
  • From Tax Preparer to Award-Winning Food Writer: An American's Journey of Self-Discovery in France with Steve Hoffman
    Jun 12 2024
    Are you ready to uncover the unexpected link between French cuisine, midlife acceptance, and the resilience found in a tiny winemaking village? Join Steve Hoffman, an award-winning writer and memoirist, as he shares his journey of cultural immersion and self-discovery. You won't want to miss the open loop of his unique insights that are sure to stir a sense of wonder within you. Keep an eye out for his upcoming memoir, "A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France," for a deep dive into his transformative experiences. BIG REVEAL: Get ready to savor the flavors of life and the unexpected truths that come with it. In this episode, you will be able to: Embracing cultural differences to thrive in a new environment. Discovering the enriching rewards of extended stays in one foreign location. Unveiling the impact of French cuisine on the global culinary landscape. Capturing and sharing personal experiences through the art of memoir writing. Nurturing and navigating the unique upbringing of third culture kids in France. My special guest is Steve Hoffman Steve Hoffman, a Minnesota-based tax preparer and food writer, has achieved recognition for his culinary expertise, including the prestigious 2019 James Beard MFK Fisher Distinguished Writing Award. His contributions have been featured in esteemed publications such as Food and Wine, the Washington Post, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. With an upcoming memoir titled "A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France," Hoffman provides a unique perspective on cultural adaptation, the global influence of French cuisine, and the complexities of raising third culture kids in France. Through his extensive experience and compelling storytelling, Hoffman offers valuable insights into navigating culture shock abroad and the profound impact of French culinary traditions on global food culture. His expertise and passion for cross-cultural experiences make him a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of cultural immersion and resilience. The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsorship 00:02:05 - Steve's Background and Career Journey 00:08:59 - Finding Identity in France 00:11:55 - Embracing Present Circumstances 00:14:06 - Acceptance and Family 00:14:54 - The Human Experience and Cultural Influence 00:16:27 - Analytical Brain and Creativity with Food 00:19:29 - Influence and Personal Commitment 00:23:56 - Finding Satisfaction in Deep Commitment 00:27:48 - Travel Advice 00:28:49 - Embracing the Unexpected in French Polynesia 00:30:15 - French Influence in Southeast Asia 00:32:05 - Exploring Mediterranean French Cuisine 00:35:10 - Overcoming Culture Shock 00:37:29 - Embracing Cultural Diversity Through Food 00:43:01 - The Immersive Read and Deeper Topics 00:43:23 - The Importance of Pre-Orders 00:43:46 - Embracing New Cultures 00:44:51 - Connecting Through Food 00:51:08 - Final Thoughts and Takeaways Join us for an exclusive EPS with Steve Hoffman in our Difference Makers community on Patreon. This exclusive episode isn't available any where else but here: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference One way you can make a difference and help people find us is to leave us a review. It doesn't take long, but it really does make a difference! Leave a review here: https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com/reviews/new/ https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference/ https://www.twitter.com/@awodpod https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference https://www.facebook.com/A-World-of-Difference-613933132591673/ https://www.instagram.com/aworldof.difference/
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    53 mins
  • Navigating Burnout Through Inner Work with Andrew Lang
    Jun 5 2024
    If you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the demands of the education system, then you are not alone! Many educators find themselves struggling to navigate the pressures of teaching and managing their own well-being in the midst of it all. The constant juggling act of meeting expectations, dealing with student needs, and managing personal stress can leave you feeling exhausted and depleted. If you're looking for a way to break free from this cycle and find a sense of balance and purpose, then you are in the right place! In this episode, you will be able to: Cultivate inner peace and resilience through transformative inner work practices. Discover the profound impact of somatic exercises on mental well-being and emotional balance. Enhance your resilience and well-being through personal development strategies tailored for educators. Unleash the power of creativity for emotional healing and self-discovery. Equip yourself with effective strategies to navigate and prevent educator burnout. My special guest is Andrew Lang Andrew Lang is an educator in the Pacific Northwest, an alumnus of Richard Rohr’s Living School for Action and Contemplation, and core facilitator of the Inner Work Cohort. He is the author of Unmasking the Inner Critic: Lessons for Living an Unconstricted Life and writes frequently on the importance of questioning the narratives we’ve been handed and how we can bring together our personal inner work with collective activism and healing. You can find more of his work and offerings at www.AndrewGLang.com. Giveaway: Sign up for one free spot in the October Cohort for A World of Difference podcast listeners specifically. The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsorship by Betterhelp 00:03:53 - Andrew's Journey as an Educator 00:09:55 - Posture Shift and Personal Development 00:12:08 - Impact of the System on Educators 00:13:25 - Transformation and Inspiring Stories 00:14:45 - The Impact of Narratives 00:16:36 - Shifting Responsibilities 00:20:22 - Unpacking Cultural Narratives 00:24:47 - Fear of Change 00:26:33 - The Practice of Resilience 00:29:56 - Grounding Practices for Wellness and Resilience 00:30:53 - Impact of Somatics and Trauma 00:32:48 - Providing Tools for Healing 00:35:31 - The Power of Poetry and Music 00:43:08 - Inner Work Cohort and Practice-Oriented Learning 00:44:22 - Embracing the Journey Together 00:44:49 - Integration of Learnings 00:46:09 - Exclusive Deep Dive 00:47:06 - Appreciation for Educators 00:48:28 - Summer Break and Refreshment Resources Andrew mentioned: Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother's Hands Gabor Maté, The Myth of Normal Mirabai Starr, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics Need a little help? Sign up for 10% off your first month at Better Help today at: www.betterhelp.com/difference https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference https://www.twitter.com/@awodpod ttps://www.instagram.com/aworldof.difference
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    50 mins
  • Christa Brown on Baptistland: Exposing Clergy Abuse and Institutional Betrayal in the SBC, Part 2
    May 29 2024
    Does it sound familiar to be promised change in a faith community, only to be let down time and time again? Perhaps you've been told that praying and hoping for change is the answer, but the pain of unfulfilled promises and ongoing trauma lingers. Are you tired of empty words and unmet expectations, especially when it comes to addressing clergy sexual abuse and spiritual trauma? It's time to acknowledge the impact and seek real solutions. Let's dive into empowering advocacy and validation of experiences. Join us in finding healing and change with abuse survivor and advocate Christa Brown in part 2. In this episode, you will be able to: Discover strategies for surviving clergy sexual abuse and reclaiming personal power. Explore the profound impact of spiritual abuse within faith communities and find ways to heal. Gain insights into the history and current efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention in addressing clergy abuse. Learn effective ways to advocate for change within religious organizations and support fellow survivors. Uncover the importance of professional counseling in the journey towards healing from trauma. My special guest is Christa Brown Christa Brown is an inspiring figure who has dedicated her life to advocating for survivors of clergy sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. As the author of the newly released book Baptistland, she bravely shares her own experiences of abuse, betrayal, and transformation, shedding light on the reality of clergy sex abuse and cover-ups within the US's largest protestant denomination. With a background as a retired appellate attorney, a mother, and a grandmother, Christa brings a unique perspective and unwavering determination to demand reforms and bring about change within religious organizations. Her insights and experiences offer valuable knowledge and empowerment to those navigating the complex journey of healing from trauma and seeking justice. Follow Christa on X/Twitter. Listen to the first of the 2 part EPS here. The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsor Message 00:02:00 - Trigger Warning and Introduction of Guest 00:03:13 - Skepticism and Empty Promises 00:11:37 - Cultivating Skepticism 00:14:39 - Applause for Perpetrators 00:16:46 - Lack of Consequences for Harmful Behavior 00:19:10 - Lack of Change in Leadership 00:22:23 - Troubling Hotline Operations 00:25:02 - Spiritual Abuse and Inappropriate Prayers 00:30:22 - Seeking Accountability and Restitution 00:34:31 - Challenges of Changing from Within 00:36:07 - Call to Action and Concerns 00:37:24 - Importance of Christa's Voice 00:38:12 - Impact of Christa's Memoir 00:39:38 - Invitation to Join the Difference Makers Community for an exclusive EPS with Christa Brown and much more Check out host Lori Adams-Brown's latest Substack newsletter: The Bully Pulpit Why Whistleblowing as a Former Woman Pastor in a Southern Baptist Church Has Nuance https://www.instagram.com/aworldof.difference https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference https://www.twitter.com/@awodpod https://www.facebook.com/A-World-of-Difference-613933132591673/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference/
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    41 mins
  • Christa Brown on Baptistland: Exposing Abuse and Coverup in the Southern Baptist Convention, Part One
    May 22 2024
    Uncover the shocking reality of the Southern Baptist Convention's actions with clergy sexual abuse survivor, Christa Brown. From disturbing cover-ups to unexpected alliances, her story will make you question everything you thought you knew. Stay tuned for a powerful journey of resilience, advocacy, and the quest for justice. You won't want to miss the unexpected twists and turns in part two of this eye-opening conversation. In this episode, you will be able to: Discover the resilience and strength in clergy sexual abuse survivor stories, inspiring hope and empowerment. Uncover the lasting effects of spiritual abuse in adulthood and how to navigate healing and growth. Understand the role of the Southern Baptist Convention in abuse cover-ups, shedding light on the importance of accountability and transparency. Advocate for child abuse survivors and learn how collective action can bring about meaningful change and support. Explore the impact of living abroad on worldview, gaining a broader perspective on cultural influences and personal growth. My special guest is Christa Brown Christa Brown, a retired attorney and a strong advocate for child abuse survivors, brings a wealth of experience and insight to the conversation. With her new book, "Baptistland," she courageously shares her own journey of abuse, betrayal, and eventual transformation, shedding light on the pervasive issue of clergy sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. As one of the top ten religion newsmakers of 2022, Brown's unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and demanding reforms within the denomination has made a significant impact. Her resilience and determination have not only inspired survivors but also sparked conversations about the crucial role of advocacy and collective action in addressing spiritual abuse. X (Twitter): @ChristaBrown777 Subscribe to In Solidarity on Substack! The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Trigger Warning: Discussion of Abuse 00:01:09 - Introduction to Christa Brown 00:03:36 - Living Abroad and Changing Worldview 00:07:07 - Family Dynamics and Abuse 00:16:43 - Delay in Reckoning with Abuse 00:17:54 - The Power of Sharing Stories 00:19:25 - Southern Baptist Convention's Amicus Brief 00:21:44 - Lack of Accountability 00:24:48 - Words vs. Actions 00:33:26 - Call to Action 00:34:57 - Importance of Checks and Balances 00:35:37 - Continuing the Call to Action 00:36:05 - Sitting in Darkness 00:37:09 - Preview of Next Week's Episode Join our Difference Maker community for an exclusive interview with Christa where she answers Lori's question about which of the 4 deaths were the hardest. Her answer will surprise you. Join here to watch the exclusive episode video: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference/ https://www.twitter.com/@awodpod https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com https://www.facebook.com/A-World-of-Difference-613933132591673/ https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference
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    39 mins
  • Beyond Borders: How a Third Culture Kid Learned to Love Across Differences with Michael Sullivan
    May 14 2024
    Are you ready for a living abroad story with an unexpected twist? What if I told you that a TCK, who has traversed the globe and faced earthquake disasters, is now crowd-funding a memoir that unveils his journey through polarized worlds? This is not your ordinary travelogue. Join me in uncovering the heart-wrenching and inspiring stories that have shaped Michael Sullivan's life. Stay tuned for a peek into a world where personal growth and societal impact collide in unexpected ways. Trust me, this is a narrative you don't want to miss. In this episode, you will be able to: Discover the transformative benefits of therapy for personal growth and self-awareness. Navigate the unique challenges and growth opportunities of being a Third Culture Kid. Unleash the power of personal storytelling through memoir writing for self-discovery and connection. Learn how to build bridges and foster understanding in a polarized world. Explore the profound impact of immigration on personal and societal levels. My special guest is Michael Sullivan As the host of the "Where Are You From? A TCK Podcast," Michael Sullivan brings a wealth of personal and professional experiences to the table. Growing up and living as an expat in different countries, from Thailand to the Philippines, and now residing in Turkey as an English language expert, Michael's journey as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) is both captivating and insightful. His forthcoming book, "Building Bridges: Can We Love and Relate in a Polarized World," dives into the impact of immigration and the challenges of cultural identity, offering a fresh and empathetic take on these pertinent issues. With his unique blend of memoir storytelling and global perspective, Michael is a compelling guest for anyone seeking personal growth, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of the world's diverse cultures. We don't have to be completely comfortable with the way other people think, but we certainly can learn something from them. - Michael Sullivan The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Introduction to the Podcast and Guest 00:01:03 - Sponsorship and Personal Growth 00:02:40 - Welcoming Michael Sullivan 00:05:28 - Connection through Global Experiences 00:12:21 - Immigration and Understanding Perspectives 00:16:03 - Journey from Venezuela to New Mexico 00:17:12 - Unresolved Grief and Pain 00:18:07 - Bridging First and Third Worlds 00:20:51 - Overcoming Fear and Embracing Differences 00:31:53 - Hope for the Future 00:33:25 - The importance of understanding others 00:34:48 - The necessity of facing challenges 00:37:03 - The process of healing and growth 00:40:17 - Finding purpose in adversity 00:43:53 - Crowdfunding the book 00:48:02 - Building Bridges and Making a Difference 00:48:40 - Exclusive Interview with Michael Sullivan 00:49:15 - Join the Difference Maker Community 00:49:40 - Connect and Share in the Community 00:50:28 - Keep Making a Difference Follow us: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference https://www.instagram.com/aworldof.difference/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference https://twitter.com/awodpod https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference www.tiktok.com/@aworldofdifference
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    51 mins
  • Tia Levings on The Well-Trained Wife
    May 8 2024
    Do you want to understand how survivors of religious trauma are finding the strength to reclaim their lives and make a difference? Join us as we explore a story of resilience, transformation, and healing in the face of religious abuse and domestic violence. We'll be sharing the solution so that you can achieve that result. Get ready to hear a shocking and moving story of how a survivor escaped when her life depended on it. Trauma took your past, but it does not have to have your present and your future, too. And you are the one in charge of that. - Tia Levings In this episode, you will be able to: Explore personal stories of escaping Christian patriarchy and find inspiration for your own journey to empowerment. Learn about the profound impact of religious trauma on mental health and discover strategies for healing and resilience. Uncover the complexities of domestic violence within religious contexts and gain insights into supporting survivors. Gain a deep understanding of deconstructing fundamentalism in modern politics and its implications on society. Discover effective strategies for healing and recovery from religious abuse, empowering yourself to move forward with strength and confidence. My special guest is Tia Levings Tia Levings is an insightful writer, podcaster, and speaker, with a focus on the realities of Christian fundamentalism, evangelical patriarchy, and religious trauma. Her expertise has been featured in notable publications such as Salon, the Huffington Post, and Newsweek. As a content strategist, Tia delves into the impact of religious trauma on mental health, domestic violence within religious contexts, and the deconstruction of fundamentalism in modern politics, shedding light on these critical issues. Her forthcoming memoir, "A Well Trained Wife," chronicles her personal journey of escaping Christian patriarchy, presenting a compelling and courageous narrative that promises to resonate with those seeking empowerment and healing from religious abuse. Tia's work is driven by her passion for advocating resilience and recovery from religious trauma. Tia is on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Introducing Tia Levings 00:01:17 - Trigger Warning and Self-Care 00:02:25 - Growing Up in Mainstream Fundamentalism 00:05:22 - Trauma and Dogmatism 00:07:42 - Effects of Fundamentalism on Women 00:14:08 - The Influence of High Control Religion 00:15:34 - The Pressure of Traditional Gender Roles 00:16:55 - Red Flags and High Control Religion 00:20:47 - The Manipulative Nature of Patriarchy 00:25:53 - Addressing Pushbacks and Myths 00:27:34 - The Incredulity of Religious Trauma 00:28:22 - Challenges in Seeking Justice 00:29:26 - Empowering Survivors 00:32:35 - Finding Solidarity and Community 00:38:27 - Building Healthy Relationships 00:41:09 - The Impact of Religious Trauma 00:43:18 - Coping with Discomfort and Denial 00:44:50 - Healing from Religious Trauma 00:46:31 - Advocating for Survivors 00:53:18 - Taking Action and Making a Difference 00:56:22 - Understanding Mental Illness and Abuse 00:57:11 - Seeking Justice for Mica 00:57:45 - Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence 00:58:30 - Making a Difference Follow us: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference https://www.instagram.com/aworldof.difference/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference https://twitter.com/awodpod https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference www.tiktok.com/@aworldofdifference
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    59 mins
  • Lori Adams-Brown on Learning to Dance in the Rain
    Apr 24 2024
    Hey there, difference makers and global leaders! Ever feel like you've been told to just "toughen up" when facing life's challenges? Maybe you've tried to push through the pain and suffering, only to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? If that sounds familiar, you're not alone. Let's talk about building resilience and embracing vulnerability to navigate life's twists and turns in a healthier way. In this episode, you will be able to: Strengthen your leadership skills by building resilience in the face of challenges. Unlock your potential for success by cultivating a growth mindset. Discover the power of self-care in navigating life's obstacles and maintaining balance. Master strategies for overcoming jet lag to make the most of your travels. Embrace vulnerability and emotions to unlock personal growth and self-discovery. Resilience isn't necessarily about avoiding adversity, because let's just be real. Life has pain and suffering in it. And if we ignore that, that's not increasing our resilience. It's only burying that deep inside our bodies in a way that it will spill out later through some unresolved grief. - Lori Adams Brown Building Resilience as a Leader Effective leadership involves building resilience to navigate challenges and setbacks. Resilient leaders can inspire and motivate others through their own ability to bounce back from adversity. By embracing vulnerability and learning from difficult experiences, leaders can cultivate resilience that strengthens their decision-making and problem-solving skills. The resources mentioned in this episode are: Visit www.betterhelp.com/difference for 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp. This offer is specifically for the listeners of the podcast and is a gift from the host to help you understand what it takes to move forward in a healthier way. Join the Patreon community Difference Makers at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference to access exclusive episodes, interact with other listeners, and receive sneak peeks into upcoming events and giveaways. Different tiers are available, starting at $5 a month. Share your tips and tricks for building resilience, especially for those who travel and work through jet lag, speak at events and conferences, and maintain connections with family back home. Engage with the community and contribute to the conversation. Reach out to the host if you're in a location where she's traveling and would like to meet. Listeners are encouraged to connect with the host during her travels and share how the podcast has impacted them. Embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and discover the strength and courage within yourself. Prioritize self-care and resilience-building, and model this behavior for others to give them permission to do the same. Let the host know how you're building resilience on social media or in our Difference Makers community. Resilience isn't just about weathering the storm. It's actually about learning to find joy, and find even joy memories in your own past that can help you walk through that resilience. - Lori Adams Brown The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:02 - Embracing Resilience in Life 00:02:00 - Resilience During Travel 00:03:07 - Prioritizing Self-Compassion 00:05:09 - Discovering Inner Resilience 00:08:15 - Cultivating Resilience 00:13:23 - Building Resilience During Travel 00:15:13 - Cultivating a Growth Mindset 00:19:43 - Building Resilient Communities 00:21:40 - Finding Joy and Resilience https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com https://www.facebook.com/A-World-of-Difference-613933132591673/ https://www.youtube.com/@aworldofdifference https://www.twitter.com/@awodpod https://www.linkedin.com/company/aworldofdifference/
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    28 mins
  • Jemar Tisby and Doug Strong on Awakening to Justice
    Apr 17 2024
    If you're feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of racial justice and faith intersections, and wondering how to truly make a difference, then you are not alone! The struggle to understand the historical context and apply it to modern-day challenges can be daunting. Many may be seeking guidance on how to effectively navigate these issues and create meaningful change. Jemar Tisby, the New York Times bestselling author of "The Color of Compromise," is a historian, author, and speaker. His work has been featured in reputable platforms such as CNN, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and the New York Times. Jemar's expertise in addressing the truth about the American church's complicity in racism makes him a significant voice in the intersection of faith and racial justice. As a PhD candidate in history at the University of Mississippi, his commitment to shedding light on historical lessons from abolitionist movements and advocating for social reform through interracial solidarity is evident in his work. Jemar's impact extends beyond academia as he is the founder and president of the Witness of Black Christian Collective and the co-host of the Pass the Mic podcast. His dedication to historical research and advocacy for justice makes him an influential figure in the conversation on racial equity and social change. Doug Strong, an esteemed author and professor with a wealth of knowledge in American religious history, specifically focusing on the 19th-century revivalism and social reform, is a vital voice in the discussion of faith and racial justice. With an MDIV and a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary, Doug's expertise and dedication to understanding the historical abolitionist movements bring valuable insights to the current social and racial justice landscape. As a committed pastor and a professor at Seattle Pacific University, Doug's passion for intercultural learning and his extensive experience in leading students on international trips underscore his commitment to shaping a global perspective on faith and justice. His contributions to the Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past project reflect his deep understanding of the impact of historical narratives on contemporary social reform. The theological, the Christian principle of loving your neighbor as yourself is still applicable in that situation. And what it forces us to do is to try to perceive the world from another person's perspective, which is what a world of difference podcast is all about. - Jemar Tisby In this episode, you will be able to: Explore the profound impact of faith on driving meaningful change in racial justice movements. Uncover valuable historical insights and powerful tactics used by abolitionist movements to inspire modern-day activism. Discover the pivotal role of interracial solidarity in advancing social reform and creating lasting change. Learn actionable strategies from historical abolitionists to empower and guide today's activists in their advocacy work. The resources mentioned in this episode are: Visit awakeningtojustice.com for free resources related to the book Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past, including a discussion guide, sermon ideas, music suggestions, worship song ideas, and a 35-minute film documentary. Order a copy of "Awakening to Justice," at: https://www.ivpress.com/awakening-to-justice and get a discount just for A World of Difference podcast listeners with promo code: IVPPOD20 Subscribe to Jemar Tisby's substack at jemartisby.substack.com for more of his writing and insights on racial justice and faith. The justification follows the action. In the case of us race-based chattel slavery, slaveholders were going to get their money. They were going to find laborers. They were going to increase their bottom line by not paying them. And then they were going to come up with the rationale and the reasoning to justify it. - Jemar Tisby
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    54 mins