
  • 55 – Zionism And The Black Church | Dumisani Washington
    Jun 18 2024
    Civil rights leaders in the black community have long been divided on their stance toward the existence of Israel. Some see the black struggle for civil rights as analogous to the Palestinian cause, while others, including Dr. King, were staunch allies of Israel, seeing the plight and eventual victory of the Jewish people as a model for the black community. Our guest today is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel, Pastor Dumisani Washington. In his book, Zionism and the Black Church, he explains why Israel is a defining issue for Christians of color. – Episode Timeline – 00:00 Introduction to Dumisani Washington. 02:20 Overview of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel. 04:44 How Dumisani’s connection to Israel began as a young child. 08:24 Black American spirituals flourish in the stories of Israel’s history. 13:54 Zionism vs. Black Hebrew Israelites. 20:24 Working for Christians United for Israel. 24:27 Reasons for authoring Zionism and the Black Church. 27:49 Misuse of the term “apartheid” in reference to Israel. 32:49 What is Zionism as it relates to the Black church? 39:35 Forms of Zionism and the impact on civil rights. 47:08 How the Black relationship with the Jewish People was hijacked. 53:10 The Durban conference that launched the modern BDS movement. 59:13 What can be done by the Black church to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism? – Episode Resources – Zionism and the Black Church https://ibsi.org/store/p/zionism-and-the-black-church-2nd-edition Institute for Black Solidarity With Israel https://ibsi.org/ Christians United for Israel https://cufi.org Tent of David By Boaz Michael https://ffoz.store/products/tent-of-david-book Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • 54 – A New History Of Redemption | Dr. Gerald R. McDermott
    Jun 4 2024
    From before the beginning of time, God planned to call out a people from among the nations and to bring a redeemer from among them. For centuries, the followers of Yeshua forgot that the unfolding of this history of redemption centers on the people of Israel. Our guest today, Dr. Gerald McDermott, has written A New History of Redemption, a book that puts Israel back at the center of God’s plan to save the world from sin and death. – Episode Timeline – 00:00 Introduction to Dr. Gerald R. McDermott. 01:44 The root of the irrational support for Hamas from university campuses. 05:44 How does the history of redemption reveal the nature and beauty of God? 09:01 Jonathan Edwards’ impact on American Christian theological development. 10:43 Jonathan Edwards as a Christian Zionist. 14:21 Ancient Israelites might better be known as “The Jewish Church.” 16:21 Jewish Election: God has never abandoned his people. 23:37 Allegiance to the Messiah is a central component of faith, even in the Old Testament. 27:20 Understanding prophetic “types.” 37:16 Theophanies and reconciling the verse that states that “No one has ever seen God.” 45:00 Marcion and the gnostics vs Judaism. Body vs Spirit. 49:59 How do we know that the State of Israel is important in God’s plan of redemption? 56:16 What comes next in redemptive history, and how can we prepare for that? – Episode Resources – A New History of Redemption https://bakeracademic.com/p/A-New-History-of-Redemption-Gerald-R-McDermott/542788 Other Books By Dr. Gerald R. McDermott https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/133468.Gerald_R_McDermott Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 53 – Israel, Iran, and The Last Battle | Dr. Jeffrey Seif
    May 21 2024
    The reestablishment of Jewish sovereignty in Israel was a significant milestone in the unfolding of God’s end-times prophetic plan—a sign that the end is near. The recurring conflict in the Middle East is a harbinger of an apocalyptic battle yet to come—the war of Gog and Magog. Our guest today, Doctor Jeffrey Seif, has written a timely book about the role of Iran in this coming war and how this role was foretold thousands of years ago by the prophets of Israel. – Episode Timecode – 0:00 Introducing Dr. Jeffrey Seif on Messiah Podcast. 01:53 The journey from Jewish hippie to Messianic scholar. 08:32 PhD research at Cambridge in criminology. 13:00 What is the UMJC, Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations? 15:10 Characterizing the spectrum of Messianic Jewish congregations. 18:00 Filling the legendary shoes of TV personality Zola Levitt. 20:29 A historical and modern menace east of the Euphrates. 26:13 Iran’s relationship with Jews crumbled with Zionism. 27:46 When Muslims and Christians are at peace with Jews, their societies prosper. 30:53 Israel is geo-politically positioned at the crossroads of the world. 32:37 What is the value of learning from extra-biblical literature? 39:25 The historical impact of Parthea on both Israel and Rome. 43:08 The power of the Islamic religious ideology to motivate extreme action. 44:21 How should we respond to a world that appears to be falling into war and chaos? 46:44 We are called to love, not hate. – Episode Resources – The Iranian Menace in Jewish History and Prophecy, Dr. Jeffrey Seif https://www.amazon.com/Iranian-Menace-Jewish-History-Prophecy/dp/1930749600 Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations https://www.umjc.org Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    53 mins
  • 52 – Legacy Of Hope: Rabbi Daniel Zion Holocaust Miracle | The Mizrachi Family
    May 5 2024
    As the Nazis attempted to eradicate the Jewish people from every corner of Europe, one country’s Jewish population actually grew, thanks to the tireless efforts of Metropolitan Stefan of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Messianic Jewish Rabbi Daniel Zion. Avi Mizrachi and his daughter Devorah share the harrowing story of the heroes who courageously and repeatedly put their lives on the line to save the Jewish population of Bulgaria from Hitler’s death camps. – Episode Timecode – 00:00 Introduction to Avi Mizrachi and his daughter Devorah 05:27 Family connections between the Zion and Mizrachi family 09:51 The fruit of friendship between a Metropolitan Bishop and Chief Rabbi. 13:15 A mystical vision that prompted Rabbi Daniel Zion to believe in Jesus. 17:42 Pre-war life for the Sephardic Jews of Bulgaria. 20:37 Devastating legislation that paved the way for Hitler. 25:15 The miracle of March 9, 1943 – Stopping the First Deportation attempt. 33:18 Fleeing to the forest to join the partisans and fight the Nazis. 39:08 Rejecting despair with Truth, Faith, and Love (Emet, Emunah, and Ahavah). 41:15 How to maintain gratitude and perspective in a concentration camp. 45:44 Why did the Tzar of Bulgaria decide to defy Hitler? 49:50 A gesture of gratitude in the Bulgarian Palace. 51:47 What lessons can be learned from the past? 59:42 Constant roadblocks: A story of Aliyah – Episode Resources – Dugit https://dugit.org Legacy of Hope: Hidden Heroes from Generation to Generation https://amazon.com/Legacy-Hope-Hidden-Heroes-Generation/dp/B0CPGZ1Z7F Daniel Zion, Biography and Selected Writings of Rabbi Daniel Zion https://ffoz.store/products/daniel-zion-book The Power of Civil Society in a Time of Genocide: Proceedings of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the Rescue of the Jews in Bulgaria, 1940-1944 https://tinyurl.com/bdeku9cx Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 51 – Why Christians Misunderstand Hebrews | Daniel Thomas Lancaster
    Apr 22 2024
    The Epistle to the Hebrews constitutes one of the most difficult sections of the Bible for those of us who have embraced a Messianic Jewish perspective. Thankfully, D. Thomas Lancaster, First Fruits of Zion’s Director of Education, has spent years penning a commentary that will enrich and enlighten you. He joins Messiah Podcast to provide a sneak peek into the premise that unlocked the historical understanding of this important book of the Apostolic Scriptures. – Episode Highlights – * The Epistle to the Hebrews is a difficult book to interpret from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Daniel Thomas Lancaster's new commentary brings the latest in New Testament scholarship and the oldest of Jewish hermeneutical principles to bear on the biblical text to present a relevant and insightful understanding of the epistle. * The authorship of Hebrews is uncertain. While it was certainly not the Apostle Paul, it may have been a second-generation disciple of the apostles like Clement of Rome. * Hebrews emphasizes Yeshua's importance as the gateway to the Messianic Era and warns against turning away from him. * The hermeneutical method used in Hebrews, known as kol vechomer, establishes the weight of the first matter to make a case for the second matter. * Understanding the Jewish context and the distinction between Jews and Gentiles is crucial in interpreting Hebrews. – Episode Resources – The Holy Epistle to the Hebrews https://ffoz.store/products/the-holy-epistle-to-the-hebrews The Holy Epistle to the Galatians https://ffoz.store/products/the-holy-epistle-to-the-galatians-book The Holy Epistle to the Ephesians https://ffoz.store/products/the-holy-epistle-to-the-ephesians-book Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    44 mins
  • 50 – Malchut 2024 On Location
    Apr 11 2024
    Every year, hundreds of disciples gather for Malchut, a summit for First Fruits of Zion Friends. We spend three days getting reacquainted, taking meals together, and recentering our vision for the kingdom. Today’s guests are some of the many Malchut 2024 attendees. You’ll hear about their heart for Messiah and his kingdom, how they came to embrace a Messianic Jewish perspective, and their joy at knowing they’re not alone on their journey of faith. – Episode Takeaways – 600+ disciples of Yeshua gathered together in Orlando Florida in March 2024 for the annual Malchut conference and were encouraged and energized by great fellowship, delicious food, and solid teaching. Torah Club is growing world wide and is a resource that supports, educates and strengthen local communities of various shapes and sizes. Messianic Judaism can be a lonely spiritual path and the resources and events that First Fruits of Zion produces is inspiring deeper study of the Scriptures, and devoted love and discipleship for Yeshua, – Episode Resources – FFOZ Friends https://ffoz.org/friends HaYesod https://ffoz.org/hayesod Restoration https://ffoz.store/products/restoration-book Tent of David https://ffoz.store/products/tent-of-david-book Israel Tours https://ffoz.org/events Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • 49 – The Didache: Torah for Gentiles | Dr. Daniel Nessim
    Mar 26 2024
    Early Jewish believers in Yeshua created a catechism for new disciples from among the nations. Lost for hundreds of years, this document, the Didache, reveals the expectations and standards the early Yeshua-believing community put in place for Gentile disciples of Yeshua. Our guest today, Dr. Daniel Nessim, has spent his academic career demonstrating that the first disciples of Yeshua considered the Torah to be the moral compass of all those who joined the community of disciples, whether Jewish or Gentile. – Episode Takeaways – The Didache is a discipleship manual created by early Jewish believers in Yeshua for personal Gentile discipleship and how to conduct themselves within the community. The Didache was written around 80 CE during a tumultuous time in history and reflects the beliefs and values of the early Jewish believers, who considered the Torah to be the moral compass for all disciples. The arch of the Didache progresses from directing individuals on the proper moral path to addressing issues of community life that were particularly applicable at the time the Didache was written. – Episode Chapters – 00:00 Welcome Dr. Daniel Nessim to Messiah Podcast! 02:41 The Didache: What it is and where it came from. 05:44 The purpose and significance of the Didache. 08:16 Relationship of the Didache to other early Christian writings. 09:49 The historical occasion for writing down the Didache. 12:37 The clues that betray the Jewishness of the Didache. 14:20 Rediscovery of the Didache. 15:52 Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls on Didache research. 21:44 Thesis of the book “Torah for Gentiles” by Dr. Daniel Nessim. 28:16 Parallels with Greek moral instruction. 31:12 Modern interpretations of the Didache. 32:36 Textual criticism and the similar sayings of Yeshua in the Didache and the Gospels. 37:52 Hard lines and leniencies in the Didache’s concession passages. 41:37 Is there a specific list of Gentile responsibilities to the Torah? 49:02 Judaism as a religion of grace. 50:07 Why the Didache disappeared. 52:24 The end of Jewish Christianity and the historical context of the Didache. 58:27 The value of the Didache in the present era. – Episode Resources – Torah for Gentiles?: What the Jewish Authors of the Didache Had to Say, by Dr. Daniel Nessim https://www.amazon.com/Torah-Gentiles-Jewish-Authors-Didache-ebook/dp/B091G5C914 The Way of Life, The Rediscovered Teachings of the Twelve Jewish Apostles to the Gentiles, by Toby Janicki https://ffoz.store/products/the-way-of-life-book Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • 48 – Messianic Judaism In The Vatican | Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer
    Mar 12 2024
    Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer discusses the Catholic Church's embrace of distinction theology and its impact on Jewish-Christian dialogue and the Messianic Jewish movement. He highlights the significance of the Second Vatican Council and the documents Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate in redefining the church's understanding of itself and its relationship with the Jewish people. The Catholic Church's rejection of deicide and recognition of the ongoing special relationship with the Jewish people have had a profound impact on Christian theology and paved the way for further dialogue and understanding. This conversation explores the theological developments and dialogue between Messianic Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church. It delves into the concept of Jesus as the Living Torah and the connection between Yeshua and the Jewish people. The role of Cardinal Lustiger in emphasizing Jewish identity within the Catholic Church is highlighted. The conversation also touches on the progress being made in the Catholic Church regarding the recognition of the enduring significance of the land of Israel. Overall, this dialogue is seen to be of historic significance and a promising trajectory for Catholic theology. – Episode Takeaways – The Second Vatican Council, prompted by the Holocaust, marked a significant reassessment of the Catholic Church's understanding of itself and its relationship with the Jewish people. The documents Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate work together to lay out how the church understands and identifies itself and how it understands and identifies itself in relationship to other religions of the world. The Catholic document The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable went even further to express the enduring covenant between God and the Jewish people. As a Jewish Cardinal, Jean-Marie Lustiger made significant contributions to the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity. Acting as a counselor to Pope John Paul II on the Jewish people, he emphasized Jesus' solidarity with his people and the continued Jewish identity of Jews within the church. He saw the suffering of the Jewish people as a part of the Messiah's suffering, highlighting the deep identification of the Messiah with His people. The Catholic Church is moving toward visible changes to reflect the realization of the enduring significance of Jewish identity within the church and the Jewish people in the land of Israel. – Episode Resources – Searching Her Own Mysteries by Rabbi, Dr. Mark Kinzer https://www.amazon.com/Searching-Her-Own-Mystery-Identity/dp/1498203310 Nostra Aetate https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651028_nostra-aetate_en.html Lumen Gentium https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable http://www.christianunity.va/content/unitacristiani/en/commissione-per-i-rapporti-religiosi-con-l-ebraismo/commissione-per-i-rapporti-religiosi-con-l-ebraismo-crre/documenti-della-commissione/en.html Film: The Jewish Catholic https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2806908 Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    58 mins