• 5 Life Lessons: OR Roadtrip Part 2
    Mar 1 2024

    Amanda brings back Precious Prigge onto the show to finish out the last five days of their roadtrip. The last five days are tied to five big lessons they took away from each day of the trip. If you're looking for some words of encouragement and community to speak life over you, this is the episode you should be dialing into. Whether your relaxed on the couch, cleaning the house or driving the car, this is a great episode to be taking some mental notes from. Enjoy!

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Here's Why You Need to Book a Roadtrip Right Now Part One
    Feb 12 2024

    Amanda invites Precious Prigge back onto the show to share their adventures from roadtripping out west. The two girls go into detail about encounters on the trip including, running out of gas on the interstate, packing a tent with a broken zipper, a black bear scare, and many more. The girls also share how the experience brought the two closer as well as learning more about God's character in the uneasy moments. Amanda Joy is very excited to share this saturated yet, easy to listen to episode.

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    48 mins
  • No Bad Days with Precious Prigge
    Jan 30 2024

    Join Amanda as she introduces a new guest to the show- Precious Prigge. A worship leader, full-time nurse and business owner of "Nobaddays". Both girls share their story on how they met and a trailer to the next series on road tripping from Minnesota to Oregon. Listen in to the next 10 minutes of light-hearted conversation to uplift your day.

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    10 mins
  • Roadtrip: A story of God being faithful to even your smallest prayers
    Nov 16 2023

    Do you ever look at prayer as this big intimidating thing? You have the intention of praying yet you don't know what to say or where to start. You draw blank when you start the sentence, "Lord Jesus I pray..."

    Instead you avoid it all together and take care of the situation yourself. Prayer becomes something you participate in only when it is your absolute last resort. This was exactly me in the beginning of 2021. Slowly and slowly God softened my heart and I learned who He was. The more I learned is love for me, the more I trusted Him with my heart and my thoughts.

    Today is a story about understanding how God can show up. He can take a messy situation and help you understand how He is always with you.

    Two girls and google maps lead to an eventful and rocky situation. God shows up and reminds His children that He never leaves them and is always working things for your good.

    This is true for you too. He wants your heart and trust in Him. The deeper your roots grow, the more you will see His continuous blessings over your life.

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    14 mins
  • How to recognize God's voice VS the enemy's voice
    Aug 29 2023

    There are three different inner thoughts in your mind. You have your own voice, the Holy Spirit's voice and the enemy's voice. When you are first starting out your walk with the Lord, all three voices sound the same. Without recognizing the distinct difference, you may think it's all your own inner thoughts OR you find yourself mixing up who's voice is who.

    After listening to this episode, you are going to walk away with more of an understanding about all three voices. You will learn more about how our Heavenly Father speaks to us as well as how the enemy attacks the mind.

    Amanda Joy's heart in this is to help you grow into know who you are as a child of God. He loves you and wants to continue to get to understand Him. He wants a relationship with you and to continue to speak in your life.

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    32 mins
  • A testimony to how your sin is not bigger than our God
    May 23 2023

    Are you finding yourself running from God? All you want is to feel the love and acceptance that everyone else around you is experiencing. Yet, you hold back after looking at your past sin. You think, how could God love me? I've done too much wrong in this life for Him to want anything to do with me.
    Amanda invites an old friend Ashlyn Knutson as a guest to the show. The end of 2019, Ashlyn moves to Minnesota looking for acceptance, love, hope and a fresh beginning. Instead the enemy found Ashlyn, stole her identity and the truth of who she was. Ashlyn began to turn to drugs, alcohol and men to find validation and love for the void in her heart.
    Behind the scenes Ashlyn had three women in her life praying for her. Her mom, grandma and ex roommate. While Ashlyn was turning away from God, she had people in her life praying for God to keep her safe and reveal Himself to her.
    Ashlyn and Amanda go into the testimony of how Ashlyn found Jesus and the testimony of their friendship. Listen in to a power story about how God is faithful and prayer is something to never underestimate.
    By the end of this episode you will feel uplifted and given a reminder of how nothing is too broken for God to bring together.

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    34 mins
  • Burnout- What it is and how to get out of it
    May 9 2023

    Is there a passion that once was giving you so much joy, you now have no energy for? Are you finding yourself skipping out on social events to stay home and rest? Does the thought of doing simple chores around the house give you an overwhelming feeling?

    Amanda goes into detailed about physical, emotional and behavior things you may be experiencing that point to burn out. Don't be discouraged. By the end of the episode you will have tools and ideas to begin the steps to getting back to feeling like yourself again. We are not meant to be living in this state of exhaustion. It is time to make some changes and live the life you were truly meant to experience. I promise, you, your family and your peers will notice a difference

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    40 mins
  • Creating the life you desire
    Feb 17 2023

    Together, let's help you live the life you want to live, starting today!

    In this episode, Amanda shares the steps she took to create a life full of love, peace and an abundance of joy. 2020 was a year of experience temporary pleasures, depression, insecurity and self-doubt.

    She is so excited to share with you her biggest take aways that are going to get you unstuck. Taking these ideas will push you into a direction of life lasting joy. Listen in on the next 30 minutes and let's get you one step closer to finding your purpose and pursing your best life!

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    36 mins