boastful and prideful, if we're going ahead of the Lord.

    But the Lord led me to two stories in the Bible that speak to this topic. I share about how the story of Gideon and The Parable of the Ten Minas show us how God wants us using our gifts here on earth and telling the world about them, in order to glorify Him.

    Scripture Reference:

    Judges 6:1-27

    Luke 19: 11-27

    I also share three, simple steps you can take to share with others what you are doing! I pray this episode lights a fire in your belly and helps you to take action and share the good news about what God is doing through you friend!



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    32 mins
  • 04. What Exactly Is A Kingdom Calling And How Do You Know If You Are Called?
    May 7 2024

    Hello Friend!

    In today's episode we are going to dive into exactly what a Kingdom Calling is. Scripture is very clear that we are all freely given good gifts from the Lord. We're given these gifts to bless others with and glorify God here on earth. It's important to know and be clear on your gifts so that you can use them.

    We'll look at the definition of the Kingdom of God and then the definition of a calling. When you combine the two, you get your Kingdom Calling!

    I give you examples of what it looks like practically to be living out your Kingdom Calling and discuss about how it won't be easy. You will more than likely be met with resistance. But it's important to remember scripture truths. We can do hard things. There are people waiting on the other side of your obedience friend!

    Scripture referenced in this episode:

    1 Peter 4:10

    1 Corinthians 12:4-11

    Ephesians 3:20

    Ephesians 2:10

    Phillipians 2:13

    Romans 8:28

    I pray this episode blesses you and that you are ready to get clarity on your Kingdom Calling and start taking action!

    In Him-


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    Be sure to hit subscribe/follow so you never miss an episode!

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    20 mins
  • 03. Dealing With Imposter Syndrome When It’s Holding You Back and One Easy Tip to Overcome It
    Apr 29 2024

    Hi friend!

    On today's episode I share about how imposter syndrome was one of the main things holding me back from stepping into my Kingdom Calling. I have a feeling it may be yours as well!

    When we have a fear of people thinking we are a fraud in what we're doing in life we tend to hold back and accept those lies. We shrink up and don't actually take action. This way of thinking is usually fear based and it is all lies we hear from the enemy.

    As Christian women we need to ground ourselves in His truth and realize our identity is in Him. God is the one who loves us and goes before us. He is our helper! The good news is we don't have to do this alone.

    I also give you 1 tangible action you can do to start believing the truth of scripture about who you are to help you take action in your Kingdom Calling.

    Be Blessed friend!


    Next Steps:

    Connect with me: @andreamarie.co

    Email me: womenmadefree@gmail.com

    Join the email list- bit.ly/launching2024

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    12 mins
  • 02. Part 2 Of The How And Why For The Kingdom Calling Podcast
    Apr 29 2024

    Hi friend!

    I am sharing a bit more about how and why The Kingdom Calling Podcast came to be! I thought I had it all laid out in Episode 1 but Holy Spirit prompted me to share more. And I'm so thankful for that prompting.

    You see, we all have a story to tell. Our testimony. Testimony of God's goodness in our lives and it's important we share that with the world. Sometimes your testimony lines up with what God is calling you to step into and I'm sharing how my past experiences have led to this podcast.

    I hope you enjoy hearing more about how we got here! I'm so grateful you are here friend.

    In Him-


    Next Steps:

    Connect with me: @andreamarie.co

    Book a Discovery Call with me: womenmadefree@gmail.com

    Join the email list- bit.ly/launching2024

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    21 mins