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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Catalonia, Valencia, or the Balearic Islands? Maybe you want to speak Catalan with your grandparents from Girona?

    Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the Catalan speaking country. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Catalan listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Milloreu la vostra comprensió auditiva amb les nostres històries en català avui!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Springtime Treasure Hunt in Parc Güell: Unveiling Gaudí's Secrets
    May 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Springtime Treasure Hunt in Parc Güell: Unveiling Gaudí's Secrets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/springtime-treasure-hunt-in-parc-guell-unveiling-gaudis-secrets Story Transcript:Ca: En un dia radiant de primavera, el sol brillava sobre les fantàstiques formes del Parc Güell.En: On a radiant spring day, the sun shone over the fantastic shapes of Parc Güell.Ca: Jordi i Laia caminaven pel parc, admirant les estructures sorprenents que Antoni Gaudí havia creat amb tanta dedicació.En: Jordi and Laia were walking through the park, admiring the stunning structures that Antoni Gaudí had created with such dedication.Ca: Tot era tranquil i bonic, com si el parc fos un lloc màgic fora del temps.En: Everything was peaceful and beautiful, as if the park were a magical place outside of time.Ca: De sobte, mentre Laia observava amb cura un mosaic de colors vius, va veure alguna cosa estranya entre les peces de rajola.En: Suddenly, while Laia was carefully observing a mosaic of vibrant colors, she saw something strange among the tile pieces.Ca: Un petit pergamí estava amagat dins d'una de les escultures.En: A small parchment was hidden inside one of the sculptures.Ca: Amb mans tremoloses, Laia el va extreure i el va desplegar.En: With trembling hands, Laia extracted it and unfolded it.Ca: Les lletres antigues formaven un missatge enigmàtic: “Segueix les flors blaves i descobreix el tresor secret”.En: The ancient letters formed an enigmatic message: "Follow the blue flowers and discover the secret treasure."Ca: Jordi, que havia estat admirant una altra estructura, es va apropar a Laia.En: Jordi, who had been admiring another structure, approached Laia.Ca: Ella li va mostrar el missatge misteriós.En: She showed him the mysterious message.Ca: Sense pensar-ho dues vegades, Jordi va dir:—Hem de trobar aquestes flors blaves!En: Without thinking twice, Jordi said: —We have to find those blue flowers!Ca: Els dos amics van començar a buscar pels jardins del Parc Güell.En: The two friends began searching through the gardens of Parc Güell.Ca: Caminaven entre els arbres i les escultures, atents a cada detall.En: They walked among the trees and sculptures, paying attention to every detail.Ca: Al cap de poc temps, Laia va exclamar:—Mira, Jordi, allà!En: Before long, Laia exclaimed: —Look, Jordi, over there!Ca: Hi ha unes flors blaves a prop del drac!En: There are some blue flowers near the dragon!Ca: Van anar corrent fins a la gran escultura del drac.En: They ran to the large dragon sculpture.Ca: Entre les flors blaves, van trobar una altra pista que apuntava a una torre amb una creu.En: Among the blue flowers, they found another clue that pointed to a tower with a cross.Ca: Sabien que havia de ser una de les torres del parc.En: They knew it had to be one of the towers in the park.Ca: Amb emoció, Jordi i Laia van escalar la torre fina i delicada.En: With excitement, Jordi and Laia climbed the slender and delicate tower.Ca: Al cim, entre les rajoles de colors, van trobar una petita clau daurada.En: At the top, among the colorful tiles, they found a small golden key.Ca: Però la clau no portava etiqueta, i no tenien ni idea de quin pany obrien.En: But the key had no label, and they had no idea which lock it would open.Ca: —La clau ens portarà al tresor, però on és la porta?En: —The key will lead us to the treasure, but where is the door?Ca: —va preguntar Laia.En: —Laia asked.Ca: Van revisar diferents portes i finestres del parc, però cap semblava encaixar amb la clau daurada.En: They checked various doors and windows in the park, but none seemed to fit the golden key.Ca: Finalment, Jordi va recordar una petita porta que sempre li havia semblat especial, amagada darrere d'una pèrgola coberta de flors.En: Finally, Jordi remembered a small door that had always seemed special to him, hidden behind a pergola covered in flowers.Ca: Es van dirigir cap a la porta misteriosa, i Jordi va introduir la clau.En: They headed for the mysterious door, and Jordi inserted the key.Ca: Amb un suau clic, la porta es va obrir.En: With a soft click, the door opened.Ca: Darrere d'ella, hi havia una petita sala que tot just brillava amb la llum del sol que entrava per un vitrall.En: Behind it was a small room barely illuminated by sunlight filtering through a stained glass window.Ca: Al centre de la sala, una caixa de fusta reposava tranquil·lament.En: In the center of the room, a wooden box rested peacefully.Ca: Van obrir la caixa amb expectació, imaginant-se tresors enlluernadors.En: They opened the box with anticipation, imagining dazzling treasures.Ca: Però a dins, van trobar un simple diari antic, escrit per Gaudí.En: But inside, they found a simple old diary, written by Gaudí.Ca: A cada pàgina, hi havia dibuixos i notes personals del gran arquitecte sobre els seus somnis i visions pel parc.En: On each page, there were drawings and ...
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    18 mins
  • Dancing through Barcelona: A Special Day at Park Güell
    May 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Dancing through Barcelona: A Special Day at Park Güell Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dancing-through-barcelona-a-special-day-at-park-guell Story Transcript:Ca: El sol brillava intensament sobre Parc Güell.En: The sun shone intensely over Park Güell.Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona estava amb una energia especial aquell dia.En: The city of Barcelona had a special energy that day.Ca: Montserrat, una dona amb cabells grisos i un somriure amable, va arribar primer al parc.En: Montserrat, a woman with gray hair and a kind smile, was the first to arrive at the park.Ca: Els ocells cantaven i els nens jugaven alegres.En: Birds were singing and children were playing happily.Ca: Tot estava preparat per a la sardana, la dansa tradicional catalana.En: Everything was ready for the sardana, the traditional Catalan dance.Ca: Al centre del parc, un grup de músics afinava els instruments.En: In the center of the park, a group of musicians was tuning their instruments.Ca: La cobla estava a punt de començar.En: The cobla was about to start.Ca: Jordi i Laia, dos joves ple d’entusiasme, arribaren poc després.En: Jordi and Laia, two young people full of enthusiasm, arrived shortly after.Ca: Eren amics de tota la vida i compartien l’amor per la sardana.En: They had been lifelong friends and shared a love for the sardana.Ca: Montserrat els va saludar amb una forta abraçada.En: Montserrat greeted them with a strong hug.Ca: - Estic molt contenta de veure-us!En: - I’m so happy to see you!Ca: - va exclamar Montserrat.En: - Montserrat exclaimed.Ca: Jordi tenia una barretina vermella al cap i Laia portava una faldilla llarga amb flors.En: Jordi was wearing a red barretina on his head and Laia was wearing a long skirt with flowers.Ca: Ambdós estaven preparats per ballar.En: Both were ready to dance.Ca: El cercle de balladors s’anava formant.En: The circle of dancers was forming.Ca: Les mans es tocaven amb suavitat.En: Hands were gently touching.Ca: L’ambient estava ple d’alegria i emoció.En: The atmosphere was full of joy and excitement.Ca: Els músics començaren a tocar.En: The musicians began to play.Ca: El so de la tenora omplia l’aire.En: The sound of the tenora filled the air.Ca: Els balladors feien petits passos endavant i enrere amb una gràcia especial.En: The dancers took small steps forward and backward with a special grace.Ca: Montserrat mirava a Jordi i Laia amb orgull.En: Montserrat looked at Jordi and Laia with pride.Ca: De sobte, Montserrat va veure una interrupció al cercle.En: Suddenly, Montserrat saw an interruption in the circle.Ca: Un nen petit, amb ulls brillants de curiositat, va córrer al centre del cercle.En: A small boy, with bright eyes full of curiosity, ran to the center of the circle.Ca: Els balladors es van detenir.En: The dancers stopped.Ca: El cercle es va trencar.En: The circle broke.Ca: El nen estava al mig, sense entendre què havia interromput.En: The boy stood in the middle, not understanding what he had interrupted.Ca: - No passa res - va dir Montserrat, apropant-se al nen.En: - It’s okay - Montserrat said, approaching the boy.Ca: - Què et sembla si balles amb nosaltres?En: - How about you dance with us?Ca: El nen va somriure tímidament.En: The boy smiled shyly.Ca: Laia li va prendre la mà i Jordi el va guiar delicadament a la seva posició.En: Laia took his hand and Jordi gently guided him to his position.Ca: El cercle es va tornar a formar.En: The circle reformed.Ca: El DJ va fer una senyal als músics i la música va començar de nou.En: The DJ signaled to the musicians and the music started again.Ca: Aquesta vegada, el nen també ballava, copiant els moviments dels altres.En: This time, the boy also danced, copying the movements of the others.Ca: La sardana va continuar, i l’ambient va omplir-se d’una joia renovada.En: The sardana continued, and the atmosphere filled with renewed joy.Ca: Jordi i Laia ballaven amb més entusiasme que mai.En: Jordi and Laia danced with more enthusiasm than ever.Ca: S’ho passaven molt bé.En: They were having a great time.Ca: Després de la sardana, Montserrat, Jordi i Laia es van asseure a una ombra per descansar.En: After the sardana, Montserrat, Jordi, and Laia sat in the shade to rest.Ca: El nen corria de nou pel parc, aquesta vegada jugant feliçment.En: The boy was running around the park again, this time playing happily.Ca: - Això ha fet d'aquesta una sardana especial - va dir Jordi, mirant al nen.En: - This made the sardana special - said Jordi, looking at the boy.Ca: - Sí - va respondre Montserrat.En: - Yes - Montserrat replied.Ca: - La sardana és per a tothom.En: - The sardana is for everyone.Ca: Amb aquesta afirmació, els tres es van somriure i van saber que aquell dia en Parc Güell seria inoblidable.En: With this statement, the three smiled at each other and knew that the day in Park Güell would be unforgettable.Ca: La música, la dansa i ...
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    17 mins
  • Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria
    May 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/feasting-with-family-a-day-at-barcelonas-vibrant-boqueria Story Transcript:Ca: La parada de la Boqueria estava plena de colors i olors.En: The Boqueria market was full of colors and scents.Ca: Era un dia assolellat.En: It was a sunny day.Ca: Jordi i Marta passejaven pel mercat.En: Jordi and Marta were strolling through the market.Ca: Avui, havien d’escollir fruites i verdures per a una reunió familiar.En: Today, they had to choose fruits and vegetables for a family gathering.Ca: La seva família venia de fora.En: Their family was coming from out of town.Ca: Volien impressionar-los amb un festí.En: They wanted to impress them with a feast.Ca: Jordi es va aturar davant d’una parada de tomàquets.En: Jordi stopped in front of a stall of tomatoes.Ca: "Mira aquests, Marta!En: "Look at these, Marta!"Ca: " va dir amb entusiasme.En: he said enthusiastically.Ca: Els tomàquets eren vermells, brillants i molt grans.En: The tomatoes were red, bright, and very large.Ca: Marta va somriure i va agafar un parell.En: Marta smiled and picked up a couple.Ca: "Sí, són perfectes per a l'amanida," va respondre.En: "Yes, they’re perfect for the salad," she replied.Ca: A continuació, es van dirigir a una altra parada plena de fruites.En: Next, they headed to another stall full of fruits.Ca: Jordi va veure una pinya groga i sucosa.En: Jordi saw a yellow and juicy pineapple.Ca: "Podríem fer un postres amb aquest," va suggerir.En: "We could make a dessert with this," he suggested.Ca: Marta va assentir.En: Marta nodded.Ca: "I amb aquestes maduixes!En: "And with these strawberries!"Ca: " va afegir ella, després d'agafar una safata de maduixes.En: she added, after grabbing a tray of strawberries.Ca: La Boqueria estava plena de gent.En: The Boqueria was full of people.Ca: La gent cridava, reia i comprava.En: People were shouting, laughing, and buying.Ca: Hi havia música en directe.En: There was live music.Ca: Un home tocava la guitarra.En: A man was playing the guitar.Ca: L’ambient era alegre i festiu.En: The atmosphere was cheerful and festive.Ca: Jordi i Marta es van sentir part d’aquella energia vibrant.En: Jordi and Marta felt part of that vibrant energy.Ca: Es van aturar davant d’una parada de verdures.En: They stopped in front of a vegetable stall.Ca: "Carabassons!En: "Zucchinis!"Ca: " va exclamar Marta.En: exclaimed Marta.Ca: "Podem fer una crema de verdures.En: "We can make a vegetable cream.Ca: A tothom li encanta.En: Everyone loves it."Ca: " Jordi va agafar quatre carabassons.En: Jordi picked up four zucchinis.Ca: "Segur que serà un èxit," va dir amb confiança.En: "It will surely be a hit," he said confidently.Ca: Amb el mercat ja una mica buit, Jordi i Marta van veure una carbassa gegant.En: With the market now a bit emptier, Jordi and Marta saw a giant pumpkin.Ca: "Què et sembla fer una sopa de carbassa?En: "What do you think about making pumpkin soup?"Ca: " va suggerir Jordi.En: Jordi suggested.Ca: Marta va assentir emocionada.En: Marta nodded excitedly.Ca: "La sopa de carbassa és sempre un èxit a les reunions!En: "Pumpkin soup is always a hit at gatherings!"Ca: " Els dos amics van continuar les seves compres.En: The two friends continued their shopping.Ca: "Mira aquestes pastanagues, Jordi!En: "Look at these carrots, Jordi!"Ca: " va dir Marta amb entusiasme.En: said Marta enthusiastically.Ca: Jordi va riure.En: Jordi laughed.Ca: Ja tenien tot el que necessitaven.En: They already had everything they needed.Ca: Les bosses estaven plenes de fruites i verdures fresques.En: The bags were full of fresh fruits and vegetables.Ca: De tornada a casa, Jordi i Marta van començar a preparar el menjar.En: Back at home, Jordi and Marta began to prepare the food.Ca: La cuina feia olor deliciosa.En: The kitchen smelled delicious.Ca: Els tomàquets es van convertir en una amanida refrescant.En: The tomatoes turned into a refreshing salad.Ca: La pinya i les maduixes es van transformar en un postres irresistible.En: The pineapple and strawberries became an irresistible dessert.Ca: Les pastanagues i carabassons van fer una crema suau i gustosa.En: The carrots and zucchinis made a smooth and tasty cream.Ca: La sopa de carbassa era el toc final.En: The pumpkin soup was the final touch.Ca: Quan la família va arribar, es van sorprendre gratament.En: When the family arrived, they were pleasantly surprised.Ca: "Quin banquet!En: "What a feast!"Ca: " van exclamar tots.En: they all exclaimed.Ca: Jordi i Marta van somriure.En: Jordi and Marta smiled.Ca: Sabien que l'esforç havia valgut la pena.En: They knew the effort had been worth it.Ca: La reunió va ser un èxit.En: The gathering was a success.Ca: El menjar era deliciós.En: The food was delicious.Ca: La família estava feliç.En: The family was happy.Ca: Aquella nit, Jordi i Marta van seure al sofà.En:...
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    18 mins

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