
  • How to Craft a Keynote That Sells
    Apr 30 2024

    Hello, this is Anthony Trucks, and I'm here to provide you with valuable insights on increasing your bookings and making a greater impact in your field. If you're eager to enhance your revenue by securing more speaking engagements, I'm here to streamline the process. Today, I'll touch on a few key areas that I frequently receive questions about.

    Firstly, many people ask about effective self-marketing strategies for speaking engagements. They wonder how to position themselves as speakers and attract paid opportunities. Additionally, there's often curiosity about crafting compelling keynote speeches and ensuring that each engagement leads to further opportunities.

    In our Speak to Freedom program, we've developed a methodical approach to address these concerns. While each aspect could be explored in greater detail, I'll provide a concise overview of our strategies so you can apply them to your own business endeavors.

    When reaching out to potential clients or event organizers, it's essential to avoid overwhelming them with too much information upfront. Instead, I recommend a series of five carefully crafted emails to gradually introduce yourself and your offerings. These emails are designed to initiate a dialogue and ultimately lead to a phone call or further discussion.

    The initial email simply inquires if there's a need for speakers, without diving into personal details or credentials. Subsequent emails gradually provide more information about your background and expertise, always keeping the focus on generating a response rather than overwhelming the recipient.

    If there's no response, it's important to remember that silence doesn't necessarily mean rejection. It may simply indicate a busy schedule or overlooked emails. In such cases, it's appropriate to follow up at a later date, demonstrating persistence without being pushy.

    Meanwhile, crafting an impactful keynote speech involves several key components. It begins with a captivating introduction to grab the audience's attention, followed by a compelling story that sets the stage for your main message or thesis statement. Throughout the speech, it's crucial to support your points with engaging anecdotes and relevant content, gradually leading to a powerful conclusion.

    Moreover, it's essential to address potential objections or concerns that the audience may have, weaving them into your narrative and offering solutions. By effectively addressing these concerns during your speech, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, paving the way for future opportunities.

    In addition to refining your speaking skills, it's important to maintain a database of stories and experiences that can be tailored to different audiences and settings. This allows for flexibility and customization in your presentations, ensuring that each engagement resonates with the specific needs and interests of your audience.

    Ultimately, by implementing these strategies and leveraging our Speaker Freedom program, you can effectively market yourself as a speaker, deliver impactful keynote speeches, and capitalize on opportunities for growth and expansion in your field. If you're interested in learning more about how we can support you in this journey, I encourage you to book a call with our team to discuss your goals and objectives further. We're here to help you succeed and make a lasting impression in the world of speaking engagements.

    How to connect with Anthony Trucks

    Website: https://www.anthonytrucks.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonytrucks

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonytrucks

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    18 mins
  • How to Wake Your Warrior with Robyn Tanner
    Apr 23 2024
    Welcome back to the Speak to Freedom podcast. Today, we have the incredible Robyn Tanner as our guest. Robyn’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From sleeping in her gym with her kids to becoming a speaker, author, and coach, she's faced incredible challenges with resilience and determination. But Robyn’s story isn't just about her own battles; it's about how she empowers others to find their own fights and emerge victorious. Through her experiences, she guides others to a place where they can wake up every day and say, "I love myself. I love what I've achieved." Join us as Robyn shares her inspiring journey and insights on how to turn your struggles into triumphs, not just for yourself but for those around you as well. [1:45] Robyn, if you're comfortable sharing with the world, imagine someone walking into a room with you and asking, "Hey, what do you do?" How would you respond? Fighter" is my first instinct, but it goes deeper. I'm a warrior, a nurturing mom, a dedicated wife, and a passionate coach (since the age of 19, no less!). This drive to empower others is ingrained in me. While I'm a transformation coach now, and even owned a gym for years, the fighting spirit is what truly defines me. With your help, I've embraced this powerful side of myself, and that's what I want to share with other women: to unleash their inner badass and own it. But my drive extends beyond the gym. I'm a writer at heart, with a book ("The Machete Mentality") already under my belt and several more in the works. Public speaking is a natural extension of this, as I'm now a motivational speaker as well. [3:00] Would you be willing to share with us what contributed to developing the fighter within you? From a young age, resilience defined me. Though I had a loving family, their divorce at five turned my world upside down. Witnessing my brother's struggle with addiction added another layer of hardship. I learned to take care of myself early on. Then, a rare, undiagnosed illness nearly took my life. Dismissed and doubted by the medical system, I had to fight for myself. This "fighter within" led to a grueling surgery and a chronic condition I manage daily. Tragedy struck again when my stepmother passed away from cancer. Wrestling with survivor's guilt and a life unlived, I realized I was trapped in a picture-perfect life that felt empty. This internal battle ignited a fire – the warrior spirit I'd buried as a stay-at-home mom resurfaced. This awakening was my turning point. It was scary, but I embraced authenticity. Now, I empower women to do the same. Through coaching and my "Wake the Warrior" speech, I guide them to confront their inner demons and own their battles. Life is a gift, and I choose to live it fully, limitations and all. Just like me, many walk around unseen battles and unfulfilled dreams. I want to help them shift their mindset from "should" to "get to" – to create the life they truly desire. That's the message I want to carry forward. [7:58] What was the idea behind your decision to help others despite battling your own struggles? It all began at my gym. I was ready to ditch the "picture-perfect" life that felt inauthentic, even if it wasn't outwardly terrible. Opening the gym was a fresh start. People came with typical fitness goals – weight loss, aesthetics, health. But with my 19 years of experience as a trainer, I saw something deeper. This wasn't just physical; it was emotional, mental, and spiritual. Their inner world needed an overhaul for their outer world to truly reflect them. Clients started opening up about struggles at home, work, relationships, and food. It wasn't laziness or lack of discipline; it was misalignment. They weren't facing their inner giants, living a daily lie. Yelling instructions or new diets wouldn't solve it. They needed an "inside strategy" – purging negativity, letting go of the past, and fighting for their future selves. Otherwise, it was a cycle of quick weight loss followed by regain. This is when I knew I had to share my story. I'd battled eating disorders, a dishonest marriage, and actions I wasn't proud of. My own "wake-up call" almost cost me my life, but it also showed me how to help others. Being vulnerable about my past became the key to guiding them on the right path. [13:20] How does one begin to define and give the necessary honor and focus to solving their struggles? Many of my clients are high-achieving women who project strength outwardly. They juggle careers and families, presenting a "grin and bear it" facade. However, this often masks a fear of vulnerability. They don't want to burden their partners or express their true needs. This lack of communication hinders their growth. I believe the path to transformation is threefold. The first step is surrender. This isn't giving up entirely, but rather questioning what truly serves them. Letting go of outdated versions of ...
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    39 mins
  • How to Listen and Deliver with Aditya Guthey
    Apr 16 2024
    Welcome back to Speak to Freedom! Today, we're joined by Aditya Guthey, a tech professional with a fascinating journey. Aditya transitioned from his tech industry experience to become a communication coach, helping others effectively express themselves. Whether it's written or verbal communication, strong skills are essential for managing yourself, leading teams, and achieving your goals. We all need to keep growing, and Aditya’s story offers valuable insights for anyone looking to climb the ladder of success. We'll delve into his background, and current work, and explore practical ways to improve communication. So, let's jump into this episode and learn from his experience! [1:50] What is it that you do in the world? I am a speaker and coach for tech leaders. I help them improve their communication skills and leadership skills. [2:10] Can you walk me through how your passion evolved into a career focused on helping others in this area? With over 10 years in tech, I've grown from an individual contributor to leadership roles like team lead and engineering manager. The journey wasn't without hurdles. Early on, I struggled with people management, communication in meetings, and building a strong brand for my team's work. That's when coaching made a world of difference. I honed my communication skills, not just for meetings but for public speaking as well. In fact, I even started winning speech contests! This transformative experience sparked a passion in me to replicate it for others. I want to empower tech leaders and professionals the way my coaches empowered me. That's why I explored certifications and partnerships with experts like you to build a coaching and speaking business. [3:38] It seems like helping people is important to you. What made this specific area the one you dedicated yourself to? In southern India, even before I arrived, engineering seemed to be written in the stars for me. My parents nurtured that path, and while it wasn't a choice I actively made at first, it blossomed into a fulfilling career. I truly enjoy being part of the tech community and giving back with my skills. Looking back, I'm incredibly grateful to my parents for guiding me towards this path – it's become one of the best decisions I could've hoped for. [5:10] What motivated you to pursue a career in communication? Did a specific event or encounter shape your understanding of its importance? As someone who grew up in India with a strong accent, I initially believed communication was all about speaking perfect English. It felt like a competition to speak like a native English speaker, especially in developing countries where Western accents are often seen as desirable. But this pursuit was a dead end. Communication, I came to realize, is far deeper. It's about sharing your ideas, your vision, and even your vulnerabilities – the essence of who you are. It's not about impressing others but connecting with them on a genuine level. This shift in perspective is what now drives me to help others unlock the power of authentic communication. [7:20] Why Do Some People Say, "I Don't Need That," And where might they be wrong in that thought? Many professionals, like myself, initially believe mastering grammar, accent, and sentence structure is the key to communication. Unfortunately, educators often lack the framework to address the deeper aspects that truly matter. My focus isn't on those fundamentals. Instead, I target leaders who've already achieved fluency. They can speak well, articulate clearly, and be understood. Yet, they struggle in leadership settings: team meetings, executive presentations, and asking tough questions – all areas requiring more than just grammar. This is where I come in. Leaders at this stage are ready to delve deeper into communication. They approach me, seeking the advanced techniques I've learned from IDC to navigate these specific challenges. [9:33] Do people recognize communication weaknesses on their own, or does it take external factors to trigger that awareness? My experience working with over 200 tech leaders, myself included, reveals a surprising truth: 80% initially struggle to pinpoint their core communication challenges. They sense a problem – frustration with communication breakdowns—but lack the clarity to identify the root cause. This is where the journey begins. We work together to uncover these hidden hurdles, develop targeted strategies, and overcome them. [11:40] How do you help people, even beginners, grasp the fundamentals of effective communication? A common question I receive is whether I primarily work with Indian tech leaders. The answer is no, and it ties back to what we discussed earlier – communication challenges are universal. Even native English speakers struggle in high-stakes conversations. We all experience moments of freezing up, either staying silent or rambling on. This highlights the need to learn the deeper aspects of communication, regardless ...
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    28 mins
  • How to Find the Force with Courtni StarHeart
    Apr 2 2024
    I'm your host, Anthony Trucks. Today, we have Courtni StarHeart as our guest. Courtni shares her journey of tapping into her heritage and accessing the force of an unseen power within us that enables us to be our best selves. She also discusses her experiences and how she guides individuals through transformative journeys. Courtni also offers a simple breathing exercise to help you tap into this energy whenever needed. Join us as we delve into her unique perspective and insights. [1:40] If I were to enter a room and ask, "Courtni, what do you speak about?" What would your response be? I specialize in teaching individuals how to raise their consciousness, akin to entering a mental flow state, not to sing Kumbaya but to enhance effectiveness in every aspect of life. I've gleaned many techniques from various teachers I've studied under and am a geek, naturally. I have a passion for reading and researching, enjoying science and art. Thus, I possess a balance of right and left brain functions, and I aim to synthesize my knowledge to share with others. This partly validates my beliefs, as they often resonate with people. [3:10] How do you support left-brained, type-A individuals to achieve and accomplish more? I have athletic clients who precisely match your description, and it's as if there's another aspect of them, a deeper part, yearning to be acknowledged. I refer to this as discovering the force because it feels like that. Just like how salmon instinctively know they must swim upstream, something within us seeks spirituality, connection, and purpose. Imagine if we had a manual outlining four steps to tap into that essence whenever desired. We'd likely find ourselves much happier and more effective. Let me tell you about a recent client I had during a private session last weekend. We incorporate plant medicine into our work, but that's not the crux of it. What truly matters is mindset and training. This client of mine happens to be a lawyer and a stunning model—a truly remarkable individual with a strong type A personality, striving to control everything and take charge. She's spent the past two weeks diving deep into research, watching every video I've ever made, and even learning to make kombucha from a tutorial that's a decade old. It's both amusing and endearing to witness her enthusiasm. With such clients, I've learned to let them take the lead. It's akin to fishing, where once you've hooked a big fish, you let it run for a while, giving it space to tire itself out. [5:05] How do you encourage someone stuck in a certain way of doing things to loosen up and explore new directions more freely and quickly? We utilize workbooks, and being a type A person myself, I appreciate the sense of structure they provide. It's akin to that feeling of grappling with a big fish during a fishing expedition—it's challenging but ultimately rewarding, aiding in acquiring knowledge. When working with individuals like that, we prefer to present them with our workbooks, backed by scientific evidence, maintaining a clean and professional approach. I must admit that you've significantly contributed to refining my communication skills. When I embarked on my studies last year, delivering presentations and engaging with corporate and type-A personalities proved to be quite daunting. However, with your assistance, I've enhanced my ability to connect with them effectively. These individuals possess wealth, influence, and valuable insights, making it imperative to convey even the smallest details to them. [6:40] Can you kindly unpack your background so that others can grasp the essential details? I had a profound near-death experience due to E. coli contamination in my well, despite living in a beautiful home in the hills of New York, just 45 minutes from the George Washington Bridge. That's where my journey began. I attended college in DC and shared the same high school as Joe Biden and his children. I received an exceptional education as a scholarship recipient for my athletic, artistic, and academic abilities. Fast forward to years later, and I found myself a mother of two, fighting for my life. It's a struggle to make sense of it all. I share this to illustrate how life can take unexpected turns. [9:55] When did you begin to feel the desire to become someone who experiences something and shares it with others? It's astonishing how many individuals nowadays claim to be Ayahuasca shamans, as if merely touching the medicine grants them instant expertise. Yet, to truly honor the tradition, one must embark on a journey spanning 10 to 20 years. My realization came when my elder and teacher, Patricia Dominguez, appeared in the film "Spirit Molecule." He's portrayed as a charismatic figure with his hair twisted into a bun, a nod to the tradition of the twisted-haired people within his tribe. This lineage of medicine people dates back anciently, surviving despite the onslaught of conquest, disease, and other challenges. There are...
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    39 mins
  • How to Experience SHOCK & AWEsome with Megan Fuciarelli
    Mar 26 2024
    Welcome to the "Freedom podcast”. I'm your host, Anthony Trucks. Today's guest is Megan, a speaker with a profound commitment to serving others at a high level, particularly in fostering inclusivity worldwide. She aims to create a space where everyone enjoys equal freedoms, transcending social judgments and stereotypes. As a mother of a mixed-race child, Megan shares her journey of navigating life's complexities, from growing up in a culturally homogeneous environment to embracing a diverse world. Her experiences have empowered her to serve her son, the world, and you, the listener, with her words. In today's episode, Megan unpacks her journey, motivations, and actions, offering motivation, inspiration, and practical insights to help you and your team thrive. Without further ado, let's dive into the episode. [1:52] What is your message to the world, and why do you believe it's important? So my message is ultimately about taking those culture shock moments, those shock moments that we all experience, and train them into awesome opportunities, rather than allowing them to continue to push us down in a society where social justice work and talking about DEI work is polarizing workers want to help bring everyone together to ensure that everyone is seen heard welcomed and valued are welcomed and valued. [2:45] Do you mind kind of unpacking it for us so we can go through the journey of what led you to what you talk about? I believe our personal narratives shape us profoundly. A significant aspect of my own story, which resonates with many seeking meaningful dialogue but unsure how to initiate it, revolves around my upbringing in a homogeneous and sheltered community. In this environment, everyone mirrored my appearance and beliefs, and my knowledge about people like me came solely from those who resembled me. Exposure to diversity was scarce during my upbringing, compounded by limited representation on TV during the 70s and 80s, often confined to stereotypes. Upon entering college, encountering individuals from diverse backgrounds worldwide was a culture shock, leaving me uncertain how to navigate these interactions, fearing I might unintentionally offend. Consequently, I withdrew into silence, only to realize later that my silence was more detrimental than I had assumed. As an educator, this realization prompted me to embrace dialogue and understanding as crucial tools in bridging divides. [5:35] How does somebody know that they are being oblivious and what would that emotionally feel like? Yeah, I love that question. So we created a quiz that people can take if you identify what stage they're at and their own transformation. This quiz guides them through reflective questions, fostering an understanding of their needs without instilling guilt, shame, or blame—a common hurdle in this type of introspective work. It encourages individuals to engage openly without feeling burdened by their past experiences. Often, individuals find themselves in the 'oblivious' category not by choice but due to limited exposure to diversity. We aim to gently nudge them beyond this category, promoting growth and awareness. [6:30] What is the second stage of the process? The second stage is termed defensive, characterized by heightened emotions, whether it's anger, defensiveness, or, conversely, frustration towards the perceived urgency of social justice efforts. This can manifest in phrases like "Why are we still discussing this? It's 2024," or "We've been grappling with this for 500 years; we should have moved past it by now." Both expressions are laden with intense emotional reactions. However, when emotions run high, it often leads to defensiveness and hampers genuine dialogue. In this stage, individuals may be unaware of alternative perspectives but may express their views sharply due to the emotional weight behind them. [9:42] Where does all this stuff sit in terms of progression through your work? Yeah, so it's really about it all comes down to the idea of releasing that guilt and shame. And then allow us to have authentic conversations in the moment. If those main points are brought in. That's what I bring to the table when I come and speak on stage. When I'm offering facilitated work, it's about helping people look in the mirror, starting with ourselves before working on anyone else. And then before we start to unite society, so our name squared is understand self United Society. The three-phase process we go through is to understand ourselves, gain that awareness, gain the wisdom of others around us, and then empower society. [10:50] What is some of the reasoning behind why it's so incredibly important for you? I have wanted to do social justice work since college, when I was exposed to it. However, I didn't feel the internal drive and spark to be on stage and to make this my life's calling until my son was born. My son is a biracial child multiracial child, but to the rest of society, he's a black man in America. ...
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    30 mins
  • How to Live a No Excuses Life with David Atkins
    Mar 19 2024
    Welcome back to the Speak to Freedom podcast. I'm your host, Anthony Trucks. Today, we have the privilege of hosting David Adkins, a remarkable individual who shares his wisdom on various topics, ranging from sales and real estate to his experiences in law enforcement. In this episode, we dive into David's journey, from his impressive career in law enforcement to becoming a highly sought-after speaker, earning over $15,000 per keynote. Whether you're an aspiring speaker looking for insights or simply seeking engaging conversations, this episode provides a peek behind the curtain into David's strategies for success. Join us as we explore the human aspects and lessons that drive his impactful presentations onstage. [0:40] Could you please enlighten us on what you discuss when you step out into the world to speak? I served as a New York State Trooper for 22 years, retiring as a state police captain overseeing operations in an entire county. Simultaneously, over the last decade of my career, I built a successful million-dollar business with Beachbody, a renowned health and wellness company famous for programs like P90X and Insanity, expanding my team to 1400 individuals globally. Recognizing my ability to inspire, Beachbody encouraged me to share my message, which initially started in small gatherings of around 20 people and steadily grew to speaking engagements in venues like the NFL Superdome, reaching audiences of 20,000. Motivated by a desire to help others overcome fear and adversity, I emphasize themes of vision, positivity, and resilience, with a central message of 'no excuses.' This journey ultimately led to the publication of my book. Throughout, my guiding principle has been to give my best effort in every endeavor, embracing opportunities as they arise, which has now led me to what feels like my true purpose: spreading my motivational message to the world. [2:20] How did you recognize in your heart that there was something more for you? What really resonated with me were two key moments. Firstly, that exhilarating feeling post-workout when everything feels aligned and endorphins are flowing. I vividly recall a particular speaking engagement in front of roughly 10,000 people, where the energy exchanged was palpable. The flood of messages afterward left me moved to tears, realizing that perhaps speaking was a gift I never knew I possessed. It was akin to the high after an intense workout. This experience affirmed my calling to pursue speaking professionally. Despite having a fulfilling career with the state police and as a first responder, I reached a point where I knew I couldn't ignore this newfound passion. I distinctly remember the pivotal moment during a drive to my office, grappling with the fear of leaving behind the camaraderie of law enforcement. I realized that regardless of tenure, everyone eventually part ways with their colleagues. [6:05] When you went to this space, did you find yourself missing the camaraderie? I understand the struggle, especially since speaking engagements can often be inconsistent. Recently, I even considered joining the firehouse as a volunteer, drawn to the camaraderie I miss from my time in law enforcement. However, upon reflection, I realized that as much as I miss that sense of community, it doesn't outweigh my commitment to my current path. Balancing both my direct sales business and speaking engagements proved challenging, leading me to prioritize where my passion truly lies. While it meant letting go of the familiarity of the state police, I knew it was necessary to pursue something greater. Every morning, I wake up reaffirmed in my belief that speaking is where I need to be, even if it requires sacrificing other opportunities. As the saying goes, sometimes you have to let go of the good to embrace the great. It's about growth and staying true to your purpose, even during challenging times. [8:00] What is it that you do daily that you think most people probably aren't doing? It's about starting where you are with what you have. I've learned over my 12 years of speaking, but professionally for the past two and a half, that comparing your journey to others can be misleading. When I began, I focused on making my presence known, even if it meant speaking for minimal compensation. I didn't stress about earning large fees early on; instead, I prioritized building my reputation and network. Even now, I approach each event with a commitment to deliver my best, knowing that my fees will naturally increase over time. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing your beginning to someone else's middle or end. People often overlook their own starting point and the incremental progress they've made. Whether it's speaking to a small group of 17 people in a library or honing your skills over a decade without financial reward, everyone has to start somewhere. The key is to focus on your own journey and progress rather than fixating on unrealistic expectations or ...
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    35 mins
  • How to Own Your Power with Princeton Clark
    Mar 12 2024
    Welcome to the "Speak to Freedom" podcast, where we guide individuals on how to speak to a life of freedom. In today's episode, we have Princeton Clark, a speaker who shares his remarkable journey of traveling the world and speaking in front of thousands. Maybe you're wondering how his story can help you - we're about to delve into that. We'll discuss his journey, message to the world, and how you can do the same. We'll also talk about strategies to get on stages more frequently and how to maximize your impact. Let's dive into the episode. [3:30] If you don't mind sharing, from your perspective, how would you respond if someone in an elevator asked, "What do you do?" My expertise is focused on self-mastery, but I also as you would say, in school minor and leadership and really developing brands that impact the world. [3:48] Which brand did you develop that made a significant impact on the world and provided you with valuable insights? My personal brand centers around evolved mastery, focusing on personal growth through self-mastery. The color scheme of gold, black, and white symbolizes the journey: black represents the challenges we face, and gold signifies the transformation of those challenges into enlightenment that we share with the world. Initially, I developed my brand out of necessity, as I was relatively unknown despite my behind-the-scenes work and my background as a pastor. As I transitioned into the realm of personal and professional development, my brand evolved to reflect a commitment to self-mastery and adaptability, allowing me to reach diverse audiences effectively. The impetus for creating my brand was to amplify my impact, particularly with the launch of my first book. That's essentially how my brand journey began. [5:20] How did you evolve into the confident person you are today, ready to share your story with the world? My journey started 20 years ago with a failed suicide attempt. I had a tough time growing up, facing abuse, molestation, and deep depression. But after surviving that attempt, I had a big realization: what happened to me didn't define me, but how I responded did. This inspired me to change my life. By the time I was 21, I quit drinking, drugs, and gang involvement. I grew up in Virginia's Bible Belt, so my focus was on church. I studied Bible and Eastern religions, eventually becoming a pastor. But after five years, I felt I needed to do more. I realized I couldn't change things from within the system. I decided to share my story with the world, hoping to help others facing similar struggles. That's when I discovered the power of my experiences to reach and inspire millions. [8:25] What was your journey like in deciding to lean in, and how did you begin the process of building your speaking business? Well, you know, I didn't jump into speaking or building my speaking business right away. Even though I spoke on stages because people knew me as a pastor, I didn't actively pursue big stages initially. I've always believed the stage is sacred because of its power to impact lives. Most of my journey lacked mentors until I connected with Zig Ziglar, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Les Brown. Then in 2005, I discovered Tony Robbins, which opened my eyes to the global impact I could have. I immersed myself in self-education, learning from multidimensional speakers who mastered various areas. Back then, social media wasn't as prevalent, so I focused on developing expertise rather than gaining attention. Nowadays, anyone can claim to be a speaker, but true expertise is crucial. Seek out mentors and do your research. I spent hours studying speaking and entrepreneurship, understanding the business side beyond the glamour. It's a journey of continuous growth and dedication. [13:55] Have you ever experienced moments where you felt like you bombed on stage or had difficult conversations with your agents, but looking back, you realize those moments were critical for your success? Man, going back to my first time on stage is where it all started for me. I had to speak for just 15 minutes, and initially, I was pumped, with all my notes and sticky pointers ready. But as I was about to go on, nerves hit me hard. A year and a half after my life changed, doubt crept in. I started comparing myself to others, feeling like an impostor. My mentor, who also introduced me to Les Brown, noticed my distress and reminded me of the power of my story. He challenged me to ditch the notes and just share my story. That moment flipped a switch for me. From then on, I've never prepared for a speech in the traditional sense. I just study and let it flow naturally. It's been over 19 years now, and stepping on stage feels like second nature. It's all about staying ready so you don't have to get ready. [19:38] How did you overcome feeling inadequate or hesitant when starting out, especially considering the fear of bothering others or feeling inferior to them? Well, in the beginning, all I had were books because social ...
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    38 mins
  • Welcome to Speak To Freedom
    Mar 5 2024

    Welcome to the first episode of the Speak to Freedom podcast! I'm super excited to share this journey with you because it's a subject that resonates deeply with me.

    As speakers, we often find ourselves in a world where our passion for the stage is only sometimes fully understood. While our loved ones may support us, many may not fully grasp our drive to share our message. However, for those of us captivated by the power of speech, we know firsthand the transformative impact it can have on lives. Whether you're here as an aspiring speaker or a seasoned one looking to refine your craft, I'm here to guide you on your journey.

    My path to speaking began with a desire to make an impact. From my days in the NFL to opening a gym and teaching fitness, I was drawn to sharing my experiences on a larger stage. Despite the positive reception to my story, transitioning to a full-time speaking career posed significant challenges. Through trial and error, I understood that success as a speaker isn't just about mastering the art of speaking; it's also about getting the business side of things. That's where Speak to Freedom comes in. We're dedicated to helping individuals become impactful speakers and build sustainable speaking businesses that align with their passions and values.

    In this podcast, we'll go into great detail about speaking's technical and business sides. We'll cover every aspect of the process, from refining your message to landing high-paying speaking gigs. We'll also have fascinating interviews with seasoned speakers and coaching sessions with aspiring speakers to provide you with more motivation and priceless insights.

    So, whether you're enamored by the idea of speaking or already a speaker looking to enhance your skills, I'm here to help you navigate this exciting path. My journey from NFL player to sought-after speaker earning $25,000 per keynote has been filled with challenges and triumphs, and I'm excited to share what I've learned with you.

    But let's address a crucial point. I realized early on that simply honing my speaking skills wasn't enough. I needed to master the art of getting on stage and getting paid for it. This podcast isn't just about becoming a great speaker; it's about building a thriving speaking business, and that's where my five essential tips come into play.

    Firstly, you need a robust foundation for your business, including a million-dollar message, a money-multiplying framework, and an adaptable keynote. Second, you must have a lead flow structure to attract speaking opportunities. Third, you need a growth strategy that involves evolving your speech, innovating on stage, and strategically spinning your speeches into further opportunities.

    Additionally, mentorship is crucial. Find someone who has walked the path before you and can guide you. Lastly, act on your aspirations. Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

    By following these tips and tuning into this podcast, you'll gain the skills and insights to lead a life of freedom. So, thank you for joining me on this journey. Subscribe to the podcast, share it with those who need it, and let's embark on this exciting adventure together. Remember, it's not just about speaking; it's about talking to freedom.

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    17 mins